King Alexander

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great, king of Macedon in ancient Greece. Alexander was very handsome. He was different from all the other kings because of his strong looks and strength. Vikram was like a lion, he always wore lion skin on his head. In just 30 years, Alexander became the ruler of a vast empire from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River. Thrilling stories are constantly being made about him. Today’s discussion about King Alexander.

★1.Initial words

More than 300 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. The world saw a huge king. He is Alexander the Great, king of Macedon in ancient Greece. He was born in 356 BC. At the age of 20, Alexander III succeeded his father Philip II. Alexander, a student of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, was called the “King of Half the World” because he conquered almost half the world by conquering Macedon, a small kingdom in Greece. At the age of 13, he learned from the great Greek philosopher Aristotle. Alexander’s physical strength was due to his good education. He was able to show his talent. Alexander proved his father’s point by conducting military campaigns throughout Northeast Africa and West Asia for most of his reign, establishing one of the largest empires in history from Egypt to northwestern India in just 30 years. One can only imagine how great a hero Alexander was when he conquered most of the world in a short reign.

★2.In 30 years, he ruled over half the world

Alexander was very handsome. He was different from all the other kings because of his strong looks and strength. He had Vikram like a lion. He always wore lion skin on his head. In just 30 years, Alexander became the ruler of a vast empire from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River. Thrilling stories are constantly being made about him. Or he is a descendant of the god Zeus. Alexander himself began to think so. At that time, the temple of the Greek goddess Artemis was one of the seventh wonders of the world. It burned on the day of Alexander’s birth. It is said that Artemis himself came to witness the birth of Alexander. The life of Emperor Alexander is full of such legends. Alexander’s world expedition then continued. In the meanwhile he crossed the Dardanelles Strait in the hope of conquering the Persian Empire. This system connects the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Aegean Sea (an extension of the Mediterranean Sea to the east of Greece). Alexander killed Darius III, the Persian leader, in 330 BC in three major battles. Alexander defeated the Persians in 331 BC. He then proceeded further east. To the north-west of India. Whoever or whoever refuses to accept Alexander’s authority, Alexander defeats him.

★3.Mysterious Mahabir’s last journey

According to the famous historian Plutarch, Alexander’s body was laid in a simple coffin for six days after his death. Because, after the death of the king, everyone was busy with mourning and the politics of forming the next government. Suddenly everyone noticed that they did not do the real work. Everyone rushed to the tent where the ordinary coffin was kept. Usually the corpse is supposed to rot in so many days. But when they went there, everyone was shocked. The coffin was opened and it was found that the body was not damaged but remained intact.

Alexander’s followers set out on their last farewell. A beautiful humanoid coffin was made for Mahabir’s body with great care for almost two years. These two years or so his body was preserved. A huge golden hearse was made. His body was placed in a gold coffin and the second one was filled in a gold basket. Then the coffin with all the weapons was taken to the car. He is this gorgeous thing. An ancient historian named Diodorus gives a detailed account of this great sacrifice. A hearse led by General Perdicus set out for Macedonia. But it was stolen before going to Greece. The coffin carrying Alexander’s body. It is thought that when the funeral procession reached Syria, Ptolemy Lagos, a former commander in Alexander’s army, attacked Syrian forces and took the coffin to Macedonia. There is also evidence of a minor war.


The tomb was unknowingly hijacked and driven first to Syria, then to Memphis, Egypt. In fact, there is a prophecy behind this fancy theft. Alexander’s astrologer Aristander said,”The country where he is buried will be the richest in the world.” And keeping this prophecy in mind, the theft happened. He thought that if the body of the emperor was buried in Egypt, no one would be able to stop its progress. Then he will be the king here. Ptolemy’s wish, however, paid off. Ptolemy’s dynasty ruled Egypt for a long time. Cleopatra became the famous queen of that dynasty long after. However, these thoughts hindered Alexander’s last journey. The most surprising thing is that the Greek emperor was buried according to the Egyptian custom. Until then, there was no talk. But even after that, Alexander’s body was dragged away. Late four or early three centuries BC. Then Ptolemy I, son of Ptolemy II, became Pharaoh of Egypt. At his direction Alexander was brought from Memphis to Alexandria. This time Alexander was buried in the city named after him. A few days later, the present king thought that the late king should be shown a little more respect. He was then rested forever in the middle of the city in a masonry called Soma or Sema. Evidence from the writings of Strabo, Plutarch, and many other mythological writers suggests that Alexander was buried in Alexandria. A tomb was built around Alexander’s tomb, called Soma or Sema. In Greek it means tomb. But later for some reason the tomb was not found. Researchers believe that this is not the case. The real mystery behind this incident is not the remains of Alexander, but the golden coffin made to hold it. Where did Alexander’s golden coffin get lost behind the tombstone? It is said that one of the heirs of Ptolemy, the ninth Ptolemy or Alexander changed the gold fin to crystal. Then the greedy king melted the old gold coffin and took the coin.

Alexander’s fame was world-renowned. That is why Roman emperors like Augustus, Caligula, and Julius Caesar came to Alexandria to see his tomb 45 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Emperor Caligula even stopped his chest of sarcophagus and tore his armor and left it as a memento. And King Augustus spread flowers on the tomb and put a crown on the mummy’s head.

But he leaned on the sarcophagus and went to kiss the king and broke his nose! However, many did not like this kind of respect. There was still a lot of talk about Alexander’s tomb. It was not until the third century that the public was allowed to see the monument. If the corpse of this great hero had remained there forever, then there would have been no more talk. But again an accident happened.

During the period (379-395) extensive damage was done in Alexandria. The importance of this city gradually diminished in the fifteenth century. Five decades later, Alexander’s tomb suddenly disappeared. But where the remains of this famous Greek emperor are kept – the answer has not been found yet. Many claim that the remains of the Greek emperor Alexander were moved far away to St. Mark’s Cemetery in Benis. But why? History has not found its answer. Despite numerous searches, Egyptian archaeologists have not been able to determine the king’s last memory. But sometimes everyone is startled by the sudden discovery of one and a half. A royal marble tomb was recently discovered in the Casta cemetery in the ancient city of Amphipolis, where Macedon once lived. Everyone started talking – found, found! They are now looking into whether Alexander has anything to do with it. The tomb is thought to have been built sometime between 325 and 300 BC. However, many now think that the tomb belongs to Alexander’s mother Olympias. That is what the marble statue of the woman found inside the tomb says. This idol could be found in the graves of the aristocratic women of that time. There are more like the same tomb. It is said that the Roman emperor Caligula was a great admirer of Alexander’s heroism. He is saddened by the story of the king’s tomb in Egypt. So in the second century AD he was honorably brought to his homeland Greece and buried. Here also the question remains. Many say the tomb was built for Alexander. But it was abandoned when Ptolemy was cut off by Emperor’s hearse. Later members of the royal family were buried here. As a result, it was not possible to end this story even today. Scientists are still searching for the tomb of King Alexander.

However, in 1887 a work of art was discovered from Lebanon. It is a coffin, now housed in the Istanbul Museum. Its nameplate reads ‘Alexander Sarcophagus’. That is, Alexander’s coffin. Although architects claim that Alexander’s coffin matched that, historians disagree. According to them, it probably belonged to Abdalonimas, king of Sidon. Probably because the coffin has a picture of Alexander and his army engraved on it, it has found a place in the museum. Everyone knows him as Alexander’s tomb.

So where is the real tomb of Alexander? Historians speculate that the last tomb of a Greek hero was probably demolished by miscreants in 270 AD. However, even after this many people have demanded to see the tomb of Alexander. Among them are historian and traveler Ibn Abdel Hakam, Al Masudi, Leo the African and many more. But they only said to watch. He has no clear idea where he saw it. And so the tomb of Alexander the Great is still a mystery. Historical places have changed over time. There have been many changes in the maps of different countries. So many historical places no longer exist. Huge buildings have been built in many places. As a result, it is becoming more and more difficult to unravel this mystery day by day. Even then, like scientists, we are hopeful. One day or another, maybe its mystery will be revealed. And until then, the end of this royal story will be a source of mystery.

★4.The astrologer predicted that Babylon would be Alexander’s final destination

May 323 BC  The hero who shook the whole world was then 33 years old. After ascending the throne, Chena spent more than a decade to conquer much of the world. Alexander’s dream was to expand his vast empire even further. But his dream never came true. Alexander returned to Baghdad after years of military operations in the face of military obstruction. On this occasion he went to rest. At the same time he started drawing the chart of his next expedition. On June 29, he attended a banquet at the invitation of a close friend. During the day, Alexander drank heavily. Feeling uncomfortable at one time. He doesn’t like it ‘, said Alexander and went to sleep. At one point there was a high fever with shivering. His health deteriorated rapidly. He became so weak that he could not get out of bed. The world champion died 10 days later. However, there are controversies surrounding Alexander’s death. When it came to conquering India, a local astrologer predicted that Babylon would be Alexander’s final destination. Though he had no plans to go to Babylon from India, fate would have taken him there. The cause of Alexander’s death is generally unknown, but the exact cause of his death is still unknown.

★5.His huge empire collapsed in an instant

Historians have been debating this for years. According to some, he died of poisoning, not alcohol or fever. Some say that Alexander died of malaria. One group claims typhoid. Again, many have named other diseases. However, everyone agrees that Alexander died in 323 BC. Most sources also confirm that he suffered from high fever before his death. The fever lasts for 10 days in a row. After Alexander’s death, his empire was divided and divided by his generals. The huge empire he built was shattered in an instant. Three hundred and fifty years after the death of the Greek historian Arian Alexander, there is a description of the death of Mahavira. Although Arian was not a contemporary of Alexander, his description has a distinct acceptance. Because he wrote following Alexander’s Royal Diary. This Royal Diary contains a detailed account of the contemporary chronology of all Alexander’s expeditions. According to Aryan’s writings, this is the chronicle of Alexander’s death.

★6.Three wishes on the deathbed

On his deathbed, Alexander summoned his generals and said, ‘You will fulfill three wishes after my death. There should be no negligence in this.

First wish, only the doctors would carry my coffin.

The second wish is to scatter the gold, silver and other precious stones stored in the treasury along the path by which my coffin will be taken to the cemetery.

Last wish, I have to keep both hands out of the coffin while carrying the coffin.

The people present at his death were astonished to hear of this strange wish of Alexander the Great. But no one dared to ask him anything about it. Then one of Alexander’s generals raised his hand and kissed him, saying, ‘Your Majesty, all your wishes will be fulfilled;  But why did you make this strange wish? ‘

Taking a deep breath, Alexander said, “I want to leave three lessons to the world. I told my doctors to carry coffins so that people would realize that doctors can’t really cure a person. They are powerless and save someone from the clutches of death.” I told them to scatter the gold on the way to the graveyard, to tell the people that nothing of the gold would go with me. It’s just a waste of time, to spread my hands outside the coffin, to let people know that I came to this world empty-handed, and I’m leaving empty-handed again.

★7.The days before death

After coming to rest, Alexander finished the divine offerings. He did this on the advice of the priests, mainly for the sake of good fortune. At night he drank heavily with some of his friends. Some said he wanted to leave the party and go to bed. But then he meets Medias. Medius was the most loyal of Alexander’s companions. Medias asks him not to leave the hall. Because without Alexander, the party will not be held.

Day 1: According to the Royal Diaries, he drank a lot of alcohol. At this time he celebrated Madotsab by making noise with Medias. Once the meeting broke up.  He got up, took a bath, went to bed and fell asleep. Then he came back to have dinner with Medias. Drink plenty of wine until late at night. After drinking, take a bath again, eat some food and go to bed. In the meantime, he had a fever.

Day 2: Alexander was taken by coach every day for customs sacrifices. After performing this, he would stay in the men’s apartment till evening. At this time he instructed his officers about the forthcoming expeditions and voyages. The instructions included preparing the ground forces, embarking on a voyage with him the next day, and so on. Alexander was then taken by coach to the river bank. There he boarded a boat. Go to the garden by boat. Take a bath there and rest again.

Day 3: The next day you take a bath again and complete the prescribed offering. Then he entered his room. Lying down, he talked to Medias. Eat a little food, instructing the officers to meet him the next morning. He was carried to his room. He stays up all night with a fever.

Day 4: Take a bath in the morning and perform sacrifices. Nyarkas and other officers were instructed to prepare for the expedition two days later.

Day 5: The next day he took a bath again and completed the Sacrifice. Even after this, fever continues in his body. Even then he called the officers and told them to prepare everything to go on the expedition. After taking a bath in the afternoon, he became more and more ill.

Day 6: The next day he was taken to the house in Diving Place. There he completed Sacrifice. Despite his ill health, he called his superiors and gave them new instructions about the operation.

Seventh day: The next day, despite being weak, somehow completed the sacrifice. He told the generals to stay in the hall. The brigadiers and colonels will be at the front door. This time he became very ill. He was taken back from the garden to the Royal Apartment. When the officers entered, he recognized them. But he did not say a word to them.

On the eighth, ninth and tenth days he had a high fever. Eventually he died.

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