Lightning is a major natural disaster

Human civilization has never seen such a big thunderbolt

Human civilization has never seen such a big thunderbolt before. Its length is 768 kilometres or 477.2 miles. It happened on April 29, 2020. Seen together in the vast skies of Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.


The previous record for the longest flash was held by Brazil; In 2018, the country recorded 440.06 miles long (709 kilometres) of lightning, the BBC reported. Lightning strikes are usually no longer than 10 miles long, lasting less than a second. However, in 2020, Uruguay and Argentina recorded a flash, which lasted 17.1 seconds. The previous record was 16.7 seconds. These are unusual records for lightning strikes says, Professor Randall Survey, a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) weather and climate change reporter.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, the two records of longest lightning strikes and high durability have been recorded in areas prone to severe storms that produce ‘massive thunderstorms’.

Hundreds of people are killed by lightning every year

The head of the World Meteorological Organization, Petrie Talas, says lightning is a major natural disaster that kills many people every year. Cracking and falling of lightning is a scientific process. He added that the only place protected from electricity is large buildings where care has been taken for protection through wiring and plumbing. The UN agency maintains official world records for various weather and climate data, including temperature, rainfall and wind.

18 Ways to Survive Lightning 

These are:

★1. April-June thunderstorms are more. The duration of lightning is usually 30-45 minutes. Stay at home during this time.

★2. Do not go out of the house if the clouds appear in the dark. In case of urgent need, you can wear rubber shoes and go out.

★3. Do not stay in the playground, playground or high place during lightning.

★4. If you are in a paddy field or play field during a thunderstorm, sit down with your head on your toes and your fingers on your ears.

★5. Take shelter under a building or concrete tent as soon as possible. Avoid tin sheds as much as possible.

★6. Stay away from tall plants and electric poles and wires or metal poles, mobile towers etc.

★7. Stay away from rivers, ponds, ponds or reservoirs if black clouds appear.

★8. If you are inside the car during lightning, do not make contact with the metal part of the car. If possible, take the car and take shelter under a concrete tent in the corner.

★9. If you are at home during a thunderstorm, do not stay near the window or on the veranda. Keep windows closed and away from electrical appliances indoors.

★10. During lightning, refrain from using all electrical appliances including mobiles, laptops, computers, land phones, TVs, refrigerators and keep them off.

★11. Do not use umbrellas with metal handles during lightning strikes. Umbrellas with plastic or wooden handles can be used in case of emergency.

★12. During lightning, refrain from playing in the children’s playground and refrain yourself.

★13. Do not go fishing in a boat without a canopy during a thunderstorm, but if you are in the sea or river at this time, stop fishing and stay under the canopy of the boat.

★14. Do not touch metal faucets, metal railings of stairs, pipes etc. during lightning and storm.

★15. Make sure to install lightning rods in each building.

★16. When lightning strikes while many people are together in a playground, everyone moves 50 to 100 feet away.

★17. If a house does not have adequate security, then everyone should go to a separate room instead of one room.

★18. If someone is injured by lightning, they should be treated like those injured by electric shock. If necessary, a doctor should be called immediately or taken to the hospital. Efforts should be made to restore the respiratory and heart rate of the injured person.

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