
The broadband network of the future

The current world is relying on internet technology. Technology developer Elon Musk is going to bring innovation instead of radical this technology.


He has taken the initiative to surround the whole world with satellites. He is building a network of 42,000 satellites. The purpose is to provide internet service to all regions of the world through satellite.

What is Starlink?

Like other projects, Starlink is a low-orbit satellite broadband project. Sterlink’s goal is to ensure the provision of low-cost high-speed broadband Internet services worldwide.

The purpose of Sterlink

The purpose of this Starlink is to send 42,000 satellites into space, with which the whole earth can be surrounded. Internet ranges can be created in every corner of the globe. Elon Musk has successfully tested the rocket. He also got permission to send satellites. He launched 60 satellites in each group via SpaceX. It has already sent 1,500 satellites into space, orbiting our Earth.

How will Starlink work?

Starlink will use low-orbit satellites to implement the network. Geo-stationary satellites are located far away from the earth. For this reason, in order to exchange any information through this satellite, one has to travel a long way. As a result, the speed is less and the latency is much higher. Low-orbit satellites, on the other hand, are from the Earth’s surface. Only 500-1000 kilometers above, where the geo-stationary satellite is above 34 thousand kilometers! Due to its close proximity to the Earth’s surface, it is possible to exchange data quickly with satellites. And the latency is much lower because of the proximity.

What will be the benefit of this project?

Starlink will provide the same internet to the whole world. Its speed will be 100 MBPS and latency is only 31 MS. Usually the internet that comes to us from the satellite, the height of the satellite is 35 thousand kilometers. But the height of the rocket of SpaceX is only 5 thousand km! That’s why we’re going to get high speed internet! Another group of Starlink rockets will go into space. It is supposed to be visible in the north-western sky at 8:05 pm.

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