Robotic man I-DA and Technology

Robotic man I-DA

Robotic man I-DA. This robot can draw pictures, create sculptures, and even write poems. In this way, people are moving forward by using the artificial intelligence created by I-DA. Maybe one day you will reach the highest peak of knowledge


The time for artificial intelligence is on. Hollywood movies like the earlier science fiction movie ‘The Terminator’, ‘I, Robot’ or ‘Blade Runner’ are no longer fantasies; Reality is going to take shape. If an AI based robot starts writing poems or creating basic works of art without hiring a movie hero with a weapon, what will that robot look like? An example of this scenario is ‘I-DA’. The robot can write poems and draw pictures. I-DA also has the ability to create sculptures with the help of flesh and blood people. ‘I-DA’ was created by Aidan Mailer, a resident of Oxford, England.

I-DA is said to be the world’s first ‘ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist’. ‘I-DA’ recited poems at a function organized on the occasion of the 600th death anniversary of the legendary Italian poet Dante. And the poem is written by I-DA’s AI algorithm. Such is a poem written by I-DA-

We looked up from our verses like blindfolded captives,

Sent out to seek the light but it never came

A needle and thread would be necessary 

For the completion of the picture.

To view the poor creatures, who were in misery,

That of a hawk, eyes sewn shut.

According to CNN, I-DA wrote the poem in response to Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’. I-DA read the whole of ‘Divine Comedy’. Then analyze Dante’s writing and algorithm from there. Then he wrote poems using his own data bank vocabulary. Melar, the creator of I-DA, described the poem as “deeply emotional”.

I-DA can also draw his own portrait by looking at the reflection in the mirror. “We are now realizing how much impact technology has had on all aspects of our lives,” said Mailer. We are trying to understand how far this technology can go and what it can teach us about ourselves. The construction of I-DA is a startling realization of the fair.



Vivo’s two smartphones are power banks

Office, class, communication, gaming, your smartphone’s battery and charging technology should be of excellent quality. Vivo, a multinational smartphone maker, has recently introduced this charging technology solution. PowerBook charging technology has been added to two Vivo Y series smartphones. Among the Vivo Y21 and Y15S models, the Y15S has launched in the country. OTG reverse charging cable is attached to these. As a result, other smartphones, smartwatches, Bluetooth devices will also be charged.


Live chat feature on locked accounts

Facebook has announced the launch of a live chat feature to make communication easier. This will allow you to contact customer support even if the account is locked. It is learned that Facebook has launched live chat in English experimentally in the app. Those whose accounts are already locked will get this service. People whose accounts have been suspended for any unusual activity or for violating Facebook’s community standards will be able to chat live here. In the future it will be arranged for other language speakers as well.


Taste of food can be taken from the TV screen!

In addition to watching television, you can also taste food with your tongue on its screen. A Japanese professor discovered a prototype of such a TV. The device of this TV has been named ‘Test the TV’. It is known that the device is given 10 different flavors to 10 holders. These 10 different flavors will be given the desired taste in different combinations. Which is given on the TV screen through a pure film. From there, visitors can enjoy this taste even by downloading. It will cost 75 to make this TV.

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