North Pole

Six months day six months Night

The northernmost point of the earth is the North Pole. Arctic ice region. At this point in the Northern Hemisphere, its axis of rotation coincides with the surface. Ice currents never stabilize the North Pole. Although the point of the North Pole is pointed at the ice, there is no soil beneath it. There is the sea. In addition, at least two north poles are calculated due to the angular position. One is called the North Pole and the other is called the Deep North Pole. In addition, many people confuse the North Pole with the North Magnetic Pole. The North Pole, in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, is freezing cold all year round. Earth’s 90 degree latitude is the North Pole, so the environment is completely different here. There is no such thing as day and night calculations in other countries of the world. There is no major season here except summer and winter. Summer at the North Pole lasts 187 days. At this time the sun is in the sky for 24 hours. At this time the day is continuous. Winter span is 178 days. At this time there is continuous night here.

There is no timezone

Although it sounds incredible, it is true that no clock is captured at the North Pole. This happens because there is no specific time zone. To understand time, you have to take a time zone of your choice. Anyone who reaches this point determines the time of the North Pole by the time of their country or place of origin. Why is that?  Simply put, the North Pole is the epicenter of the latitudes used to determine the time of different countries of the world. Earth’s rotation, angular position with the ground is exactly 90 degrees here. Due to this angular position, day and night are continuous for about 6 months in the North Pole. Sunrise and sunset are here once a year. Clockwork for setting time is useless here. Normally the sun would set in the evening, but it would not set at the North Pole. But the sun never reaches the top of the head. The opposite happens when winter comes at the end of almost six consecutive months of summer. The sun has not been seen for about six months. At this time the North Pole is covered in darkness. Sometimes a light glow is seen at night but the night does not last for about 6 months. At this time the temperature is minus 32 degrees Celsius, the North Pole is drowning in extreme cold. Yesterday the temperature at the North Pole was minus 15 degrees Celsius.

The maximum temperature is zero degrees Celsius

The small islands of the Arctic ice float in the summer. And in winter it freezes and stands. Although the North Pole of the two seasons is said to have hot and cold weather for about six months, the temperature here remains at zero degrees Celsius even on the hottest days. The sun can be seen for six months this snowy summer day. When winter comes, the darkness of night falls for six months.

Although the exact calculation is different. Winter lasts for nine months and summer for three months. Whether it’s summer or winter, the North Pole is always wrapped in incredible cold. In winter the temperature drops from minus 15 to minus 32 degrees Celsius. Researchers have long sought to capture the image of the environment at that time. But adverse weather has hampered all efforts. Winter blizzards make the North Pole environment even more terrifying. In addition to summer and winter, researchers have found two more seasons at the North Pole. Autumn and spring. However, the duration of these two seasons is only a few weeks. In winter the sky is clear. The sea is frozen, so there is no steam, no clouds, no rain.  Snowstorms hit the North Pole before summer arrives. The winter is much colder in the surrounding area (Siberia) than in the North Pole.


The shining sun has risen. Who says it’s midnight now? In Norway, many people have flocked to see ‘Midnight Sana’a. Certain months of the year are six months in a row at the North Pole, six months a night – that’s another wonder!

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