Computer keyboard | Keyboard Shortcuts | keyboard

A computer should not only rely on the mouse, but also know about key board shortcuts.

Basic keyboard shortcuts


Everyone gets annoyed while working on a program by typing the wrong word in place of the correct word or deleting important information and re-typing it. Click Ctrl+Z, the previous text will be returned.


Working with multiple files, browser tabs!  As a result, the pressure is increasing on the computer or laptop. So whenever a file, menu or browser is done, click Ctrl+W, it will close.


Clicking and dragging the mouse pointer to select all text in a file or document is time-consuming. The Ctrl+A shortcut can do long selections in a second.


Sometimes there is a need to move or work from one tab to another. If you have two tabs open, you can easily switch to the previous tab using Alt+Tab. And if several tabs are open, after clicking on Alt+Tab button, holding down the Alt button, you can go to the specific tab from the preview of the tabs.


Sometimes there is a lot of confusion about saving a document due to differences in Windows versions.


Moreover, Ctrl+S shortcut is one of the solutions to avoid the difficulty of losing necessary documents in case of sudden interruption of work due to loadshedding or any other reason.

Ctrl + Home Ges Ctrl + End

The Ctrl+Home shortcut will save time when going to the first page when working on a large document. And use Ctrl+End shortcut to go to the last page of the document.

Ctrl+Backspace Shortcut Ctrl+Backspace can delete the entire word instead of deleting each letter if any information in the text written in the document seems unnecessary.

Ctrl + Left / Right Arrow

To select or delete text in the document, Ctrl + Left Arrow can be used to move the cursor to the left. Ges Ctrl + Right Arrow can be used to move the cursor to the right. And press Ctrl+Shift and use Left / Right Arrow to select words.

Navigation keyboard shortcuts


If you need to go to the Windows screen for some reason, the Win+D shortcut will ease the hassle of closing and reopening all tabs, files separately.

Win+Left/Right Arrow Moving a tab to the right requires Win+Right Arrow to work on another tab. And to move to the left, Win+Left Arrow can be used.


Alt+Tab works the same way as Alt+Tab to move to another tab. However, in updated Windows it also works as Windows Application Switcher. The task of all the tabs on the screen can be seen through this shortcut.

Tab Ges Shift+Tab

Tab can be used to click the next option in the dialog box and Shift + Tab can be used to click the previous option.


If a keyboard does not have a Windows button, Ctrl+Esc can be used to access the Start menu. Then work can be done by navigating Tab and Shift+Tab.

Advanced keyboard shortcuts


If someone snoops while working on the computer, rely on Win+L to instantly hide. It will lock the screen easily. To return to work, password or fingerprint must be given.


Settings can be easily accessed through the Win+L shortcut without going to the trouble of the start menu or the app.


Win+S shortcut can be used to search for something in the search bar.


Click the Win+Print Screen shortcut to take a screenshot of a tab, it will also be copied to the clipboard and saved as a PNG file in the screenshot folder.

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