Most Advanced Robots Doing Complicated Actions | Humanoid Robots – Robot

Robots are working in the museum

A robot has been hired as a museum worker. And there is a buzz around the world about him. The incident took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Recently, the country’s Museum of the Future has given a job to a humanoid robot named Ameka in the museum. The robot can greet visitors when they arrive. He can also show the way where and how to go. Can also speak multiple languages. Although it looks like a human, this robot named Ameka cannot walk. The robot manufacturer says they are working on technological developments that would enable Ameka to move. The robot will assist visitors like any other staff since being assigned to the museum. A video was posted on the museum’s Facebook and Twitter pages five days ago. In that video, robot Ameka can be seen talking to a worker named Aya of that museum. Posting the video, the museum authorities wrote, Ameka is the most advanced human-like robot in the world. Robot Ameka can be heard talking to the museum worker in the Emirati language. From now on visitors can visit the museum to see Ameka.


About 50,000 people have seen the video posted on Instagram. More than 1,500 responses have been received. Those who were surprised by the news of a robot being hired as a museum curator, expressed their opinions in the comments section. One wrote, ‘This video is enough to understand how fast technological innovation is progressing. I wonder where people will reach in the next 50 to 100 years.’ Another commented, “It’s amazing and scary at the same time.” He also wrote, ‘I wonder how much artificial intelligence AI and robotics technology will advance by 2071.’ A third wrote, “Seeing Ameka as a museum worker is both creepy and cool.”

Conducting the funeral

There are also robots to conduct funerals.  Purohit robot is made by Japanese robot manufacturer Softbank. The robot maker showcases a robot named ‘Pipper’ that can perform Buddhist funeral rites. Softbank’s ‘Piper’ will not only conduct Buddhist funerals, but will also pay equal attention to Japanese customs. The software through which the robot chants the funeral chants is being developed by Japanese software company Nisei Echo. Meanwhile, ‘pepper’ is becoming popular in Japan.

Expert Cuckoo

A robot has shown cooking a dish called Paella like a seasoned Radhuni. Spanish cooking in robot hands tasted great. The robot can cook perfectly with its hands by placing the cooking ingredients on the side. Apart from hotels and restaurants, a Japanese company has also shown interest in the robot. The robot is made by the manufacturing company Mimcook. The inventors said that they have made such a robot so that people can focus on creative work. It’s like a coffee or juice machine.

When the robot is the heroine

Robot worked in a Japanese film. The android robot acts as the heroine of the film. The name of the robot is Geminioid F. And the name of the film is ‘Sayonara’. This is the first time there is a robot heroine opposite a human hero. The relationship between a robot and a woman named Tanya has progressed with the explosion of Japan’s atomic bomb.

Tanya fell ill after coming in contact with the robot. Before this, robots were made in special effects on actors and actresses. Leona works with the help of artificial intelligence by listening to the director. The film was created by Japanese director Koji Fukada, playwright Oriza Hirata and Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University’s Intelligent Robotics Laboratory. The film was screened at the 28th Tokyo International Film Festival.

There is also the beautiful model daughter Human Cybernetic. The human cybernetic HRP robot looks exactly like a human. The Japanese girl’s face is perfectly depicted on its face. Whom you might think is a 19 to 25 year old girl. It is an incredibly beautiful female robot with a beautiful face and shoulder-length hair. The specialty of this robot is that it is a model daughter.

CEO of the company

This is the first time in the world that a ‘robot’ is the CEO of the company. People will follow the instructions of the robot. Chinese mobile game maker NetDragon Websoft has made such an incredible thing a reality. The company recently hired an artificial intelligence (AI) virtual human (robot) as general manager. The name of the humanoid robot is ‘Tang Yu’. After the appointment, Ms. Tang Yu started her work at Fujian NetDragon Websoft. According to the statement of the company, this robot will help in taking various decisions in the daily activities of the company. In this way, Tang Yu will work to make the risk management system more effective. The robot will also serve as a real-time data center and analytics tool for the company’s board.

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