What is a Cyber Attack? – Cyber Attack

A cyber attack is the unauthorized access of an outside person or organization. As a result, personal information theft, financial loss of the organization, information distortion, sensitive issues are raised in the black market.

Due to the Internet, various security risks are also created and cyber criminals can take advantage of these to do any kind of mischief.

Cyber Attack

An attack that is based on the Internet is a cyber attack. Cyber ​​attacks lead to theft of personal information, financial loss to organizations, distortion of information, exposure of sensitive information to the black market. According to data from Interpol and the World Health Organization (WHO), cyber attacks have increased significantly during the novel coronavirus pandemic. 10 of which are very common. It is important to know how these attacks are carried out and how to protect against them.

Malware: Malware is one type of cyber attack. It mainly refers to software viruses like worms, spyware, ransomware, adware and trojans.

Trojans disguise themselves as genuine software. Ransomware blocks access to original files or components on the network. Spyware secretly captures and monitors personal information. Network errors, clicking on malicious links, downloading e-mail attachments or using a virus-infected pen drive lead to malware attacks.

Phishing: Another type of cyber attack is phishing. This is a social engineering attack, where the attacker poses as a trusted person and sends fake e-mails to the victim. After clicking on a link in an e-mail or opening an attachment, an attacker can easily obtain sensitive information such as account credentials.

Man in the Middle: Man in the middle attack method is also known as eavesdropping. In this the attacker is positioned between the two communicators. Basically, they steal information by intruding on the conversation between the client and the host. These attacks are more common when using public networks or Wi-Fi.

Password: This is a type of attack where attackers try to crack any type of password by using various programs including Aircrack, Cain, Abel, John the Ripper, Hashcat. Currently, password attacks such as brute force, dictionary, and kilger are managed.

Denial of Service (DOS): Denial of Service (DOS) is another threat for businesses. In this type of attack, the number of traffic on the systems, servers and networks of certain organizations is increased. This disrupts the service. Websites slow down or shut down due to high server traffic. It is also known as Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS).

Insider Threat: This type of attack is done by someone inside the organization. Especially those who have control over networks, servers and domains conduct these attacks. Basically, this happens due to greed, hatred and even inattention in small businesses.

Cryptojacking: Cryptojacking is primarily related to cryptocurrencies. This problem occurs when attackers use other people’s computers for cryptocurrency mining. Attacks are carried out by injecting viruses into websites or forcing someone to click on links. Apart from this, online advertising like JavaScript is also used.

Zero Day Exploit: This attack is more common after announcing that there may be a problem with the network. Given the problem, service providers and developers work on solutions over a period of time. It was at this time that the attackers attacked. They grab information before solving the problem.

Preventing Cyber ​​Attacks: Cyber ​​attacks cannot be completely prevented. Because along with the development of security systems, attackers are also developing their tools. But it is possible to stay safe if you follow some things.

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