What are the symptoms of prolonged fever? | Fever – typhoid mary

Normal human body temperature is 98.4 degrees. When body temperature rises above normal it is called fever.  A low-grade fever is when the body temperature is between 99 and 101 degrees on the thermometer.

The body can have low and low fever for a long time due to various reasons such as – Tuberculosis (TB), Lymphoma Black fever, Malaria HIV infection (HIV) Abscesses in different parts of the body such as lung abscess, liver abscess Connective tissue diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Thyroid disease such as (Hyperthyroidism) Factitious fever, drug-induced fever, and other causes such as lung cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer.


In order to know the underlying cause of fever for a long time, a detailed history should be taken from the patient.

When does the fever come?

How come? (don’t shake yourself)

How does fever go away?  (Sweats, doesn’t go away, or takes paracetamol to reduce fever).

What part of the day is more fever?

Are there any other symptoms with the fever? – For example, low-grade fever for a long time, comes on in the afternoon, stays at night, subsides in the morning, fever gets better with sweat.

accompanied by cough for more than three weeks, sometimes coughing up blood.

Body weight decreases

Aversion to food

If there is a history of living with a TB patient, TB is suspected.

Body sweats at night with prolonged fever.

loss of appetite

Body itching


Lymphoma is suspected if there is a history of swollen glands in different parts of the body.

Right upper abdominal pain with slight fever.

Occasional loose stools.

If jaundice and liver enlargement are found on examination, liver abscess is suspected.

Always fever with chills.

Always reduce fever with sweat.

If you always have a foul-smelling yellow cough, a lung abscess is suspected.

Body aches with prolonged fever and pain increases in the morning upon waking up and decreases in intensity within hours.

Sore mouth for a long time.

Connective tissue diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE are suspected if there are red spots on the body.

Again, weight loss despite normal appetite.

Always restless.

Constant palpitations.

It fluctuates with swallowing.

If these occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Professor AKM Mostafa Hossain, Chest Specialist, Medinova, Malibagh, Dhaka.

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