The best discovery of all time | Computer Science

In the development of human civilization, people have made wonderful discoveries throughout the ages. These discoveries have changed our way of life. Not only has it made life easier, but some discoveries have opened up endless possibilities for the future. The discoveries in various forms were unique. Today’s discussion is about the wonderful story of some such discoveries in the world.

★1. The best discovery is electricity

★2. Computing machine or the world’s first computer

★3. The blessing wheel of civilization

★4. Wireless communication

★5. Paper from papyrus

★6. Life-saving antibiotics

The best discovery is electricity

Today’s modern civilization cannot be imagined without electricity. Modern science and technology depend entirely on electricity. So not only for the last thousand years, electricity is undoubtedly the best invention of all time in history. All of the subsequent inventions of electricity were among the best inventions in history. Thomas Alva Edison made the greatest contribution to the discovery of electricity. The invention of electricity is through the invention of his electric lamp. In 1882, Edison established the first power station. However, research on electricity began in the 16th century. In the mid-18th century, the American scientist Benjamin Franklin first began practical research on electricity. But uninterrupted electricity was not available at that time. Electricity could only be used for a temporary period. The telegraph, invented in 1840, was also powered by batteries. Meanwhile, the dynamo was discovered in 1831 on the basis of a discovery by Faraday. After the discovery of electricity, civilization has all the tools to move forward. Electricity is in the number one position behind all the technological developments in the world. That is why electricity is called the best invention of the modern world.

Computing machine or the world’s first computer

What is known from history is that about 4,000 years ago, the Chinese made a calculating instrument. Whose name was Abacus. This is the world’s first calculator. And this is the ancestor of the current computer. The first digital electronic computer was invented by Claude Shannon in 1940. This opens the door to possibilities for programmable devices. In 1941, Cornard Zeus invented the world’s first operational computer. And personal computers started to come on the market slowly around 1977.

Computer Science

However, the current computer was originally designed by the British mathematician Charles Babbage.In 1822 he undertook a plan to create a device to simplify mathematical calculations, including logarithms. Much later, in 1833, he felt the need for a memory of all previous calculators. For this he thought of making an instrument, which he called an analytical machine. He could not finish it. Today’s computer is based on the design of his machine. This is why he is called the original father of computers. The greatest success of computers came with the invention of the microprocessor. The ease of use increases and the working capacity increases.

The blessing wheel of civilization

The invention of the wheel gave impetus to human civilization. The wheel was invented 3500 BC. The invention of the wheel is a landmark event in human history. According to history, the wheel was discovered in ancient Mesopotamia around 5000 BC. Several graves have been found in the north of the Caucasus that have been buried in carts since 3700 BC. A clay pot made around 3500 BC has been found in southern Poland, with a picture of a four-wheeled car. This is the oldest example of a wheeled car ever found. By the fourth millennium BC, the use of wheels had spread to Europe and West Asia. The use of wheels in the Indus Valley Civilization of the Indian subcontinent began around the third millennium BC. The use of wheels in China dates back to 1200 BC, when wheeled vehicles were introduced. The use of wheels is not seen in different civilizations of Central and South America. However, wheeled cars have been found as children’s toys between the Almec and some American civilizations. In ancient Nubia, wheels were used to make earthen pots and pans and to draw water. Water wheels are used to draw water and to extract energy from water, gear wheels, spinning wheels, etc. are made. Propellers, jet engines and turbines are all variants of wheels.

Wireless communication

Now the most popular means of communication is internet, mobile phone. But it started with the concept of wireless communication. Today, science is largely dependent on wireless communication. Internet, mobile, GPS, WiFi, B-tooth, WiMAX are all forms of wireless communication without which modern technology cannot be imagined. And it all started with the radio wave. Radio waves are another form of light rays, electromagnetic rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays and X-ray rays. In 1888, the German physicist Henrik Hertz discovered the first radio wave and proved that it travels at the speed of light. Marconi Hertz, an Italian engineer, later transformed his research into a wireless communication system. In 1894, after gaining a thorough understanding of Hertz’s research, Marconi realized the effectiveness and potential of this technology. In late 1895, Marconi invented a transmitter and a receiver capable of transmitting radio signals up to 2.5 kilometers or 1.5 miles away. Then in 1901 he developed an improved version that could send signals across the Atlantic Ocean. The television receiver was invented in 1928 based on the theory of radio signals. So this discovery was unique for quick communication.

Paper from papyrus

The English word for paper comes from the word papyrus. Their production methods are completely different and different from the current paper development and papyrus development. Mainly wood, bamboo, rags, grass, old paper etc. are the main ingredients for making paper. It is believed that modern paper was introduced in China in the second century. Although evidence of paper use has been found before. The invention of paper is considered one of the four great inventions of ancient China. Paper made by Montu in ancient China was discovered in the early 2nd century by a Han named Chai Lun. Paper began to be used in China as an affordable and effective alternative to silk. The circulation of paper spread from China to the rest of the world through the Muslim world and  Paper production began in Europe in the Middle Ages in the thirteenth century. Where paper mills and machinery or machines for the production of water-powered paper were first invented and built.

Life-saving antibiotics

The discovery of penicillin was a search for a new horizon for the medical world. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by accident. While working with a bacterium called Staphylococcus, he discovered a type of fungus that has antiseptic properties. The name of the fungus is ‘Penny Celium notatum’. Fleming was a Scottish physician and bacteriologist. In 1928, he discovered the existence of a special type of fungus, penicillin, which was life-saving. While working with a bacterium called Staphylococcus, he discovered a type of fungus that has antiseptic properties. The name of the fungus is Penicillium notatum. Although Alexander Fleming was the first to discover penicillin, it was brought to human use by two scientists – Howard Flory (1898-1968) and Ernst Chain (1906-1979).

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