What causes blood vessels to block?

Heart block is a commonly used term. In medical terms, obstruction or obstruction in the blood vessels of the heart is called a blood vessel block in the heart.

The heart cannot take oxygen and supplies directly from the blood inside it, just like a gasoline carrier cannot run its engine by taking gasoline from a trunk, it has to supply the engine separately to run the engine. The same happens with the heart. The heart receives its blood supply through its own blood vessels. These blood vessels are called heart blood vessels.

Coronary blood vessels branch off into very fine blood vessels called capillaries. which are so thin that they cannot be seen with the naked eye, they can only be seen with the help of a microscope. The larger blood vessels that exist in the body other than capillaries can only supply blood to the capillaries but not any form of oxygen, logistics and waste exchange.

Heart Block

Therefore, like power supply lines, blood vessels also act as grid lines and supply lines. Here the capillaries act as distribution or supply lines and all other blood vessels act as grid lines.

A build-up of dirt or debris in the inside of a blood vessel can block blood flow, which is called a blood vessel block.

This type of block is usually seen in large and medium-sized blood vessels. A type of material accumulates in the blood vessels of the heart to narrow or narrow the blood flow, causing a lack of blood flow to those areas of the blood vessel, thereby reducing the blood supply to the area after the block or downstream of the block, resulting in ischemia. is called and block disease is called ischemic heart disease. Which is a condition of oxygen deficiency and due to the lack of oxygen and nutrients in those parts or areas, the heart muscle cannot work properly and its symptoms are chest pain, chest pressure, irritation and shortness of breath, and in severe cases, the heart cannot work properly.

Many of us know that the heart pumps blood throughout life to ensure blood supply throughout the body. In this case, less blood is pumped, resulting in reduced blood supply to the entire body. The person becomes unable to perform his normal activities.

What causes blood vessels to block?

The cause of the block is still not completely known, but the factors that are attributed to the block so far are…

Long term diabetes.

Having more cholesterol in the blood,

Which is also a component of block creation.

Blocks are also more likely to occur in people who have been suffering from high blood pressure for a long time.

Blocks are also more common in people who smoke or use tobacco products.

People who refrain from manual labor or lead a lazy life are also more likely to be affected by this disease.

For those who often suffer from tension or anxiety, stress hormones are released more and play a role in creating blocks. Under the influence of stress hormones of these people, high blood pressure or hyperpressor is seen.

Many people are also prone to heart block ailments as a genetic predisposition.

Fatty deposits build up very slowly on the inside of blood vessels and take years to cause a significant blockage. Because of this, significant blockages are not usually seen in young people, but the incidence of this disease increases with age. For which such diseases are considered as diseases of elderly people.

Heart block is also considered as a lifestyle disease, because –

Consuming too much fatty food.

Eating adulterated food.

Eating food that has been preserved for a long time.

Eating too much sugary food.

Not doing manual labor or hard work in proportion to age.

Excessive intake of sugar and salt etc.

So be aware of this.

– Dr.  M Shamsher Ali, Chief Consultant, Shamsher Heart Care, Shamli, Dhaka.

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