The cause of the increase in cancer and heart disease

Three out of every four adults in the country are at risk of heart disease. One and a half lakh people are getting cancer every year. The incidence of two incurable diseases is increasing alarmingly.

The cause of the increase in cancer and heart disease


★Eating habits

★Use of additional pesticides in crops

★Adulterated food

★Decreased physical activity

National Cancer Research Institute and Hospital Director Prof. Swapan Kumar Bandyopadhyay said, ‘Every year, the number of cancer patients in the country is increasing. About one and a half lakh people are getting cancer every year. The number of patients has multiplied due to the increase in patient identification. As people get older, their risk of developing cancer increases. In addition, some catalysts increase the risk of infection. Smoking and tobacco use are directly responsible for cancer of the mouth, stomach and lungs. Excess fatty foods and fast food increase the risk of cancer. In addition, the use of excess pesticides in crops, adulterated food is responsible for cancer, said the doctor. “The risk of cancer can be greatly reduced by changing habits,” he added. Smoking and consumption of tobacco products should be stopped. Excess fatty foods and junk food should be excluded from the food list. Stopping child marriage can prevent cervical cancer. In addition, some vaccines can prevent cervical cancer. We have to pay attention to that as well.

The incidence of various types of cancer is increasing. But as there are no accurate statistics of the number of victims in the country, no initiative is coming to fruition. Medical centers, cancer treatment in the crisis of specialist doctors. Work has started to set up cancer treatment centers in eight divisional medical college hospitals of the country to overcome the crisis. According to data from the National Cancer Research Institute…




★And more patients with oral cancer.

★In addition esophagus






★Large teeth

★Survival period

★People get leukemia or blood cancer.

A study published by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University on January 5 has revealed various information about cancer. Analyzing the pathology-based cancer registry and the month-long hospital-based cancer registry, BSMMU’s Department of Public Health and Informatics says that breast cancer is more prevalent in women than men and bladder cancer in men.

Associate Professor of the Department. Md. Khalequzzaman, senior research officer.Shehrin Imdad Raina presented the results of their survey. They said 17 percent of the samples were identified as cancer. Of those who were diagnosed with cancer, 59.5% were women and the remaining 40.5% were men. The total number of samples for research was 21,175. Of these, 3,589 people were diagnosed with cancer.

Dr.  Khalequzzaman said,

★10.2% of men have bladder

★9.9 percent prostate

★8.5% have been diagnosed with oral cancer.

★23.3% of women have breasts

★21.5% cervix

★And 8.9 percent have been diagnosed with oral cancer.

The severity of cancer does not stop during coronation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in the last five years, the number of fatal cancer patients in the country has been highest in the last five years. The number of cancer patients identified that year was more than one and a half lakh.

Cancer and heart disease

According to the Global Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence (Globokan) statistics, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) under the WHO has estimated that there are still 2 lakh 71 thousand cancer patients in the last five years. Of these, 1 lakh 56 thousand 775 people were identified in 2020. At the same time, about 1 lakh 9 thousand people died of cancer. But experts say the number of active cancer patients in the country could actually be several times higher. Because there are no integrated statistics at the government-private level in the whole country, it is difficult to find out the actual number.

Heart disease has taken on the same horrible shape as cancer. One third of the world’s population is dying of a heart attack. Until recently, heart disease was more prevalent among the elderly in the country. However, in the last few years, the tendency of heart disease has also increased among the youth. At present 53% of deaths in the country are due to non-communicable diseases. At the top of this is heart disease.

High blood pressure and extreme summer heat increase the risk of heart disease. Last year’s figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that heart disease was one of the leading causes of death worldwide, despite declining mortality in the developed world since 1970. One third of the world’s population is dying of a heart attack. Until recently, the prevalence of heart disease among the elderly was high in the country, but in the last few years, the prevalence of heart disease among the youth has also been increasing.

At present, 53% of deaths in Bangladesh are due to non-communicable diseases. At the top of this is heart disease. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Professor of Cardiology. SM Mostafa Zaman said, ‘Heart disease is increasing at an alarming rate in the country. We have seen in studies that people of all ages are suffering from heart disease. A few days ago we had bypass surgery on one patient. He was 19 years old. Hart’s condition was such that there was no place to put the ring. The incidence of heart attack has increased among the youth.



★Fatty foods

★Fast food intake

★Decreased physical activity

★Obesity increases the risk of heart disease.

★In addition, if there is a history of family disease, many people are infected due to hereditary reasons.

He added, “With the increase in awareness, people can now consult a doctor if they feel any physical problem. This has increased patient identification. If you are aware, the risk of heart disease can be reduced a lot. According to a Brave Study (Bangladesh Risk of Acute Vascular Events) conducted by Cambridge University, ICDDRB and National Institute of Cardiology in the United Kingdom, the number of heart attacks in South Asia has almost doubled since 2010. Among the South Asian countries, the incidence of heart disease in Bangladesh has increased alarmingly. At present, 17.3 million people die of heart disease in the world every year, of which 80 percent die in immature age and developing countries.

Former director of the National Heart Institute and Hospital Professor. Afzalur Rahman said, ‘Early symptoms of heart disease include-

★Feeling of pain on one side or around the chest

★Chest feels heavy

★Pain in other parts of the body such as left hand, back, jaw

★Sweating with pain

★Shortness of breath


★Chest throbbing

★Feeling restless for no reason

★Symptoms such as dizziness may occur.

If you have such symptoms, you must seek medical help. Doctors have given several suggestions to deal with the risk of heart disease. One of the suggestions is ..


★Refrain from taking drugs

★Not to worry

★Regularly check the blood pressure of the body

★Walk at least 30 minutes every day


★Controlling diabetes

★Eat lots of vegetables

★Keep yourself worry free

★And occasionally consult a physician.

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