The happiest country in the world

★1.First place in the world: Finland

Finland is the happiest country in the world. As every year, the title has been given in the UN World Happiness Report. Finland also has three Nordic neighbors – Norway, Denmark and Iceland – at the top of the list. Politics in Finland is organized into a semi-presidential, representative, multi-party democratic republic. Education is a birthright and is considered a state-provided service in Finland. Children between the ages of 7 and 16 get free education here. Finland is ahead in higher education.

★2.Second place in the world: Denmark

Denmark is a beautiful country like the picture. Not only beauty, Denmark is also one of the most peaceful and happy people in the world. As the first and foremost cause of peace among the people of this country, the researchers said, “The people of Denmark never get involved in war, their first and foremost goal is their own economic aspect.” 


Another aspect is that the citizens of Denmark are much more friendly and cooperative minded. This year, Denmark is in the second place in the list of the happiest countries in the world. The country was equally successful during the Corona period.

★3.Third place in the world: Iceland

Iceland is a republican island nation in Europe.  Its capital is Reykjavik. The people here have a worldwide reputation for being peace-loving. There is also a reputation for entertaining foreign guests. Iceland’s index is at the top in all areas, including education and medicine. Despite being geographically close to the North Pole, the climate here is relatively mild due to the warm Atlantic Ocean currents in the North Atlantic Ocean. As a result, Iceland is one of the northernmost human settlements in the world.

★4.Fourth place in the world: Switzerland

A piece of paradise on earth is called Switzerland. The country is one of the most sought after destinations in the world for travelers. Here are the most reliable banks in the world, a variety of chocolates and the Alps. Many people say that Switzerland is the most beautiful country in Europe. Surrounded by hills, mountains, lakes, valleys and alpine forests, this country is a source of natural beauty. This year, peace-loving Switzerland has been ranked as the fourth happiest country in the world. Europe’s famous Alps add a new dimension to the country’s beauty.

★5.Fifth place in the world: Netherlands

Although the Netherlands is a small country in size, it is very beautifully arranged.

Agriculture is the mainstay of the Dutch economy. This year the country ranks fifth as a country of happy people. The farmers of the Netherlands are the richest class in the country. Their main food is bread, potatoes, salad. And with this bread there are at least a thousand different ingredients that they like to eat together. The people of the country are very hospitable. They also have a reputation for being very hardworking. Today’s Netherlands is the fruit of hundreds of years of hard work. There is also proper enforcement of the law.

★6.Sixth place in the world: Luxembourg

Luxembourg, the sixth happiest country in the world, is a small state in Western Europe. The capital is also called Luxembourg. The area is only 2,586 sq km (179th in the world). The independent country joined the European Union on June 9, 1815. It is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of per capita income. French is taught in the country’s primary schools. He learned German before reaching high school. And the main language of high school is English. Apart from that they have their own language ‘Litjibuirges’. Luxembourg is known as the tax haven.

★7.Seventh place in the world: Sweden

Sweden has already won the title of the ‘best’ country in the world. And the seventh place as a happy country. The country is praised for playing its best role in safeguarding the interests of the people of the country by avoiding harmful effects on its own country and other countries as much as possible. The country was normal even after coronavirus infection. Sweden, one of the happiest countries in the world, walked against the current when most of the countries in Europe were under lockdown. Most of the citizens are able to lead a normal life even during Corona.

★8.8th place in the world: Norway

Norway is a mountainous country. Its capital is Oslo. Norway is also known as the land of the rising sun. The country ranks eighth this year as a happy country. Oslo is a magical city of the country’s natural beauty. Bergen and its exquisite craftsmanship with colorful wooden houses captivate the minds of tourists. It is also home to one of the happiest countries in the world for fishing, hiking and skiing, especially for tourists to the Olympic resort of Lilhammer.

★9.Ninth place in the world: Israel

Israel is slowly rising to the top of the list of happiest countries in the world. In addition, over the past few decades, it has established itself as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. With a population of just over 9 million, there are incredibly more than 4,000 technology companies in this country. Cisco, PayPal, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple or Intel are just a few of the names of such companies; Who work in the production and research of their own new products in Israel.

★10.Tenth place in the world: New Zealand

Unique country New Zealand. The tenth happiest country in the world is an island nation in Oceania. It is located in the south-east of Australia. New Zealand is well-known as a friendly country. Fascinating photogenic nature is like a reservoir of unearthly beauty. There are dense forests, mountains, beaches, glaciers, warm regions everything. Traditional Maori culture blends with urban modernity, with nice villages and huge wildlife. Such a culture has made the country a happy country in the world.

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