The structure of DNA – Unraveling the mystery of the human gene

For the first time, scientists have unveiled the full configuration of human genes (DNA). The full gene sequence was recently announced from a consortium of scientists called Telomeres to Telomeres (TTTU).

According to a BBC report, 92 percent of the human genome was previously unveiled in 2003. It took almost two decades to analyze the remaining 8 percent.

According to the media, this will make it possible to explain how each cell of the human body is formed; Which will open the door to the possibility of finding the cause of the disease, prevention and cure of the disease.

Evan Eichler, head of the research team at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Washington, said the full unveiling of the human genome would reveal how humans came into being as a separate entity.

We can be clear about why humans are different not only from other human beings, but also from other creatures. This will show how one person’s DNA differs from another’s.

At the same time, the role of this genetic diversity in the disease will be known. He added that genes are very important for adaptation. It contains genes that determine the resistance to various diseases.


Because of these genes, humans survive by adapting to various infectious disease germs and viruses.

There are genes that are very important, these genes help to understand in advance what the reaction of the drug may be.

★What are human genes? And a detailed discussion of it.

Gene is a Greek word meaning ‘derived from something’ or root.

A specific segment of a broad DNA molecule that determines the characteristics of an organism is called a gene.

All living things are the sum of innumerable cells. All cells contain DNA to carry hereditary substances. The most important part of the cell is the nucleus. This is where the chemical fibers called chromosomes live. Chromosomes consist of two types of nucleic acids and two types of proteins. D-oxyribonucleic acid or DNA is the only permanent chemical component of the chromosome. This is the bearer and carrier of heredity.

Experiments have shown that DNA is the real genetic material. It looks like yarn, but very fine. According to scientists, genes cover about 1.5 percent of human DNA. Each nucleus contains about 20,000 protein-producing genes. Each of these genes has different biochemical signals. Each of the genes contains the development of the genetic traits of the organism, which are transmitted from one generation to the next. Each trait is controlled by one or more pairs of genes.

★Research by the pastor Johann Gregor Mendel

The formal journey of genetics began in the nineteenth century with the study of the priest Johann Gregor Mendel. From observations, Mendel suggests that traits from parents are transmitted to the next generation by some isolated unit of heredity. This unit of Mendel’s was later identified as a gene.

Genes play an important role in determining the external structure and behavior of an organism. But its characteristics are determined by the combination of the experience of genes and organisms. For example, although genes determine a person’s height, their childhood health and nutrition also have a big impact on it. Some are fair, some are black;  Some are tall, some are short. Someone’s hair is black, someone’s gold — these characteristics are controlled by a pair of genes.

In modern genetic engineering the expected part of a DNA molecule is broken down into pieces. Later another DNA molecule is inserted into the specified area. As a result, new types of DNA are generated. This is called recombinant DNA. This is done to add any desired feature to the body of the organism. This attachment usually occurs in the DNA of unrelated organisms. Such as humans and bacteria. Using this technology, one copy of DNA or a fragment of a gene can be used to make innumerable copies. Scientists emphasize the unraveling of the genome sequence to add the desired characteristics to the organism. Genetics is one of the most talked about topics in genetic engineering today. This is because it is the first step in determining which genes control which genes in the organism or which genes are responsible for which genes.

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