What is a hyperloop? – And how does Hyperloop work?

In 2013, Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, first came up with the idea of ​​high speed transport. Since then, more than four hundred passengerless tests have been completed and this hyperloop train of the future has come much closer to implementation.

What is a hyperloop train?

A planned method for transporting passengers and goods. It is basically a kind of vacuum train. Hyperloop technology allows people and goods to be transported through a special capsule with a very low air pressure. In a normal train there will be a bogie or a compartment but in a hyperloop train there will be a capsule. Which will have zero air pressure as a result of moving through a tunnel or tube. As a result, the train will be able to run almost smoothly. And these tunnels or tubes will be built through magnetic levitation or maglev technology. Trains using maglev technology are running in many countries of the world today. They are basically popular as bullet trains. In the case of Hyper Loop, this technology will be inside the tunnel. Which will use the magnetism of the magnet to keep the readings afloat in electromagnetic suspension and electrodynamic suspension systems and to help them run at unusual speeds.

How does Hyperloop work?

One of the features of Hyperloop is that it has almost zero air friction. As a result, it can move smoothly and the speed increases several times. The pump is used to empty the tunnel or tube. Airliners travel through less dense air to reduce air pressure. As a result, it is possible to climb higher altitudes. The hyperloop capsules are placed in a tube to create the same environment through the ground and the air pressure is taken to zero. Which effectively allows trains to travel at the speed of an aircraft while on the ground.


The internal air pressure in the hyperloop tube of the Elon Musk model is about one-sixth of the atmospheric pressure on Mars. Which reduces the pulling force of the wind by a thousand times compared to the condition of the sea surface and makes it equal to the speed of flying from one and a half million feet. The hyperloop capsules of this model from Elon Musk will be floating inside the tube in 28 air-bearing ski sets. In addition, each capsule or fall in the design of the mask can carry 28 passengers.

Another version of the hyperloop is magnetic levitation

In the maglev system, the two poles of the magnets attract each other and repel each other between their own poles. In the case of maglev technology, the magnets used on the rail tracks use magnetism to propel the bogie forward. Hyperloop trains, on the other hand, use maglev technology to reduce air pressure inside tubes or tunnels by as much as 99.99 percent, using magnetic properties to keep capsules or floats afloat. This type of transport reduces friction, which increases the speed of the hyperloop more than the maglev train. This train can travel 930 miles or 1,500 kilometers continuously. When driven at maximum speed, it does not take more than 80-90 minutes to cross this path.

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