Culture of South Sudan

All the different customs and traditions of blacks

The people of South Sudan, the world’s last independent country, are engaged in a life-and-war struggle with all sorts of customs and traditions. Although it owns natural resources including oil and gold, it does not have the technology and capability to extract them. They themselves are involved in violence. The peacekeepers of Bangladesh are in charge of peacekeeping under the supervision of the United Nations. Today’s discussion is about all the different customs and traditions of blacks.

★South Sudan in tasteless freedom

South Sudan, the world’s youngest state by age, has gone through a decade of independence without tasting independence. The country is going through days of political turmoil, sectarian strife, violence and famine. The country that became independent in 2011 could have been a developed, prosperous city. But despite many possibilities, South Sudan has not been able to reach the desired goal. In this country, which is about five times bigger than Bangladesh, only one and a half crore people cannot eat three meals a day. South Sudan gained independence in 2011 after breaking up Sudan. Only two years later, forces loyal to the country’s president, Salva Kiir, and his vice president, Riek Machar, began a quick battle. About 4 lakh people lost their lives in this brutal violence. This thwarted all efforts to build a new country. The country went down in a fight for control. The ethnic minority groups there. Machar is a member of Nuer, the largest ethnic group in South Sudan, and Kir is a member of Dinkar, one of the most populous groups. They are both at war with each other. Thanks to its taste for independence, the country is now under the supervision of UN peacekeepers. About 14,000 peacekeepers from 52 countries are now in South Sudan. A daily curfew has been imposed in the country’s capital Juba since evening. As soon as the sun goes out, the capital becomes a haunted city.

★Talk about Dinka everywhere

The Dinkas, an ethnic group in South Sudan, are said to be the tallest people in the world. Dinka males average 6 feet in height. Due to its height, several Dinka members have also taken part in the global basketball competition.


This black, elongated population makes up 18 percent of South Sudan’s total population. Many members of the Dinka community met during a recent visit by Bangladesh Army contingents to a UN peacekeeping mission in the country. According to the latest census of undivided Sudan in 2008, the population of the Dinka community is about 4.5 million. However, in the civil war that started in 2013, several lakh people died. Dinkara is a Nilotic language spoken mainly by uninhabited agricultural people in the Nile Valley and the African Lakes region. Many speak Arabic again. Dinkaras are world famous for their unusual physical height. They are considered to be the tallest people in the world. One study found that the average height of the Dinka ethnic group was 182.6 cm or 5 feet 11.9 inches. The day before returning home, an army member said, “Brother, take a dinghy.”Keep your head high all your life. You never have to keep your head down in the world.

★Painful physical deformity

In Europe-America, many people get tattoos or tattoos on their body as an adjunct to physical beauty. It is now at the industry level. But as is customary among some tribes in South Sudan, scarring of various parts of the body has gone to the stage of painful physical deformity. Men in the Nuer community prefer spotted foreheads and their immature boys get body tattoos when they reach adulthood. The tribes draw marks on their bodies in various poses with sharp materials. From subtle rotations of flesh to intricate dotted patterns are painted on their bodies. Because, they think, these are not just stains. It refers to everything from beauty to adulthood. They use razors, blades or sharp knives to cut the body. Patterns are often made by cutting the bodies of many people at once. Shared blades are then used, which are identified as major health problems. The tribal community thinks that dag is a sign of beauty of tribal women. It is also seen as the ability to tolerate pain so that they can adapt to future childbirth. The Morsi tribe considers body scars to be a sign of beauty and strength. Body scarring is becoming an increasingly risky business among different communities in Africa. Neighbouring Toposa tribes, who live in both Ethiopia and South Sudan, also prefer to cut skin and create scars. However, they have also integrated the wide pill etching with the facial dot pattern. Despite the health risks, scarring continues to play a huge role in tribal life. However, these tattoos are not common in Muslim-majority Sudan. They don’t even consider it generally acceptable.

★Crying for water

Landlocked South Sudan has a lot of water problems. The amount of rain is very low. Their per capita water consumption is also low. Most of the people in the country do not even get a chance to take regular bath. The only source of water is the White Nile. It is a fast flowing stream of long blues. Despite so many water problems, their government does not allow them to draw water from the ground. Their fear is that their huge mineral resources could be wasted in one way or another by digging the soil. As a result, 14,000 peacekeepers, mission experts and staff officers from 52 UN countries have to use the river to purify its water. Water is to be collected from the Nile. Karbala is mourning in this country for drinking water. Every day water lorries are taken to the river bank by armed guards. This is a different kind of war. There is a water pump on the river bank. From there the water-filled lorries were again taken to camps in different countries with armed guards. This scene may seem like a battle for water. All the adults are bathing in the river. There is no frown on anyone. After taking a bath and wearing short clothes, everyone is leaving for their destination. To unaccustomed eyes this scene seems extremely uncomfortable. The temperature in the air was then 39 degrees. How helpless people can go on like this!

★He has as many wives as he has cows

Innocent cattle, anointed with a special status in the wedding market in South Sudan. If someone wants to get married, he has to have enough cows. At the wedding, the girl’s father has to give a minimum of five cows as a gift. If the daughter is Ananya in appearance, then 10 to 20 cows have to be given. The more cows there are, the more.  Wife. Some are marrying the father of 100 to 200 cows. According to the rules there, the more cows he has, the more he can marry. These cows are also at the root of the conflict in South Sudan. The main battle is between the cows. Those who have many cows carry automatic heavy weapons to guard the cows. Famous for its huge horns, this Sudanese cow can grow up to eight feet tall. Some people can’t get married for life without at least five cows. After that if there are 100 cows then marriage can be done for the second time. Some people get married in this way from 5 to 20. These cows are also the main target of poachers due to their large supply of meat and milk.

★New missions of possibilities

Abe is the new UN peacekeeping mission in Africa for Bangladesh. More than 500 Bangladeshi peacekeepers are being deployed in the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abei (UNICEF). On March 1, for the first time, the first contingent of 160 members of a contingent of the Bangladesh Army went to Abe. The army contingent has been newly deployed in Abei, a specially administered area between Sudan and South Sudan. The contingent of the Bangladesh Army, which has been working in peacekeeping missions for more than three decades, has been deployed in the emergency direct operation area as part of the mission’s border surveillance mechanism. In response to the call of the UN headquarters, the Bangladesh Army has quickly prepared this contingent. The remaining contingent (512 in total) will be deployed by April. About 1.5 million people live in the Abei region between Sudan and South Sudan. Area 10 thousand 546 square kilometers. In 2011, they did not want to go with any part of Sudan. They themselves have not been one. As a result, peacekeeping missions.

★Refuse to take pictures

The front glass of the passenger bus reads in English, ‘Do good for others, it will come back in unexpected way.’I took two pictures from the front jeep because I liked the writing. I have been trying for eight days to suppress the desire to take pictures. I was caught on the last day. The last day was not saved. Going a little ahead, after stopping the jeep at the signal, some people pushed hard from both sides. On either side of me are four armed peacekeepers from Bangladesh. If possible, take me away from them. Because, I have ruined the peace of black people. Our driver somehow explained to them, I have come to visit. I took pictures without understanding. Wrong. I don’t know what they understood. Went back. But I realized, big survivors survived. I survived the African Mayer. Our return flight on March 25 at 2 pm. Six of us journalists were going to interview the Deputy Force Commander (Bangladeshi Major General) of the UN peacekeeping mission. This incident on the way. Earlier, on March 18, when I landed at Juba International Airport, I sensed the security situation. We are told again and again that no pictures can be taken of these black people. They don’t like it. They don’t want their poverty to be exposed to the media. Let their poverty be ridiculed worldwide. I haven’t taken any pictures since then. I have captured the image of Digambar men and women bathing in the clear waters of the Nile river through the lens of their eyes. The camera of the mobile could not be taken.

★Basak trees on the road island

There was no problem in recognizing at all. Hundreds of bask trees on the road island of the capital Juba. Some of them have large sized fruits. Growing up in careless negligence. This seemingly hard, rough, arid, desert country is full of medicinal plants. Numerous bask trees in the yard, on the side of the road and on the road island. Krishnacura, verandah and neem trees are scattered everywhere. And there are sajina trees. Lots in numbers. The trees are not as big as ours. Very small shrubs have large fruits. According to the latest research, energy is the superfood of this time. Seeing these small sajina trees there made me feel bad. But there is no chance of cutting the stalks. Danger if caught on a scan at the airport. On the other hand, it is not allowed to get out of the car and collect seeds from the trees on the side of the road. After telling several people, through the efforts of Major Al Amin Bhai, some sajina seeds were finally found.

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