The Lost Earth’s natural

All that wonderful scenery is lost from the earth

There were fears and it really happened. As a result of climate change, the topography of the earth is constantly changing. Volcanoes, earthquakes, water, wind, sunlight are all changing by natural energy. Mountain valleys, river channels, forests, deserts or reservoirs created by thousands of years of change have lost much. Today’s discussion on the nature of the lost world.

Geysers Valley


Russia will host the world’s second largest natural geysers (hot water basin). At one time this natural wonder could be seen in the mountains of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula. And yes, the world’s first largest natural geyser is Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Of these, however, Russia’s Geysers Valley is unique and diverse. The Geysers Valley has been shrouded in mystery since ancient times for its natural wonders, surrounded by many colors, shapes and algae. Many tourists consider this secluded valley as a center of spiritual practice. Many locals consider the geysers of the valley to be their own earthly guide.


There are more than 90 geysers or valleys in the valley, which covers an area of ​​about 6 kilometers (3.7 miles). Sadly, in 2007 a massive landslide occurred in the Geysers Valley. As a result, this natural wonder is severely damaged. Landslides are caused by snow, soil, water, and mud formed in rocks at speeds of up to 20-25 miles per hour, engulfing awake geysers. As a result, the Valley of Geysers consumes interesting places – boiling waterfalls, small canyons and waterfalls.

Over the next few months the canals run out of water. The Chircena Geysers Valley changes. However, a few new geysers, such as the Snadeneck, appeared. Among them are some ancient geysers. Especially Parvenets Geysers and Lake Gizarnaya. Fortunately, the sudden landslide was a blessing in disguise for the Valley of Geysers. Six years after the disaster, the region is recovering. In 2013, the water level of Gizarnaya Lake started decreasing. Which is helping previously unexplored geysers explode. According to experts, the area may return to its pre-2007 form.

Old Man of the Mountain

New Hampshire

Another example of a natural wonder is New Hampshire’s Old Man of the Mountains. Which looks a lot like the shape of an old man’s face. This part of the scenic hill is best known to tourists as Granite Rock Face. Many also know it as the ‘Great Stone Face’. In 2003, the legendary granite rock face of Old Man of the Mountain collapsed. It is known that the Old Man of the Mountains was created naturally about 12,000 years ago. The shape of the face was formed by an angular rock weighing about 6,530 metric tons, which is about 45 feet long and 30 feet wide. The first Old Man of the Mountains was discovered by the Franconia survey team in 1805. The survey team’s Francis Whitcomb and Luke Brooks first observed Old Man. According to official data, several groups of researchers at the time claimed credit for the discovery of the Old Man. Steps were taken to protect the natural wonder in the early 1900’s. However, geologists are still surprised by the news of the collapse of the Old Man. Locals wanted to rebuild the lost Old Man monument. But the plan was scrapped, saying it would endanger surviving stone workers.

God’s Finger


The symbol of the Grand Canary Islands is ‘El de do de deios’, known worldwide as the ‘God’s Finger’ or ‘Finger of God’. This wonderful rock is located on the Canary Islands in Spain. It looks as if a giant hand is floating under the water and a finger of that hand is pointing towards the sky. The 98-foot-high boulder naturally formed north of Canary Islands. Researchers estimate that the rock was formed by lava from volcanoes about 14 million years ago. The shape of the beautiful rock has been inspiring countless artists and fans year after year. Many believe that the famous author Domingo Doreste first wrote the name ‘El de do de deos’. The peak part of it collapsed in a 2005 tropical monsoon storm. Experts estimate that the 300,000-year-old rock collapsed due to huge waves. A team of researchers visited the historic site after the amazing ‘God’s Finger’ collapsed. They explored the possibility of rebuilding the ‘God’s Finger’ at the site. Although a small number of people took a stand against the reconstruction of the historic ‘God’s Finger’. The surviving part of what is now known as ‘Rock Partido’ is best known to the locals. It is one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world.

Azure Window


Huge natural windows in the heart of the rough sea! Yes, the most famous natural wonder in Malta, a Mediterranean island in Europe – the Azure Window. Which is also widely popular as a sea table. However, it has become more popular with tourists as a huge natural window. The place is also very popular with scuba divers. Blogbuster ‘Clash of the Titans’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ movie and TV series have shown this wonderful pit many times.

The shores of the Mediterranean are mainly prone to storms. The huge limestone basin survived the onslaught of innumerable strong storms during its existence. But in a seasonal storm of 2017, the natural wonder was lost in the sea forever. According to experts, it collapsed due to strong currents in the sea. It is known that the rock valley was standing proudly on the island of Gozo in Malta. Experts believe that it was formed in the form of a cave by naturally collapsing two limestones. Although the exact date of its formation is not known, it is thought to be 140 years old. The place of interest is located in the tourist village of Dbeja in the Gozo Islands of Malta. However, according to media sources, the broken heart of the Maltese people is going to be healed in 2021. The long-awaited ‘Azure Window’ restoration project has been undertaken through a massive artwork in collaboration with renowned architect Sketoj Andrev and designer Elena Britanniskyre. According to the plan, two Russian artists have already submitted the design of Azure window to the relevant authorities. The significant project has already taken place in the hearts of the locals. The Maltese have named the new project ‘Heart of Malta’.

Aral Sea


There were once 1,100 islands in the middle of the 68,000-square-kilometer Aral Sea. Numerous ships, pleasure boats and boats floated on the lake. But all this is history now. Given the current state of the region, there is no way to understand that the present Dhudhu Desert was once the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea of ​​Central Asia is the fourth largest in the world. It is followed by the Caspian Sea, Lakes Superior and Victoria. But now it is doubtful whether he has 10 percent left. This is one of the most dramatic changes in climate change in recent decades. It is known that in the 1970s, the sea dried up and the fish began to die. The Aral Sea dried up in the next 40 years. The desert consumes about 68,000 square kilometers of sea. According to experts, the Aral Sea, like the ocean, is lost due to the limitless greed of human beings.

The Jalanas region of Kazakhstan was on the northern shore of the Aral Sea. Now there is no water anywhere. Wherever the two eyes go; Just sand and sand. There are still many fishing trawlers and boats scattered around to signal the presence of the sea. Survival of the Aral Sea is not due to natural disasters or climate change. It is a direct consequence of man-made actions. The Amu Darya, a tributary of the Aral Sea’s two tributaries, the Sir Darya, stopped flowing to provide irrigation to commercial cotton fields along its coast in the 1970s and ’80s. Gradually the Aral Sea became the source of livelihood for fishermen. Today it is just a desert.

Chacaltaya Glacier


Just snow and ice as far as can be seen. Crowds of explorers and skiers flock there throughout the year. In a word, the glacier is a paradise for adventurers and skiers. It is the Chacalataya Glacier in the Andes Mountains of Bolivia. Which is located at an altitude of about 5,300 meters above sea level. The glacier covers an area of ​​about 20 km northeast of La Paz in Bolivia. Which is awesome but impossibly beautiful.

However, there is no snowfall here at present. No tourists. Environmentalists’ fears came true. Climate change has engulfed this popular glacier. The once busy chacalataya is now abandoned. It is difficult to see snow here except in winter. The area has now turned gray. Pieces of rock and boulders are now scattered throughout the region. Climate change has put such a terrible grip on Bolivia’s Andalus region.

Speaking of 2005. Scientists say the life of the Chacalataya Glacier is coming to an end. Environmentalists say the glacier could disappear completely by 2015. The 18,000-year-old glacier will last only a decade. But that prediction also turned out to be false. The entire glacier melted in 2009. Although ituiti ice seen match chacalataya. That environment is also slowly changing.

According to experts, 60 to 90 percent of the ice in the Chacaltaya Glacier in the Andes Mountains melted for nearly four decades, from 1940 to 1980. Researchers say that since the summer of 1990, the average annual temperature in the Andes Mountains has risen by at least 0.33 degrees Celsius (0.6 Fahrenheit) every 10 years. Climate change has also reduced the amount of snowfall. The landscape of the region makes skiing and mountaineering difficult. Not only that, Bolivia is currently ranked 80th out of 181 countries in the list of global carbon emissions.

Slim River


The time was the summer of 2017. The modern world has witnessed a strange phenomenon – which was extremely wonderful and amazing. According to Canadian and international media sources, a huge river disappeared from the map of Canada in just four days. To the locals, the river is best known as ‘Slim River’. According to researchers, the Slim River in the Yukon region of Canada has been lost due to global climate change.

According to Canadian environmentalists, the Slim River flowed through Canada for about 300 to 350 years. But what happened in 2017 that the river disappeared in the blink of an eye. In just four days, the river has lost so much water that it is now a barren desert. According to media sources, the popular Slim River in Canada is a waterless, thirsty channel today. Scientists say in a report in The Nature Journal that the huge slim river has been lost due to global warming and climate change. Scientists have once again predicted that many more rivers and reservoirs on Earth may suffer the same fate in the future. The effects of the river’s death on the environment are widespread. All of the fish roaming the slim river are dying. There are many changes in the structure of the neighboring hearts. Even the weather there is more prone to cyclones. People living in the province are affected by the dust storm. Other glacial rivers in the region, which used to supply water and hydropower to populated areas, were severely affected. Geologists have described this phenomenon as an unseen side-effect before global warming.

Sequoia Tunnel Tree


The glorious Tunnel Tea in California’s Calvary Big Tris State Park was a major tourist attraction. At one time, tourists flocked from far and wide to see the Tunnel Tree. But in 2017, when the tree was uprooted, the local tourism sector was hit hard. This was probably the last species of giant sequoia tree in California before the tree was uprooted. At the base of the giant tree was a ‘drive-through arched door’. Tourists flock to this park in California to see this natural wonder tunnel tree. According to local media sources, in the 1800s, California authorities built a tunnel in the area’s giant tree (Pioneer Cabin T) to increase tourist attraction to the park. Although the actual age of the Pioneer cabin tree remains unknown. However, there are rumors that the cabin tree of the Sequoia species is more than 1000 years old. California authorities discovered one such ancient tree in the nearby Yosemite National Park. The tree is thought to be more than 3,000 years old. To increase the tourist attraction, roads were paved through tunnels at the base of only a few Sequoia species, the most famous of which was the Wawana Tree in Yosemite National Park. In 1969, the tree was completely uprooted by a storm. It is estimated that the tree was about 2,100 years old. However, there are still three redwood trees in the park, much taller, but thinner than the Sequoia tree. To make a ‘tunnel’ at the beginning of which. All three trees are owned by private companies. Forest service officials said vehicles were still passing under the tunnel tree.

Tree of Tannery


A tree that has grown in the Sahara Desert of Africa for hundreds of generations. Lonely, all alone. Because there is nothing up to 250 miles around the tree except the Dhudhu desert. The name of the tree was L’Are du or Tree of Tenery. In 1930, the European military renamed it El Abre du Teneri. For locals or travelers, the tree was not only a means of relieving fatigue, but also a roadmap. According to experts, this tree of the acacia or acacia family was probably the last descendant of that species. Surprising but true, the roots of the tree were about 36 meters or 120 feet deep in the ground. There is a water level there and the tree survived by absorbing that water. In 1973, a Libyan driver drove a truck and hit the tree. The lone tree died in that accident. The loneliness of the tree also came to an end. Later a metal installation was made there to make the place memorable.

Hillary Step


Beautiful, but awesome. Hand in hand with death step by step. In the intoxication of conquering the ice kingdom, the mountaineers set foot on this path of danger. Someone overcomes danger. Someone left behind a terrifying beauty. They will never be found again. The most famous place for the explorers to reach the summit of Everest is ‘Hillary Step’. The last risky place to conquer the mountain was named after Edmund Hillary, the first hero to conquer Everest.

But since the catastrophic earthquake in 2015, mountaineers have feared that the road to the world’s highest peak would not be the same as before, and that much could change. Just like the number of crevices in the khumbu icefall that falls on the way from base camp to camp one has increased a lot. A little below the summit of Everest, a large 12-meter rocky outcrop adjoining the southeast of the summit protruded from the summit. That part was very difficult for the mountaineers to cross. In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary first successfully climbed that part and climbed Mount Everest. Since then, that part has been called Hillary Step. Everest is the dream step of all mountaineers, which can be reached by touching Everest!

The first summit started on May 16 this year on Everest. Tim Mossdale, the leader of the expedition, confirmed that Hillary Stepp was no more. He added that the broken path has become more difficult for the adventurers. Every year, many summits get stuck because a few hours are wasted. Many suffer from frostbite in the cold, running out of oxygen. The quake affected Hillary Steppe, according to sources close to the quake. In 2016, there was so much ice in that part, the existence of Hillary Steps was not well understood. It was understood that Hillary Step is no more.

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