Countries that do not have their own armed forces

Countries that do not have their own armies

The military is each country’s own strength. The overall security and sovereignty of the country is in the hands of its own military forces. Every country in the world has its own superpower to implement various objectives including protection of the country from external enemies. However, even in the modern age, there are some countries in the world that do not have their own army. They provide security for their own country by any other country or force. There are still more than 20 countries in the world that do not have their own armies. Today’s discussion is about these countries.

Countries that do not have their own armed forces

The strength of any country in the world is estimated by its military strength. Military power provides protection to the people of the country. The role of the army in defending the sovereignty of the country is taken seriously by every country. The importance of the army is increasing in modern times. Every country is working to develop their armies. However, there are exceptions. There is no official army in about 22 countries of the world. This exception arouses the curiosity of many.

The question may arise then what is the defense system of these countries in case of foreign attack? The answer is very simple. Most of them have given up the responsibility of defense through various agreements and inter-relations with other countries. In fact, most of the listed countries have long-term agreements with past occupiers. And those powerful countries have their own regional security. Although these countries do not have armed forces or official armies, some countries have limited military forces to maintain law and order. In the sense that there is no government army, there is no ‘armed force’ in the country.


Take Iceland and Monaco, for example. Although the two countries do not have an official army, there is a ‘non-police military force’. Some countries are again in long-term agreements. According to the agreement, they did not build an army in the country. It has been almost 300 years since Monaco signed an agreement with France. Some countries do not have additional headaches with the army and the country’s defense. They do not have any relations with other countries. Marshall Islands, Micronesia is not interested in international relations. The federal state of Micronesia enters into a defense agreement with the United States. They get good cooperation from America. More can be said about Andorra. They have a nominal army. Only danger  Their armies come together to help in times of crisis, not war. Samoa is totally dependent on other countries for its defense. Iceland is again in agreement with the United States to assist them if necessary. They did not build their own army. Other countries do not have armies; There are limited military Rica, Haiti, Granada are on the verge of complete military extinction. They will never have any kind of armed forces.

Why not?

The term “military” refers to any government-sponsored defense to further the domestic and foreign policy of their respective governments. The army was formed mainly for the defense of the country. When it comes to countries that do not have an official army, many wonder why these countries did not have an army. Of the 22 countries in question, there is little need to build strong armies based on size, geography and population analysis. Due to long standing relations with the neighboring countries, they have become dependent on them in many ways. In addition, some countries do not like to talk too much about international relations. These peace-loving countries are not economically strong enough to build large armies. In addition, many countries have not taken the path of building a military force because the neighboring countries are in the ranks of world powers in terms of military strength, as well as the positional reasons can be severely damaged in the conflict. Yet these countries are protected from external enemies.

At a glance those countries …

★ 1) Andorra

★ 2) Costa Rica

★ 3) Dominica

★ 4) Granada

★ 5) Kiribati

★ 6) Liechtenstein

★ 7) Marshall Islands

★ 8) Federated States of Micronesia

★ 9) Nauru

★ 10) Escape

★ 11) St. Lucia

★ 12) St. Vincent and the Grenadines

★ 13) Samoa

★ 14) Solomon Islands

★ 15) Tuvalu

★ 16) Vatican City

 There are no forces, but there is a limited force

★ 17) Haiti

★ 18) Iceland

★ 19) Mauritius

★ 20) Monaco

★ 21) Panama

★ 22) Vanuatu

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