Divorce family

Separated family

Divorce is everywhere. But there are some expensive family breakups in the world that have become history in the world. Today’s discussion is about some of the most expensive divorced families in history.

The most expensive separation in the world

Long 27 years. Time is not short. They spent so many years holding hands. The Gates couple suddenly announced their separation. The announcement of their separation was like an earthquake for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s most respected charity. However, both have assured that their separation will not affect the foundation. But the common man’s interest is now in the separation of the top millionaires, how expensive will this separation be? Because, the calculation of Bill Gates, who is on the list of the richest people in the world, may not be so easy. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos ended a 25-year marriage in 2009. At that time, the world saw the most expensive divorce in the world. After the divorce, Mackenzie Bezos received 30,500 crore US dollars in assets. So there is a lot of speculation about what Melinda Gates will get as a divorce deal with Bill Gates. However, a statement from the Gates Foundation said, “Bill Gates and Melinda will continue to work together to approve the Foundation’s strategic issues, all legal issues and to determine the overall direction of the organization.”

Seven years of love then marriage …

Microsoft Corporation started its journey in 1975. Co-founder of Bill Gates, one of the world’s top millionaires today. The Gates couple first met at this Microsoft Corporation. Then their love for seven years, then marriage. The love story of the eighties has come up in the report of the international media BBC. According to the report, the beginning of the relationship between Bill Gates and Melinda was professional. Melinda joined Microsoft Corporation in 1987 as Product Manager. That same year, Bill Gates and Melinda Gates attended an official dinner for the organization. The incident took place in New York, USA. Then proceed in front of the two. Their intense love begins. “We cared a lot for each other,” Bill Gates said in a documentary aired on Netflix. There were two possibilities here. Either we will break up in love, or we will get married. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Bill Gates said that getting married was the best decision of his life. And although Microsoft made a big contribution in his life, it is at number 2. Melinda laughed at the Netflix documentary, remembering Bill Gates’ list of pros and cons for marriage. In this context, he said, Bill Gates had to make a decision on whether to get married or not. “I discovered Bill Gates as an orderly man,” Melinda said. Then, in 1994, they got married. The wedding took place in Lanai, Hawaii. After that Microsoft Corporation started to grow. Besides, Bill and Melinda were married with three children and a lot of wealth. But last year they retired from the organization, busy with charity work.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was founded in 2000, just before retirement. The foundation is working in different parts of the world. The foundation is spending billions of dollars to fight infectious diseases and encourage children to be vaccinated around the world. But Bill and Melinda Gates ended their love affair on Monday. He ended his long married life of 27 years and chose the path of separation. But separation Because even though it is not clearly known, the idea is that the two of them are busy with the world. No one could give time to anyone. This creates a distance between the two. A couple of years ago, Melinda said, their marriage was in a very difficult situation. Bill regularly works 16 hours a day. It becomes difficult for the family to find time for him. Melinda made the remarks in an interview with the Sunday Times on her 25th wedding anniversary in 2019. In the end, the celeb couple walked the path of separation. Melinda added that Bill was deeply skeptical about whether he could maintain a balance between work and family. He even started writing the good and bad aspects of marriage on the white board. In a joint message posted on Twitter on Monday, the Gates couple said, “After much thought, we decided to end the marriage.” “We’ve had three wonderful children in the last 27 years,” Bill and Melinda tweeted after the announcement of the divorce. We have built a foundation that works for the health and well-being of people around the world.

Bill-Melinda;  The giant and the star couple …

Bill Gates, the richest man in the world for a decade. Parents wanted Bill Gates to be a lawyer. But he stayed up all day talking about computers. Handcuffs in programming at school, writing gaming programming by himself. Expelled from school for running unethical operating system. Conversely come to Harvard and become more focused on programming. That’s why he also cheats in university studies. He dropped out of school even after getting 1590 out of 1600 marks in SAT examination. Microsoft was founded in 1975 with a friend, Paul Allen. When they started, they wanted to use it themselves. Later they decided to sell the computer. He changed the whole computer world by bringing Windows operating system. Microsoft became one of the top tech companies in the world. With that success, Bill Gates became the owner of thousands of crores of rupees.  Go to the world’s richest forest. Became a wealthy star (celeb). The millionaire’s wife was Melinda Ann French. Crossing school boundaries, Melinda Ursulin graduated from the Academy of Dallas. He later earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science and economics from Duke University. At the end of his studies he joined Microsoft Corporation. Participated in the development of Publisher, Microsoft Bob, Encarta and Expedia as part of Microsoft’s multimedia project. She married Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, in 1994 to protect her privacy. Shortly after, Melinda left Microsoft and became a housewife. She also founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a charity run by her husband Bill Gates. The Gates became a giant couple, standing by the side of children and the poorest in order to build a world free of hunger and poverty. Without hesitation, he spent about 54 billion US dollars on public services.

Whose wealth!

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, is one of the richest people in the world. The announcement of the divorce has raised the issue of accounting for the wealth of the top millionaires. According to the latest information from Forbes Magazine (Forbes-2021), Bill Gates is the fourth richest person in the world. His net worth is ৪ 124 billion. Microsoft founder Bill Gates owns the most privately owned farmland in the United States. He owns 2 lakh 42 thousand acres of agricultural land. These agricultural lands are owned by Bill Gates and Melinda Gates in 18 states of the United States. Of this, 69,081 acres are in Louisiana, 47,927 acres in Arkansas and 20,588 acres in Nebraska. With their separation, the division of these properties is now expected to take on a complex shape. So there is speculation about what Melinda will get as a compromise with Bill Gates. Meanwhile, the report of Spears magazine came up with the account of Melinda Gates’ assets. According to the report, Melinda Ann French is the wife of Bill Gates, one of the world’s top millionaires. Melinda Gates has a net worth of about 70 billion US dollars.


27 years. Time is not short. They spent so many years holding hands. Romance in professional life; Since then, he has won the love of common people all over the world by running charitable organizations shoulder to shoulder. The Gates’ efforts to build a world free of hunger and poverty take them to unique heights. After living together for so many years, the Gates couple suddenly decided to break up. However, despite the separation, they will continue to work for their own charitable organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

27 years under one roof

The time is 1987. Melinda joined Microsoft as Product Manager. The two first met at a dinner party in New York the same year. Melinda and Bill Gates are sitting side by side in the ceremony. Bill Gates looked at Melinda.  Melinda liked it. Then love seemed to fly from nowhere. The two have been in love since then. After a year of love, Bill Gates made a list of some proposals. List of what will happen if you get married. They played habudubu in love for 7 years in a row. Finally, in 1994, Bill Gates and Melinda Wisdom married in French. 27 long years have passed since the marriage. All in all, 34 years have passed with their love and marital life. Gates became the father of three children at the time. The eldest daughter Jennifer is now 25 years old. This is followed by son Rory (21) and 18-year-old daughter Phoebe. The Gates couple have a happy family life with three children, a well-to-do family, a world-renowned donor and a charitable organization. All the people of the world are amazed at the sudden announcement of the end of 27 years of married life. There is frustration among their children. However, the Gates couple said that the marriage was broken.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill and Melinda were married in 1994. Six years after their marriage, in 2000, they formed the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Their workplace is also one. Both of them are very busy with the foundation. This foundation is doing various works in different parts of the world. The Gates couple’s charity is working to fight infectious diseases around the world and encourage children to be vaccinated. The main objective of the organization is to build a world free of hunger, poverty, awareness, education and health. The foundation spends about  5 billion US dollars on health care development. The organization has spent about 54 billion dollars to fight infectious diseases. In 2008, Bill Gates donated 68 crore 23 lakh US dollars to the World Health Organization to prevent polio. At present, the foundation has announced financial assistance of about 15 crore US dollars for the coronavirus epidemic and the World Health Organization. There are a few more top millionaires as donors to the company. According to the 2019 financial report, the size of this foundation is 4,330 crore dollars.

More expensive separation

Alec and Jocelyn Wildenstein

3.8 billion US dollars

Strange facts are known about the family of billionaire businessman Alec Wildenstein and Jocelyn Wildenstein. Alec had a mountain of skyrocketing money. He married Jocelyn. He was a star in the cinema. After the marriage, Alec was shocked to see his wife Jocelyn’s money being squandered. The final manifestation of his madness came after two million dollars worth of plastic surgery. Makes a cat-like face. Jocelyn claims that her husband likes cats, so he did it to be attractive to her. Jocelyn filed for divorce in 1997, accusing her husband of adultery and sexual misconduct.

They got divorced after two years of legal battle. However,
her husband Alec had to pay 2.5 billion US dollars for this. It is learned that after 13 years of divorce, the two settled by sending another check of 100 million dollars.

Divorce costs 3,000 crore US dollars 

Love with the presenter

Jeff Bezos owns the largest online marketplace. Jeff Bezos, the heart of the Amazon, is the richest man in the world. Last year, the company sold products worth 23,280 billion US dollars. Jeff owns a total of 131 billion dollars. He founded Amazon in 1994. Mackenzie was the first employee of that organization. Mackenzie was introduced four years ago. Jeff Bezos and Mackenzie’s love grew with Amazon. Starting from scratch, Jeff Bezos has been named one of the richest people in the world in a decade. Meanwhile, Jeff married Mackenzie. They have four children. A couple of years ago, there was a rift in the world.

Behind the Scenes of Jeff Bezos. The bomb blast in the English media, the man who is drowning in the sea of ​​money, secretly falling in love, is a child, leaving his family and often running to a presenter of Fox TV. Although not presented now, the name of that very popular beauty is Laura Sanchez. In the beginning, Jeff was hiding his love affair. But the truth is suppressed for a long time. News of Jeff and Laura Sanchez’s secret affair is leaked to the media. Since then, Mackenzie’s wife has been seeking divorce. Jeff Bezos doesn’t want to read the book. Respect is gone. This time the mountain of money will go legally to divorce the wife. It is known that Jeff paid about three and a half billion dollars by divorcing his wife. Wife Mackenzie will own 4% of Amazon. It also has the consent of both parties. The Jeff-Mackenzie couple’s divorce is the most expensive divorce in the world. After the divorce, his wife Mackenzie became the richest woman in the world. And Jeff Bezos also holds the title of the world’s richest man.

Media moguls Rupert Murdoch and Anna Torb

1.2 billion US dollars

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is now 88 years old. Total assets amount to 18.5 billion US dollars. Europe, America, the Middle East or Asia – he is the king of the big TV, newspaper media houses in all continents. Discussions and criticisms have come up one after another involving marriage, love and divorce. There was a lot of fuss about him with four marriages. He started his family by spending thousands of crores of rupees, then divorced after paying double the money. However, the highest cost was during the second divorce. He married Anna Torb. Anna Torb was a journalist. After Torb’s marriage in 1967, Murdoch’s fame spread. The love marriage with that journalist of The Telegraph lasted for 30 years. But due to mental distance, the family was not made. Murdoch spent 1.2 billion US dollars to divorce his second wife, one of the most expensive divorces.

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