Shaking the world – discovery

Shaking the world – discovery

The contribution of Muslim scholars in the development of Muslim civilization is unforgettable. Their concentration on research and creative work has been proven for ages. Their own ideas in various fields of science have made the development of civilization more dynamic. Chemistry, physics, biology, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, philosophy, history were their pioneering footsteps everywhere. Many Muslim scientists have changed the face of the world by discovering the Horizon Unveiler. Those discoveries and researches have been modernized, and today’s world is enjoying its benefits. Today’s discussion is about some of the notable Muslim inventors who shook the world.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Jabir ibn Hayyan
2.Al Biruni
3.Ibn Sina
4.Omar Khayyam
5.Al Farabi
6.Al Battani
7.Al Balkhi
8.Al Kindi
9.Al Saig
10.Ibn Haytham
12.Banu Musa
13Ibn Nafis
14.Al Betrugi
15.Musa Al Khawarizmi

★1.Jabir ibn Hayyan

Muslim scientist Jabir ibn Hayyan al-Azdi as-Sufi al-Omabi. His father was Haiyan of the Agudi tribe, a native of southern Arabia. Although the physician was the son of a father, the Umayyad caliph executed his father because of the current political situation. Although he lived in Kufa as a child, he returned to his homeland in southern Arabia after the death of his father. While living in Kufa, he became particularly interested in the study of chemistry. In that context, he also established a chemistry laboratory in Kufa.


Muslim historians have called the laboratory the world’s first laboratory. He was the first in the history of the world to invent the method of practicing the basic processes of chemistry in a scientific way. In addition to chemistry, he contributed to medicine, minerals, especially stone, philosophy, martial arts, geometry, astronomy, etc. He wrote about 2,000 books.  The number of books on medicine is about 500.

★2.Al Biruni

Abu Raihan al-Biruni, a Muslim scholar from Persia. He has spent most of his life in Central Asia. At the age of 20, he started traveling for the purpose of acquiring knowledge. For three years he traveled all over Persia and studied under various scholars. He settled in Jurjan (now Gurgan, a city in northern Iran) in 998 AD. For the next 10 years he lived in this small town in northern Iran. Continue your research, write books and keep on learning. Al-Biruni is a pioneer of voodoo. He collected and examined hundreds of different types of metals and gemstones. In the twentieth century, Biruni made new and significant advances in his colorful work and in the study of various subjects. He discovers how the earth rotates in its orbit. Introducing statics and dynamics, he introduced a new field of research called mechanics.

★3.Ibn Sina

The famous medical scientist and philosopher Abu Ali Sina was born in the city of Bokhara in 980 AD. The city of Bokhara was then part of Iran. Ibn Sina practiced his philosophy, practiced science, practiced all the knowledge from astronomy to logic, arithmetic, arithmetic etc. At the age of 16, he taught contemporary scholars, physicians and philosophers. As a result, it is easy to understand that he was the greatest physician of that time. It is said that when Ibn Sina fell asleep in exhaustion, unresolved questions floated in his mind like a dream. The door to his knowledge would open. He would wake up and solve problems.

His name spread everywhere as a famous physician. At just 21 years old, he wrote an encyclopedia called Al Mujmua. He recorded all subjects except mathematics. Ibn Sina wrote hundreds of books on physics, philosophy, theology, geometry, mathematics, medicine, literature, etc. He was the best physician in the world in his time.

★4.Omar Khayyam

According to many historians, Omar Khayyam was born shortly before the death of Sultan Mahmud. Omar Khayyam spent some of his childhood in what is now Balkh, Afghanistan. There he became a disciple of Imam Moyafefak Nishapuri, considered one of the best teachers in Khorasan. He devoted himself to teaching geometry and algebra during the day, giving advice at Malik-Shah’s court in the evening, and practicing astronomy at night, as well as revising the Jalali calendar. During his lifetime, Omar had a reputation as a mathematician. He first solved the triangle equation with the help of ellipses and intersections of circles. Another major contribution of Omar was the critique of Euclid’s parallel acknowledgment which later introduced non-Euclidean geometry. His book Maqalat fi al jarb al muqabila was published in 1070. In this book he classifies equations as powers and records the rules for solving quadratic equations.

Omar Khayyam was also known as an astronomer.

★5.Al Farabi

The real name of the Muslim scientist and philosopher al-Farabi is Abu Nasser Muhammad ibn Farakh al-Farabi. Al-Farabi’s father was highly educated and a high-ranking officer in the army. His ancestors were natives of Persia. Due to his conversion to Islam and political reasons, his ancestors left Parsa and settled in Turkey. His education began in Faraba. After studying there for a few years, he moved to Bokhara for further studies. He then moved to Baghdad for higher education. There he studied and researched for about 40 years. He traveled to Damascus, Egypt and many other places in search of knowledge. His contributions in Physics, Sociology, Philosophy, Logic, Mathematics, Medicine etc. were significant. However, his contribution to science and philosophy was the greatest.

In physics he proved the position of emptiness. As a philosopher, Nee was considered at the level of Platonists.

★6.Al Battani

Al-Battani was born in 858 AD in a place called Bastan in Mesopotamia. He was a mathematician and an astronomer. He was the first to accurately measure that a solar year is 365 days 5 hours 46 minutes 24 seconds. He showed that the apparent radius of the sun increases and decreases. His views on solar and lunar eclipses were also clear. Al-Battani proved with his own invented instrument that the sun is moving in its own orbit. This great thinker passed away in 929 AD at the age of 72. Al-Battani was a well-known astronomer and mathematician. He established his own observatory for the practice of astronomy. He made many reforms and improvements in this branch by correcting the errors prevalent in astronomy for many years.

Western historians refer to him as ‘Al Batejanij’, ‘Al Batejani’, ‘Al Bateniyaz’ etc. So much of his identity is lost in history.

Their wanderings in all branches of science

★7.Al Balkhi

The progress of Muslim astronomers was unquestionable. The success of Muslim astronomers was discovered in a very short time. One of them is Zafar Ibn Muhammad Abu Mashar Al Balkhi. He was a famous Persian astronomer, philosopher and mathematician. He was also known as Al Falaqi, Abul Masar, Ibn Balkhi. His work is still admirable.

★8.Al Kindi

Abu Yusuf Yaqub Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi was an expert in various subjects like Quran Sharif, Hadith Sharif, Fiqh Shastra, History, Philosophy, Linguistics, Politics, Mathematics, Astronomy etc.  He was fluent in Greek, Hebrew, Iranian, Syriac and even Arabic. He wrote 265 books on various subjects. His books are still widely read.

★9.Al Saig

Renowned astronomer, logician, philosopher, physicist, psychologist, poet and scientist Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Yahya bin Al Saig.

However, he is better known as Ibn Bajjah. He has also played an important role in medical science. He also had a reputation as a botanist. Al Saig’s poems are also praiseworthy. His famous book ‘Kitab Al Nabat’.

★10.Ibn Haytham

Eminent physicist, astronomer, engineer, mathematician, physician, philosopher, psychologist Abu Ali Al Hassan Ibn Al Hassan Al Ibn Haisham. He is also known as Al Basri because he was born in Basra.

An outstanding addition to optics is the discussion of astronomy in chapters 15-16 of Kitabul Manajir. He was also the first to attempt to combine mathematical astronomy and physics in his books Miyan al-Hikmah and Majhul fi the al-Kumar.


Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi or al-Rakhi. He was born in 841 AD in Tehran, Iran. Razi was a skilled Persian physician and philosopher. He authored more than 184 books on medicine, alchemy, physics, and more. He discovered sulfuric acid. He discovered the process of production, refining and treatment of ethanol. He was a famous Islamic thinker. He traveled to many countries.

★12.Banu Musa

Banu Musa is said to be one of the most wonderful astronomers. Because nothing else, the heights he reached in his time are unbelievable. He was one of the three scholars of Baghdad in the ninth century. Together these three were called the wonders of the machinery world. They excelled at measuring instruments. They also modernized the foundation.

★13.Ibn Nafis

His contributions to medicine and jurisprudence are unforgettable. Ibn Nafis enriched the world’s body of knowledge about the circulatory system in the human body, the proper structure of the lungs, the airways and the blood flow in the respiratory tract, heart, veins and sub-veins of the body. He misunderstood Galen’s doctrine of blood circulation in the human body and made his doctrine clear about it.

★14.Al Betrugi

Nur Ad-Din Ibn Ishaq Al-Betrugi. He was born in Morocco during the Islamic Golden Age. His personal biography is not well known. He was a philosopher and astronomer. He gave a groundbreaking doctrine on ‘slash motion’. Despite his limitations, he provided his own theory of planetary motion, which is now correct.

★15.Musa Al Khawarizmi

His full name is Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa Al Khawarizmi. He was born in about 780 AD on an island near the Amu Darya River in Soviet Russia’s Arabian Sea. He played a major role in arithmetic, algebra, geography, astronomy and geometry. However, it is mainly for algebra that he is most talked about. It is known from his book ‘Al Jibar wal Muqabila’ that he was a devout Muslim. Al Khawarizmi took a job in the huge library of Khalifa Mamun. This is probably where he became attracted to science. He became acquainted with all the subjects of science by studying with infinite patience.

He was a world-renowned mathematician. He took the knowledge of mathematics of his time to an unimaginably rich level.

Besides being a mathematician, he was also a notable astronomer. His wisdom in geography surpassed that of excellence. He was the father of algebra. He first mentioned the name of algebra in one of his books. The name of the book is ‘Al Jabar Wal Muqabila’.

He translated many Greek and Indian texts on science into Arabic. He authored a book on arithmetic, which was later translated into Latin. Algebra was later enriched by him. At the heart of the development of mathematics up to the present day, and of the advances and discoveries that have been made in various branches of science with its help, is the great contribution of the mathematical principles invented by Al-Khawarizmi. The English name of algebra, Algebra, originated from his book Kitab al Jibar wal Muqabila.

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