History-changing speech

History-changing speech

Act speech can change the future of a nation, it can become a symbol of hope and aspiration. For various reasons, some of these speeches have made history again. The historic March 7th speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman has been included in UNESCO’s ‘Memory of the World’ list. Through this list, UNESCO preserves important events and traditions of the world. Such historical discourses are like a beacon of light, which has given people the path of liberation in the transition period. Today’s discussion is about some speeches that have become immortal due to political reasons.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

2.Mahatma Gandhi

3.Winston Churchill

4.Abraham Lincoln

5.Martin Luther King

6.Patrick Henry

7.Nelson Mandela

★1.Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

March 7, 1971

“This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom.”

March 7, 1971. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered a historic speech at the then Race Course Ground in Dhaka. This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom ‘. This great leader was living a simple life with his parents, wife and five children. His daughter, the current Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, said in a television interview that Bangabandhu was quite upset on March 7. Despite gaining an absolute majority in the 1970 elections, he did not hand over power to the Awami League. Meanwhile, on March 7, a huge rally was organized at the then racecourse ground (now Suhrawardy Udyan). On that day at noon the people ate rice. That afternoon he ate rice and went to bed to rest. Priyatma sat next to his wife with a drinking bowl. This simple housewife gave up her own interests and the love of her child for the love of the country. He turned his hand on Bangabandhu’s head and said, don’t be afraid of anyone. The people of the country are looking at you.


Say what you have to say, say it without hesitation, say it without fear. This inspiration of the beloved wife worked like a lifeline. Bangabandhu came out. The racecourse ground was then full to the brim in the presence of millions of people. Sky-scraping slogans all around. Bangabandhu rose on the stage. According to the late Awami League leader Abdur Razzak, Bangabandhu stepped forward on the stage chanting slogans and said, ‘Give me the mic’. Then began his legendary speech. At first he spoke of his sad heart. Because the highways of different cities in the country were then stained with blood and the cries of freedom, survival and rights were heard in the air. One by one he described the various programs and proposals he had taken from the beginning, so that the Western ruling class did not listen to him at all. They also described the bloodshed that has taken place almost every year since Bayanna. The conspiracy of Yahya and Bhutto was not left out of this description. Explaining his position, he said that he wanted the rights of the people, not the prime ministership. In order to realize this right, Bangabandhu called for a general strike and an all-inclusive movement. He instructed to build forts from house to house. He instructed to continue the movement even in his absence. And finally, in his fiery voice, the declaration of independence came out – ‘This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom.’ His declaration works like a mantra. The whole country became paralyzed and resistance began. This is followed by the nine-month war of liberation from the night of March 25 to December 16 and our freedom gained in exchange for 3 million lives, respect for women and destruction of invaluable resources. Sad but true, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was martyred on 15 August 1975 by a group of misguided soldiers.UNESCO has included the historic March 7th speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the ‘Memory of the World’ list.

If an attempt is made to annihilate the people of this country, the Bengalis will act with understanding. In every village, in every mahalla, form Sangram Parishad under the leadership of Awami League and be ready with whatever you have. Remember, when I give blood, I will give more blood. I will release the people of this country inshallah. This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom. Win Bangla, Win Bangla. 

★2.Mahatma Gandhi

August 8, 1942

‘Leave India …

World War II, which began on September 1, 1939, was then in the middle. Human civilization is on the brink of destruction in the fires of World War II. From the east to the west and from the north to the south, the battle bells are ringing everywhere. Some are fighting for the defense of democracy, some for the protection of their own territory, while others are intoxicated with the conquest of one country after another. In such a context, the opposite picture was seen in the then British ruled India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who lives on in the name of Mahatma Gandhi, called for an unprecedented struggle to drive the British out of India and for India’s independence using non-violence, not hatred, not aggression, not abandonment and love as a weapon. Born on October 2, 1869. He first went to South Africa at the age of 24 after obtaining a barrister’s degree in Indian law from University College London.

The racist practices there hit him hard. He later returned to India in 1915. Involved in the First World War. The fate of the Indians remains unchanged even after the end of the war. Gandhi realized that the fate of the subjugated nation never changed. So he started the ‘British Khedao’ or ‘Quit India’ movement. To set an example of the boycott of British goods, he took off his English suitcoat and wore a dhoti and a sheet woven on a local spinning wheel. Many at the time thought that the mighty British could never be expelled from Gandhi’s philosophy. They thought that there was no alternative to armed struggle against the British. Some anti-British foreign forces also helped them. But Gandhi was steadfast towards his non-violent movement. In the face of hundreds of thousands of adversities and threats, Mahatma Gandhi did not move a hair from his philosophy. In such a context, on August 8, 1942, Mahatma Gandhi called on the British to leave India at the then Gawlia Tak Maidan in Bombay, which has gone down in history as the Quit India Rhetoric. This great leader was shot dead on January 30, 1948 by a Hindu nationalist named Nathuram Godse.

★3.Winston Churchill

May 13, 1940

‘I have nothing to give. There is only blood, pain, tears and sweat

Winston Churchill, the twice-elected Prime Minister of England and a successful wartime political leader and ruler, elicited a worldwide response by raising two fingers and displaying the V or victory sign. Although he gave numerous speeches on military life and political life, his speech of 13 May 1940 has become famous in history. It is to be noted that 10 days before this speech, on 3 May 1940, England declared war on Germany. The war of 1940 marked a turning point in English politics. At the beginning of his speech, he described the context in which he took charge of the ‘War Cabinet’ and his own management of the war. Churchill also described the war and the preparations for war that were taking place at that very moment. At one point he apologized for not being able to give a long speech due to the environment.

Asking for everyone’s support for the war, he uttered an unforgettable message, the essence of which I have said to those who have been sworn in as ministers in this government, and also to this great parliament, ‘I have nothing to give, only blood, suffering, tears and sweat. We have to face the ordeal, we have to fight for months and endure hardships. If you ask us what our policy is, we will say that our only policy is to continue the war on water, land and air. With all our might and God-given strength we must continue to fight against a cruel monster. This is our policy, and if you ask what is our goal? I will answer in one word, victory. No matter how long or inaccessible the path is, there is no way for us to survive without victory.

★4.Abraham Lincoln

November 19, 1863

Government of the people, government by the people and government for the people

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is immortalized in the pages of history with a speech of 272 words in just 3 minutes. Between July 1 and 3, 1863, a bloody civil war in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA killed about 8,000 people. Lincoln made the remarks at a memorial service about four months after the war at the memorial. The keynote speaker at the event was professional and eloquent Edward Evert, who spoke for about two hours. Later, Lincoln stood on the stage and began his speech. He finished his speech in 3 minutes before the photojournalists and photographers set the camera properly. At the beginning of his speech, he recalled his predecessors, who founded the American continent 47 years ago with the goal of establishing independence and equality for all. At times his voice echoed the mournful howls of the civil war.

And he ended his speech with a historic statement, which is still considered the greatest definition of democracy of all time. He said ‘government of the people, government by the people and government for the people’ will never be lost from the world. After this speech he became speechless. The crowd present. They even forgot to clap. The 3-minute speech ended before many cameras were turned on, but today, almost 150 years later, researchers in political science still humbly remember Abraham Lincoln, the liberator of democracy. The eloquent Edward Evert lamented, “If I could say something closer to the essence of Lincoln’s three-minute speech in my two-hour speech, life would be blessed.” On April 14, 1865, John Weeks Both, a political activist, was shot dead. This immortal speaker of history.

★5.Martin Luther King

August 28, 1963

‘I dream…..

March 7, the day in the history of the United States, has become known as a bloody day. March 7, 1965 was a Sunday. The whole United States is in the throes of racism. Meanwhile, a non-violent mob led by Martin Luther King, Jr., marched peacefully from Selma to the provincial capital, Montgomery. At such a time the opposition whites and the police launched a barbaric attack on the procession. Highways are stained with blood. March 7, 1965 is known as ‘Bloody Sunday’. However, the speech for which Martin Luther King is remembered forever was delivered on August 28, 1963 in Washington, DC, USA.  On that day, Washington became the city of processions. Luther King’s colleagues, the unemployed youth, the freedom-loving masses, the religious leaders, the labor leaders and the black leaders, led by a crowd of people to the Washington Memorial Lincoln Square. Bob Dillon and John Boys’ revolutionary songs were sung by other leaders in the crowd. Finally came the turn of Martin Luther King. He first expressed satisfaction at being able to attend the largest gathering in US history for independence.

He highlighted the discriminatory behavior of whites and the oppression and deprivation of blacks. “We have no recourse until the Negroes are subjected to indescribable police torture,” he said. We have no recourse until the weary Negroes have the right to rest in hotels or motels in the city. We don’t receive receipts until our children see signboards written for whites only. I know some of you have come from far and wide. Someone from the prison cell. Someone from the police torture cell. Go back to your homes. But do not dip in muddy water. Maybe today or tomorrow will be critical for us. Yet I dream, this dream is tied to the existence of America. I dream, one day this nation will wake up and evaluate this belief of people, all people are equal by birth. At 6:01 pm on April 4, 1968, the emaciated hero was shot dead by an assassin named James Earl Ray.

★6.Patrick Henry

March 23, 1775

‘Give me freedom or death’

March has been a memorable month for the people of Virginia, the island nation of the United States. On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry Raymond, then ruler of the state of Virginia, called on local leaders present at St. John’s Church, the next president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and the people of all walks of life against British hegemony. The spirit of the revolution that had been burning in the hearts of the people of Virginia for centuries seemed to ignite in the words of Patrick Henry – “Give me freedom, or die.” Referring to the peace efforts before calling for war, Henry said that what he had done to establish peace had not worked, was not working and would not work in the future. So the only solution he sees is to fight, not to start soon.

Because there is no way to avoid war. So he has to embrace with courage. To back down in this war means to accept slavery. So Henry pointed to the chain of subjugation and said that this chain has rusted. The clang of the chain can be heard. Invoking the inevitable war, he said twice, “Let him come, let him come.” Referring to others fighting, he said, “Our brothers have started fighting.” So there is no time to sit idle. There is no time to show politeness. He then asks a historical question, ‘Is life so dear and peace so sweet that it must be bought at the price of chains and slavery?’ The self-proclaimed answer to this question is like his immortal saying, ‘I don’t know which way others will choose. But in my case I will say – give me freedom, or death ‘. The crowd responded to Patrick Henry’s appeal. Henry’s bold utterance was not in vain.

★7.Nelson Mandela

September 21, 1953

‘There is no easy way to freedom’

Another name for the successful struggle against totalitarian racism is Nelson Mandela. He was born on 18 July 1918 in the village of Kunu in South Africa to a tribal leader. As a mature law student, Mandela wanted to pursue a career in law, but he had to endure almost 28 years in prison for misapplying the law. Which started in 1962 and ended in 1990.

The main struggle of this black leader was against the racist attitude of whites towards blacks. Ignoring the bloodshed, torture, imprisonment and even death of the ruler, he not only struggled on his own, but also inspired all the exploited people of the world by his eloquent speech. Therefore, Mandela is not only the leader of South Africa, but also a unique symbol of the movement against any injustice, a unique organization. In his political life he gave many speeches which shook the foundations of the rulers more than once. Sometimes a struggle, sometimes a sacrifice, sometimes a call for forgiveness Containing his established speech is a valuable resource of history. However, Nelson Mandela’s speech as President of the African National Congress on September 21, 1953 is remembered for its unique features. Much of this speech has since been repeated, sometimes in his own voice and sometimes in the voices of his lawyers, in the legal battle against him. Mandela began his speech on September 21 by speaking out against the ongoing persecution of blacks by whites since 1912, which has been criticized at home and abroad, at provincial and national rallies, on trains and buses, in factories, on farms, in villages, towns, schools and prisons. In his lyrical and poetic speech, Mandela described the people’s political awareness and self-awareness as a victory for them, despite hundreds of adversities. However, speaking of the greatest victory or independence, Mandela quoted his immortal saying, “There is no easy way to achieve independence.”

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