A beautiful Muslim installation

A beautiful Muslim installation

Islamic architecture is appreciated all over the world. Islamic architecture has fascinated people for thousands of years because of its unique design and architectural style. Muslim rulers spread their empire all over the world. So Islamic architectural patterns are scattered in every corner of the globe. The Islamic architectural style includes mosques, palaces, palaces, forts and bridges. Along with the Persian region, Islamic establishments developed from Europe to South Asia. The expansion of the Ottoman Empire took the Islamic establishment to another level. In addition to its religious significance, Islamic establishments are an integral part of civilization and history. Today’s discussion is about some of the hundreds, thousands of Islamic installations.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Blue Mosque

2.Taj Mahal

3.Shrine of Abdul Quader Jilani (Rah.)

4.Mehmed Pasha Bridge

5.Kubbat as sakhra


7.Pink Mosque

8.Rome Mosque

9.Sixty Dome Mosque

★1.Taj Mahal


The Taj Mahal is the seventh wonder of the world. It was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal looks pink in the early morning, white in the day and golden in the moonlight. The architect of this unique installation was Ahmed Lahori. He employed 22,000 people to build the Taj Mahal.

Who were workers, stonecutters, painters, embroiderers and calligraphers. The emperor brought marble stones from Rajasthan, Afghanistan, Tibet and China. In addition, 28 types of precious and semi-precious stones were laid on white marble. In which there was also an interesting sapphire gem. Construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632 and was completed in 1653. It took 22,000 workers 22 years to complete.

★2.Blue Mosque

In Istanbul

The ‘Sultan Ahmed Mosque’ stands on the shores of the famous and eye-catching Bosphorus Strait of Istanbul with its monuments of Muslim tradition. After the Hagia Sophia was converted into a museum in 1934, the Blue Mosque became the main mosque in Istanbul. When you enter the mosque, you will feel that it is painted in the color of sea water. The interior walls are decorated with blue tiles. Seeing this blue glow from outside, many people call it ‘Blue Mosque’.


Its minarets and domes are covered with lead, and the minarets are covered with gold-plated copper. The mosque is 240 feet long and 213 feet wide. 10 thousand devotees can perform prayers together here. The mosque was built by Sultan Ahmed Bakhti of the Ottoman Empire between 1609 and 1616. The architect of this historic mosque was Muhammad Aga. The mosque complex houses a madrasa, a guest house and the tomb of the founder. The mosque is crowded due to its eye-catching architectural style and excellent weather.

★3.Shrine of Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rah.)


The tomb of Abdul Qadir Jilani, the famous Barapir of Gausul Azam, is in Baghdad, Iraq. The Kaderia Sufi Complex is located in Baghdad around his shrine. The place is called Kilani Square. Inside it is a beautiful mosque, mazar sharif and a huge library.

A collection of many old books in the library. Named the Kaderia Library, it is known to Islamic heritage researchers around the world. The shrine was damaged during the reign of Shah Ismaili. In 1535, Ottoman Sultan Sulaiman erected a large dome over the shrine and renovated it to its present form. A car bomb had exploded at the shrine in 2007.

★4.Mehmed Pasha Bridge


Mehmed Pasha Skolvic Bridge, steeped in history. The locals said, Pasha Bridge. Bosnia-Herzegovina is a secluded country in southern Europe. The bridge is a symbol of Islamic architecture with a history associated with the Balkans.

It is the glorious bridge of the Ottoman Empire. This bridge was built in 1577. The architectural style is influenced by Turkish designers. The reflection of 11 bow-like pillars appeared on the river. This bridge over the sometimes calm, sometimes Rudra Dina river still reminds us of the splendor of Muslim rulers and the glory of architecture. The 589-foot-long bridge is considered a masterpiece by the famous architect Mimam Sinar.

★5.Kubbat as sakhra


Kubbat as Sakhra is located on the Temple Mount in the old city of Jerusalem. History has shown that there have been repeated disputes between Jews, Christians and Muslims over its occupation. Its construction was completed in 691 by order of the Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan.

Here are examples of Byzantine influences on Umayyad architecture. The second Jewish temple is believed to have been located here. Muslim believers, on the other hand, associate the place with the holy Meraj. The turn of the Jewish and Muslim rulers has changed the history of this religiously important establishment many times over. Today, one of the oldest installations in Islam is occupied by Israeli troops.



The city of Granada in Andalusia, Spain. There is a fortress on the Assarika hill on the southeastern border of the city of Granada. The palace is also inside the fort. The whole place is called Alhambra. It was built by the Mauritian rulers of the Emirate of Granada in Andalusia in the mid 1300s.

The Alhambra Palace was built during the reign of the Nasri dynasty. It was then used as the king’s residence and palace. In 1238, Muhammad ibn Nasr entered through the gates of Elvia to occupy Granada, and he named it Al-Hamar, which means red, because his beard was red. No designers had any prior plan to build such a huge palace and fort. So many people are surprised to see its irregular structure.

★7.Pink Mosque


The name of the Pink Mosque comes up when you list the dazzling mosques. It is also one of the important Islamic installations. Built in the style of Iranian architecture, this mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques in Iran. The original name of this mosque known as Pink Mosque is Nasir ul Mulk Mosque.

This traditional mosque is located in Shiraz, Iran. The mosque is decorated with many stained glass. That is why red, blue, purple and pink glows inside the mosque. The craftsmanship of the design is incomparable. The water inside the mosque fascinates everyone. This mosque is called the Pink Mosque because it has been used to create many pink tiles designs. The mosque was built between 1876 and 1888 by the order of Mirza Hasan Ali (Nasir ul Mulk).

★8.Rome Mosque


Rome, a pilgrimage site for Catholics around the world, is home to the Roman Mosque, a marvel of Islamic architecture. To the locals it is best known as ‘Moscow the Roma’. However, to the Muslim world, it is known as the ‘Rome Mosque’. Construction of the huge mosque began in 1984. It took 10 years to complete the construction of the mosque. It was officially inaugurated on July 1, 1995. The 320,000-square-foot mosque is an important example of Islamic architecture. Inside the mosque, 12,000 worshipers can pray together.

Its 128 feet high minaret is quite a sight to behold. The inner pillars are shaped like palm trees. Rome Mosque is the largest mosque in Italy and Europe. The construction of the mosque was funded by King Faisal Ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia, Prince Muhammad Hassan of Afghanistan and his wife Princess Razia Begum. The construction of the mosque cost about 40 million euros. Although it is widely discussed as Islamic architecture, neither of its architects is Muslim. Its exterior-interior illumination creates an enchanting atmosphere at night.

★9.Sixty Dome Mosque


In the importance and aesthetics of Muslim architecture, the names of various installations of Bangladesh have come up again and again to the researchers. It has a sixty-domed mosque. The mosque is located in the village of Sundarghona, just seven kilometers from the town of Bagerhat in the south-west of the country. This mosque was built in the fifteenth century. It is believed that during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah (1435-59) Al Azam Ulug Khanjahan established the kingdom of Khalifabad in the Sundarbans.

Khanjahan built a court hall for meetings, which later became the sixty-domed mosque. The mosque was built over many years and at great expense. Its stones were brought from the palace. Although the mosque is known as sixty domes, it has a total of 81 domes. Excluding the four domes above the minarets or towers of the four corners of the mosque, the number of domes is 77. The mosque is about 160 feet long on the north-south side and about 143 feet long on the inside, and about 104 feet wide on the east-west side and about 88 feet wide on the inside. The mosque was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983.

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