Greek prince Philip

The queen’s companion was the Greek prince Philip

The story is of an exiled Greek prince. He later became the most famous husband in the world. Although not the heir to the British throne, Queen Elizabeth has a unique impression of her personality as a companion. He spent seven decades of his life in the shadow of his wife, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Philip says goodbye to the world at the age of 99. But left his colorful career. After his life in exile, he joined the Navy, overcoming the struggles of the disintegrated family. Then the daughter of the king of the United Kingdom won the heart. The next is a unique story of a busy life and winning people’s hearts. Today’s discussion is about the famous Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Philip was born

2.The boy sleeping in a cage made of fruit baskets …

3.The torn family fights the young Philip at every moment

4.Education did not stop

5.Military life

6.The first meeting and romance with Elizabeth

7.Not the king or the heir, but the queen’s companion

8.Hobbyist Philip became a social worker

9.The last days are numb with the weight of age

10.According to the piece, Prince Philip is 99 years old

★1. Philip was born

Philip was born into a royal family in Greece. Philip’s father was Prince Andrew. The mother was Princess Alice of Battenberg. Baby Philip in the first picture. The next picture is of teenager Philip. During his time at Gordonstown Boarding School in Scotland, founded by academician Kurt Han. At that time Philip had a great reputation in sports.

Prince Philip & 
Queen Elizabeth

During World War II, Prince Philip served as a midshipman on the warship HMS Valiant and took part in direct combat. Then his skills are appreciated. Philip and Elizabeth in the next picture. The official announcement of their engagement came in July 1947.

★2. The boy sleeping in a cage made of fruit baskets …

Philip Battenberg, the future Duke of Edinburgh, was born on June 10, 1921. Philip was the fifth child in the family of Prince Andrew and Princess Alice Battenberg. He was born in Villa Monrepos on the Greek island of Corfu. He was the only son of the parents’ children. He spent his childhood very fondly. One year after his birth, a revolutionary court ruled in 1922 that Prince Philip’s father’s family had been deported from the Greek island. His cousin King George V sent a British warship to rescue them, from which they were taken to France. It is said that the boy (Philip) was sleeping in a cage made of fruit baskets. The exiles settled on the estate of Saint-Claude in the suburbs of Paris Begins. Their new life.

★3. The torn family fights the young Philip at every moment

The days of childhood, adolescence and youth were not very pleasant for Prince Philip. Of course, it is natural that the life of an exiled prince will be challenging. Descendants of the Greek royal family were relatively alone in France and Britain. Meanwhile, Philip’s parents’ marriage broke down and the whole family was torn apart by the divided war in Europe. His father, Prince Andrew, settled in the French Riviera, while Philip’s mother suffered from schizophrenia. Philip’s sisters married aristocrats from Germany, so at the beginning of the war the prince was away from all his relatives. Even then, Yuvraj lost some more relatives in his teens. When Philip was 16, his own sister Cecilia was killed in a plane crash with her husband, children and mother-in-law. A year later, his uncle and guardian, Lord Haven Milford, died of cancer. As a result, Philip’s early life was spent in great challenges.

★4. Education did not stop

In the midst of so many ups and downs, Philip’s education never stopped. He continued his studies with his own interest and with the help of his family members. After starting his studies in France, at the age of seven, he moved to England with his relatives in the Mountbatten family. Then school life started in England in 1928. He later moved to Germany, where he attended a private school in 1933. Scott 51 moved in. In 1939 he entered Dartmouth Royal Naval College. Philip graduated in 1940 and was awarded the title of Midshipman. For four months he served in the battle of Ramilis.

★5. Military life

Philip, a successful student at the Naval Academy, began his military career before graduating. At that time war was raging all over the world. Prince Philip served in the Navy during World War II. In October 1940, when Italian troops invaded Greek territory, Philip was serving as a war veteran as part of the Mediterranean fleet. He then took part in a number of military operations, including providing cover for a British-American landing in Sicily in 1943. In January 1946, after the war, Philip returned to Britain and began working as a trainer for the Royal Arthur cruiser in Wiltshire.

★6. The first meeting and romance with Elizabeth

When King George VI of Britain went on an official visit in 1939, the young naval officer Prince Philip was entrusted with the care of the king’s two daughters, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. A description of this is found in the memoirs of their Gov. Marion Crawford. He says Prince Philip was pretending to be quite a bit at the time. He was able to make a good impression on 13-year-old Princess Elizabeth. In World War II, Prince Philip fought with great success. He witnessed fighting for the first time in the Indian Ocean. In October 1942, at the age of 21, he became the youngest First Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. This included correspondence between the teenage Princess Elizabeth and the Navy officer Philip. Prince Philip spent Christmas time with the royal family in 1943. At that time, a picture of Prince Philip wearing a uniform was hanging on the table of Princess Elizabeth. It was as if he was expressing his choice of mind. However, many in the royal family were skeptical of Philip. To many, Philip seemed rude, rude, and unfaithful. But Prince Philip overcame it quickly. Finally, King George allowed Prince Philip to marry his daughter. But for this Prince Philip had to take British citizenship, renounce his foreign titles and become a follower of the Church of England. However, in this case, Elizabeth did not go less. Queen Elizabeth II did not hesitate to break the conservatism of the royal family to get Philip as her life partner. Overcoming all obstacles, Queen Elizabeth II married Philip in 1947 at the age of 21. Their marriage was the largest state ceremony in the world after World War II. Philip’s love for the queen was deep and his sincerity incomparable. They have four children – Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward. The grandchildren (eight in all) but also the children of their house (this number is also 10) have been loved by Prince Philip.

It is thought to be the first meeting between Princess Elizabeth (third from left) and the young naval cadet Prince Philip (white cap on the far right). The photo was taken on July 23, 1939, during a visit to the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth.

★7. Not the king or the heir, but the queen’s companion

Despite being the husband of the ruling queen, Prince Philip was never known as a king. Rather, he has been called the queen’s companion prince. He was never given the title of king. This is because, according to UK law, if a woman marries a king, she gets the title of queen figuratively, but when a man marries the queen on the throne, he can never use the title of king. He is the true King who sits on the throne. However, if Queen Elizabeth wanted, she could have given Prince Philip the title of ‘Fellow King’.  But did not feel the need. Prince Charles tops the list after the Queen. Then there is his eldest son Prince William. Then William’s eldest son George. Then George’s younger sister Charlotte. Philip began his reign in 1952, after marrying Queen Elizabeth II in 1947. He has attended more than 20,000 events alone. The whole world has gone around to cooperate in his wife’s work. This visit was as much a royal visit as it was a state necessity. Although the whole world knows him as the Queen’s husband, his place is after the Queen to the people of Britain. Their long 73-year marriage has also been a unique example in the history of the British royal family. He was the queen’s greatest place of trust during the crisis. Many times the queen has made this announcement in her own mouth.

★8. Hobbyist Philip became a social worker

Philip played polo very well in his youth. Philip was also interested in horse drawn racing. Philip had a keen interest in oil painting or contemporary cartoons. He collected works of various artists and observed them with interest. However, after becoming the queen’s companion, Philip’s beds became social services. Philip got involved in a lot of public welfare work. Finnish was a patron of about 800 charities. These organizations are working for the development of people in different parts of the world. He is also the chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh Special Award for Youth. But Philip has tried to differentiate himself from modern environmentalists. Being a man of conservative outlook, he said he would not curl up with rabbits. However, he was very interested in wildlife conservation. He was also interested in technology and sports. Prince Philip has been a regular figure in the lives of ordinary people in the UK since the 1940s.

★9. The last days are numb with the weight of age

 Prince Philip was the longest surviving spouse of a king or queen in British history. In her 1997 speech on the golden jubilee of marriage, Queen Elizabeth praised her husband and said, “He is my strength at all times.  I and his whole family owe him much more than he claims or knows.

On his 90th birthday in June 2011, he openly acknowledged the reality of aging. In an interview with the media, he said that he would reduce the pressure of his work.  Prince Philip said, ‘I think I did my job. Now I want to enjoy my life a bit. Less responsibility, less rush, then you have to think less about what to say. He said, my memory is getting weak. A lot of things I can’t remember. I am wrapping myself up a lot. ‘Prince Philip’s important role was to support the royal family inside and out. Especially when adversity comes down. During his long reign he was a great force behind the queen. Prince Philip told his biographer that he had always felt that his main task was to show that the queen was successful in governing. On 16 February, Prince Philip was admitted to King Edward Hospital in London with a serious illness. He later underwent successful surgery at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London for heart problems.

★10. According to the piece, Prince Philip is 99 years old

 1) Although Prince Philip is known around the world as the British Prince, he is basically a Greek. He was born into a royal family in Greece. Philip’s grandfather was George I, King of Helens. Philip’s father was Prince Andrew. The mother was Princess Alice of Battenberg. The Mountbatten of the English royal family were relatives of Philip’s mother.

 2) The Greek royal family lost power after a coup in 1922. The revolutionaries sent them into exile. King George V of England sent a warship to rescue the entire family and bring them to France.

 3) Like many of us, Prince Philip’s birth certificate is not the same as the actual date of birth. The birth certificate states that Prince Philip was born on May 28, 1921. But he was born on June 10, 1921. The reason for this discrepancy is that the Gregorian calendar was not yet followed in Greece.

 4) In the post-exile life, Philip’s mother suffered from schizophrenia. He was sent to a mental hospital. However, his contact with Philip was very limited.

 5) Prince Philip and Princess 5 Elizabeth were married on November 20, 1947. After their marriage, more than 10,000 telegrams came to Buckingham Palace congratulating them. About two and a half thousand gifts were sent from all over the world. A lace made of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s hand-woven yarn with the inscription ‘Joy Hind’ was sent as a gift from India.

 6) In the history of Britain, Prince Philip is the one who has served as the life partner of a queen for a long time.

 7) Prince Philip is known for his work in conserving nature and wildlife. But on a tour of India in 1961, he hunted a tiger and then took pictures with it again. There was a heated debate about this at that time.

 8) Prince Philip has at times made all sorts of remarks that have embarrassed him and the royal family. He went to China on an official visit with the Queen in 1986. There, he called the Chinese girls ‘tick-eyed’. He went to Australia and asked an Indigenous businessman, ‘Do you still throw spears at one another?’

 9) As a father, Prince Philip was in a very strong mood. Prince Charles has been seen crying in public as a child after being threatened by his father.

 10. There was a lot of talk about his dealings with his daughter-in-law Princess Diana. Mohammed al-Fayed, the father of Diana’s boyfriend Dodi al-Fayed, alleged that Diana was killed on the orders of Prince Philip. But no truth was found in this allegation. In the government investigation. Some of Princess Diana’s later letters, published on behalf of the royal family, provide evidence of the excellent relationship between the two. In these letters, Princess Diana addresses Prince Philip as ‘Dear Pa’.

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