As many accidents in space

As many accidents in space

Space missions have a history of many accidents. Many adventurous astronauts have lost their lives in these accidents. Many space missions have failed due to mechanical faults. Yet the space journey of adventurous people does not stop. Despite various accidents, scientists are constantly moving forward in space travel. Astronomers often announce new missions. A rocket that recently lost control of China has come under discussion. Today’s discussion on space travel accidents and birth missions.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Chinese rockets hit the Indian Ocean

2.Spacecraft Sputnik-2




6.Space Shuttle Challenger

7.Tourist spacecraft

8.India’s rocket loses control of the moon


★1.Chinese rockets hit the Indian Ocean

There has been a lot of speculation about a Chinese rocket recently launched into space. International media, social media; Everywhere the practice goes with rockets fired by China. The launch of the Long March 5-B rocket went out of their control after the launch, the country said.


According to a CNN report, China wants to build its own space station in Earth orbit. Named the ‘Tianhe Space Station’. Chinese astronauts launched a rocket on April 29 to test a module (part) of the space station into Earth orbit. After launch, the 21-ton rocket went out of the control of Chinese scientists. Then began the speculation, exactly where in the world the Chinese rocket will go!

The rocket finally entered the Earth’s atmosphere at 10:24 a.m. Beijing time (8:24 Bangladesh time), ending all fears. And it crashed into the Indian Ocean.

The wreckage of the rocket fell into the ocean west of the Maldives, Reuters reported. According to the Chinese state media Global Times, the rocket named ‘Long March 5B’ was launched from Hainan Island in China to orbit on April 29. The rocket named ‘Long March 5B’ was launched from Hainan Island in China to Tianhe Module. The Tianhe module is a very important part of the permanent space station under construction in China. The living quarters of the three crew of the station were taken away by this module. China will conduct a total of 11 missions in orbit to establish a space station. The first of these was launched into the Tianhe module on a Long March 5B rocket. Many were sharply critical of China, as well as fears about how dangerous the wreckage of the Long March 5B could become. However, China has said that the wreckage of the rocket will not become dangerous for the world. The wreckage of the 21-ton Chinese-made ‘Long March 5B’ is by far the heaviest in the world. It is 98 feet long and 16 feet wide. It orbits the earth at a speed of about 27,600 kilometers per hour.

★2.Spacecraft Sputnik-2

The first Russian dog to orbit the Earth. The name is Leica. Leica is very calm. Leica impressed everyone with her sweet looks as well as her intelligence. Her eye color was black. On November 3, 1957, Laika was sent into space. The dog circled the earth four times. During this time a lot of heat is generated in the spacecraft Sputnik-2 spacecraft. After 10 hours, Leica fell ill with extreme heat. Because the spacecraft was not safe enough to control the temperature at that time. Again it is said that mechanical weakness was also a factor. So in space Leica boiled in the heat and died. The dog could not stand it after the internal body temperature rose above 41 degrees Celsius. Leica died within 10 hours of launch due to extreme temperatures. The idea is that one of the causes of any mechanical fault in the heat control system. Decades later, people found out the real cause of Lycra’s death. From this mission, scientists can understand that it is possible for a passenger to survive despite being weightless in a spacecraft launched into Earth orbit. Leica dies, but through him the manned spacecraft project begins.


Phobos-Grant is the name of another failed manned space mission. The space mission was conducted from Russia to Mars. This mission was a little more ambitious. Because it was supposed to land on a moon on Mars. From where he was supposed to return to earth by collecting stone samples. Phobos-Grant was supposed to reach Mars but was able to climb only 345 kilometers above the earth’s surface. If it succeeds, it would be the first time that rock samples have been found in any part of space other than the Earth’s moon.


The ‘Beagle-2’ spacecraft sent by the European Space Agency was scheduled to reach Mars on December 25, 2003. The last time the spacecraft was contacted was on December 19, 2003. Then the communication of the earth with the Beagle-2 vehicle was cut off. It reached Mars in 2003 but was soon followed by disaster. Beagle-2 never sent a message to the world. In 2015, a picture of the Beagle-2 taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter suggests that its activities were disrupted by a fault in one of its solar panels.


On October 16, 2016, the space station attempted to land a probe on the surface of Mars using a relatively complex combination of parachute and crusher. However, their plan did not work. The 250 million spacecraft detached from the parachute after traveling 50 crore kilometers. The spacecraft landed on Mars at a speed of 540 kilometers per hour. The goal of the European Space Agency is to send a six Dhaka rover to Mars in the next four to five years. And before that, they started this Shiapareli mission in Europe with the aim of gaining experience. Everything was going well. There was jubilation in the control room. Because after traveling for seven months, the vehicle crossed 50 crore kilometers and entered the orbit of Mars. But disaster struck at the final moment. Scientists had hoped that Schiaparelli would land exactly as it did in the end. According to telemetry data, the process of slowing down Shiapareli when it was descending from above to the surface of Mars did not work properly. As a result, this mission in Europe failed like then.

★6.Space Shuttle Challenger

The crash of the Space Shuttle Challenger is thought to be one of the most failed missions in space. The spacecraft crashed on January 28, 1986. Just 73 seconds after takeoff that day, the space shuttle Challenger broke apart due to a mechanical problem. Sadly, seven astronauts on board died. The wreckage of the spacecraft crashed off the coast of Florida in the United States in the Atlantic Ocean. The crash occurred at 11:39 a.m. and 4:39 p.m. (UTC) in the eastern part of North America.

★7.Tourist spacecraft

On the morning of November 2, 2014, Virgin Galactic’s Spaceship-2 took off. Whitenight-2 rises to 45,000 feet. At 10:10 a.m., 50 minutes after takeoff, the spaceship-2 departed from the aircraft. So far everything was fine. Only 2 minutes later the disaster occurred. Smoke starts coming out of spaceship-2. The spacecraft crashed into the sky during the experimental phase. One of the two pilots in the spacecraft was killed and another was seriously injured. It was a space tourism go. Which was the world’s first private space tourism initiative.


On February 21, 1967, Apollo 1 was the first crew mission in the United States. This is the first attempt of man to land on the moon. Initially, the AS-204 spacecraft was scheduled for the mission. Although at that time the mission failed. The Apollo Command and Services module was planned as the first low-Earth orbit test. However, Apollo 1 had crashed before that. Three crew members died in a sudden fire during a practice test at Cape Kennedy Air Force Station Launch Complex 34 on January 27 before the mission.

★9.India’s rocket loses control of the moon

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) differs from other space research organizations in terms of budget. But despite such a low budget, their success is enviable for everyone. Recently, they conducted the second project of their Chandraviyan, Chandrayaan-2. Earlier, India made its first impression on the moon in 2008 through the Chandrayaan-1 project. But the mission of Chandrayaan-2 has failed to fulfill its dream. The two parts of the spacecraft lost contact with the control room before they touched the surface of the moon. As a result, Chandrayaan Vikram lost contact with space research company ISRO. According to a report in Indian media NDTV, Chandrayaan-2 was launched on July 22, 2019. It was described as a failure of the country’s failed space mission after the Indian spacecraft lost contact with the control room at the last minute 2.1 km before landing on the moon. Although Indian astronomers claim that the entire mission did not fail, only 5 percent failed. Scientists say that the control room has lost contact with the two parts of Chandrayaan-2, ‘Lander Vikram’ and ‘Rover Pragyaner’. Only 5 percent of the entire campaign failed. However, the rest is in contact with the ‘orbiter’. The orbiter is working successfully in lunar orbit. This will meet 95 percent of the expectations of the campaign. Earlier, the former head of the Birla Planetarium in Calcutta and astronaut. BP Duari told the media that Chandrayaan-2, which orbits the moon, is still orbiting the moon. Once this vehicle flies, it will be able to tell what really happened to Vikram’s fate. He added, “Now no one can say what Vikram’s condition is, or what happened. Because no wireless communication could be done with him. Maybe the vehicle was damaged. Earlier, India sent a rocket named Chandrayaan-1 which discovered the existence of water particles at the south pole of the moon. However, Indian scientists were hoping that Chandrayaan-2 would take their discovery one step further. Scientists believe that the moon’s south pole is hidden from the sun, so the temperature is lower and water is more likely to be found there. But as communication became disconnected, that possibility almost disappeared. Earlier, Chandrayaan-2 entered the lunar orbit on August 20.

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