Islamic patterns in the western world

Islamic patterns in the western world

Muslim rulers built their empires around the world. They have left glorious memories in different parts of the world. Millions of tourists still flock to see Muslim installations in the western world. The real attraction of the Muslim architectural style is its visually pleasing design and design. In the midst of these patterns, the expression of the fancy taste of the Muslims has come to the fore. Proves that Muslim culture has been fond of installation culture since time immemorial. These Muslim monuments have survived in their glory for hundreds of years. Today’s discussion is about some historical and beautiful Islamic patterns.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.The last Muslim empire in Spain was Granada

2.La Mezquita

3.Dearborn in Michigan

4.Mehmed Pasha Bridge

5.Cordoba of the Muslims

6.Rome Mosque

7.Pena National Palace

8.The Al Hambra

9.Blue Mosque

10.Central Mosque

11.Topkapi Palace

★1. The last Muslim empire in Spain was Granada

Until the 1,100 century, the position of Muslims in Spain was very strong. But after that the triumph of the Muslims began to subside. At one time Granada survived as the last Muslim empire. So here, during the Reconquista, one Muslim state after another fell to the invading Christian states from the north of Al Andalusia. Major cities such as Cordoba, Sevilla, and Toledo fell between the 1100s and 1300s.

Granada, the only Muslim province, was able to defend itself from Christians in the 1300’s. After the fall of Cordoba in 1236, the rulers of the Emirate of Granada signed a special treaty with the powerful Christian Castile Empire. That is to say they were allowed to remain independent as the ‘Emirate of Granada’ but had to pay taxes to them instead of facing the imperial invasion of Castile. This tax had to be paid every year as a gold coin. In addition, the geographical location of the Emirate of Granada is one of the reasons for its independence.

Granada is located at a very high altitude in the Sierra Nevada mountains of southern Spain, which was very difficult for the invading external force. This natural obstacle served as a force for Granada. For this reason, Granada survived for more than 250 years as the last Muslim empire in Spain, despite being weaker militarily than the Christian Castile Empire.

★2. La Mezquita

Such a beautiful mosque in Spain may not have been built in any other Arab country. In Spanish, the mosque is called ‘Mezquita’. During the Muslim rule in Spain from 711 to 1492 AD, many Islamic structures were built. The Crdoba Mosque in Andalusia, Spain is one of them.

The structure is one of the finest pillars of Moroccan architecture. The historic Cordoba Mosque was built in the then capital of Spain, Cordoba, during the reign of Caliph Abdur Rahman 1,200 years ago, in the years 784 to 786; Also known as La Mezquita or The Great Mosque of Cordoba. Muslims have been praying in this mosque for more than 500 years after its establishment. At that time, the mosque was used as a center for Islamic education, Sharia law and arbitration. When the Muslims were defeated in 1236, everything changed.

★3. Dearborn in Michigan

Dearborn Mosque is a mosque belonging to the American Muslim community in Dearborn, Michigan. It was built in 1937 by the growing Islamic community. It is the second mosque built in the United States. The building is three stories high and is located at the confluence of almost the entire city at the intersection of Vernor and Dix Streets. From the 1960s to the 1980s, human presence increased rapidly. In the early 1980s, the court dismissed the objections of some neighbors and allowed loud prayers to be offered in the mosque.


It is the first mosque in America to give a loud call to prayer. The court ruled that the Muslim call to prayer was the equivalent of a church bell. The mosque was managed by Sheikh Hamud Afif. Before that, Sheikh Mohammad Musa was the leader for many years. Dearborn’s Islamic Center of America and Dearborn Mosque are two separate mosques.

★4. Mehmed Pasha Bridge


Mehmed Pasha Saklovic Bridge of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is steeped in history. Locals say Pasha Bridge. The bridge is a testament to the history of Islamic architecture associated with the Balkan region of this secluded country in southern Europe.

This bridge was built in 1577. The architectural style has a touch of Turkish designers. The reflection of the pillars curved like 11 bows appeared on the river. This bridge over the sometimes calm, sometimes Rudra Drina River still reminds us of the splendor of Muslim rulers and the glory of architecture. The 589-foot-long bridge is considered a masterpiece by the famous architect Mimam Sinar.

★5. Cordoba of the Muslims

During the Muslim rule in Spain, Cordoba was world-renowned for its science. Every narpati of this city was a lover of knowledge and a seeker of knowledge. Cordoba was the foremost city in science and economic development in Europe at that time. And this was possible only for the benefit of the Muslim rulers.

According to the eminent Muslim geographer Yakut al-Hamabi, Cordoba was the heart of the whole of Andalusia. Spain was the first Muslim colony through the Moors. The Muslims chose Cordoba as the capital of the conquered lands. The Muslim rulers paid full attention not only to the occupation of the territory but also to its overall development. A total of 23 administrators appointed by the caliphs ruled the territory. However, in 716 it came under the central caliphate of Damascus. Later a separate caliphate was established here from 929 to 1031. This period is marked as the golden age of Cordoba’s wealth and knowledge. Historians say Arab Muslims made a war-torn territory a haven of peace.

★6. Rome Mosque


A magnificent example of Islamic architecture is the Rome Mosque in Italy, the largest in Europe. It is also known as Moscow The Roma. The construction work of this huge mosque lasted from 1984 to 1995. In a 3 lakh 20 thousand square feet mosque, 12 thousand devotees can offer prayers together.

The mosque was built on the initiative of Prince Muhammad Hassan and his wife Razia Begum of Afghanistan and with the financial support of Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia. The construction cost is 40 million euros. Although it is widely discussed as Islamic architecture, neither of its architects is Muslim.

★7. Pena National Palace


Pena National Palace is a romantic palace located in Sao Pedro de Penaferim, Sintra, Portugal. The establishment has been infiltrated with a collection of neo-Gothic, neo-Manuline, neo-Islamic and neo-Renaissance crafts. Almost the entire palace is built on stone.

Structurally, the palace is divided into four parts. On sunny days the palace is easily visible from Lisbon and other parts of the city. It is a national establishment and through it the manifestation of 19th century Romanticism.

★8. The Al Hambra


It is basically a palace. However, it is also called a compound fort. The palace is located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The palace was built in the mid-1300s during the reign of the country’s Muslim Nasri dynasty. The main attraction of the palace is the extraordinary decoration and beauty.

It will catch the eye of any visitor very easily. Inside the palace are gardens, fountains and various fine ornamental ornaments. On November 2, 1984, UNESCO’s World Heritage Site Selection Committee declared Al Hambra a cultural heritage of humanity.

★9. Blue Mosque


Geographically, Turkey belongs to two continents, Asia and Europe. Istanbul is the most populous city in the whole of Europe in the southern European part of Turkey. The historic mosque of this city is Sultan Ahmed Mosque. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is a unique example of Turkish architecture. After the conversion of Hajia Sufia into a museum in 1934, the Blue Mosque became the main mosque in Istanbul. When you enter the mosque, you will feel that it is painted in the color of sea water.

The interior walls are decorated with blue tiles. Seeing this blue glow from outside, many people call this mosque ‘Blue Mosque’ or Blue Mosque. The minarets and domes of the mosque are covered with lead and gold plated copper is used on the minarets. The mosque was built by Sultan Ahmed Bakhti of the Ottoman Empire between 1609 and 1616. The architect of this historic mosque was Muhammad Aga. The mosque complex houses a madrasa, a guest house and the tomb of the founder.

★10. Central Mosque


London Central Mosque is known as the Islamic Cultural Center. It is located next to Regents Park in London. The architect was Frederick Gibbard. The construction of the mosque was completed in 1978. Its main attraction is the huge golden dome.

The main hall of the mosque can accommodate five thousand worshipers at a time. There are also facilities for women. With a large carpet wrapped around the floor of the mosque. There is as little furniture as possible. The inside of the dome is decorated with some examples of Islamic tradition. The mosque compound has a small bookstore and a halal food cafe.

★11. Topkapi Palace


The Topkapi Palace in Turkey was built in the 1450s under the direction of Sultan Mehmed II. The architecture, consisting of several buildings, has been used as the administrative office and residence of 30 Ottoman sultans for nearly 400 years.

The beauty of the sea and the Bosphorus can be enjoyed from the palace. Was first established as a state venue. But now it has become an important tourist destination. Here it is. Holy relics of Muslims such as the cloak and sword of the Prophet Muhammad (sm).

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