The world’s best Muslim philosopher


The world’s best Muslim philosopher

The contribution of Muslim philosophers in the development of Muslim civilization is unforgettable. The concentration of Muslim thinkers and scientists in research and creativity in the modern world has proved to be a shining example throughout the ages. These philosophers have wandered in different branches of knowledge. The contribution of these scholars was very significant in the context of history. Today’s event with some such scholars.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Al Kindi

2.Al Farabi

3.Owais Qarni

4.Ibn al-Arabi

5.Al Ghazali

6.Ibn Khaldun

7.Ibn Rushd

8.Ibn al-Haytham

★1.Al Kindi

801-873 [Kufa City]

Abu Yusuf Yaqub Ibn Ishaq Al Kindi. To the Muslim world he is known as Al Kindi. Al-Kindi is a philosopher and scientist of the Islamic Golden Age. He was an expert in the Qur’an, Hadith, history, philosophy, linguistics, politics, mathematics, astronomy, psychology and logic. Besides, he was fluent in Greek, Hebrew, Iranian, Syriac and even Arabic. So far, 270 books written by al-Kindi have been found.


Although he has acquired scholarship in various branches of knowledge, he has gained worldwide fame due to his munshiana of philosophy. In addition, he has played a great role in many branches of science. His ideas about the method of philosophical application are quite basic. He is not in favor of philosophy through mere meditation or contemplation. He thinks that precise and reliable knowledge is required to reach the right philosophical conclusion. That is why he was in favor of using mathematical methods in philosophy. In this way, the similarity between him and Ron Descartes, the father of modern philosophy, can be found. In explaining knowledge, Kindi introduces three separate issues. Pradraya, intellect and imagination. Al-Kindi was born in the Arab city of Kufa. My father was the governor of Krishna city. This is where he studied. His exact date of birth was not known. However, it is believed that he was born in 801 AD. He died in 873 AD.

★2.Al Farabi

872-956 [Turkestan]

Al-Farabi is one of the best-known philosophers in the East. Not only that, al-Farabi had outstanding knowledge in theology, metaphysics, science and medicine, music. He wrote the first Islamic encyclopedia and Muslim logic. Al-Farabi was born in 872 AD to an aristocratic Turkish dynasty. His real name is Abu Nasser Muhammad bin Farath Al Farabi. His father was highly educated and a high-ranking officer in the army. His ancestors were natives of Persia. Due to his conversion to Islam and political reasons, his ancestors left Persia and settled in Turkey. His education began in Faraba. He stayed in Baghdad for 40 years hoping to get a higher education. He traveled to Damascus, Egypt and many other places in search of knowledge. His contributions to physics, sociology, philosophy, logic, mathematics, medicine, etc. were significant. However, his contribution to science and philosophy was the greatest. He was the one who proved the position of ’emptiness’ in physics. As a philosopher, Nie was considered a Platonist. Al-Farabi was the first to distinguish between religion and philosophy. He emphasized the importance of applying philosophy in daily life. This great sage died in the city of Damascus in 956 AD.

★3.Owais Qarni

594-657 [Yemen]

Weiss Karni was a Yemeni philosopher and Sufi figure. Weiss Karni, an Arab national, was born in Yemen in 594 and died in 657. His shrine was in Rabbah, Syria. In 2013, extremist Islamist groups overthrew it. A mausoleum has been built in his honor in Baykan, Sit province, Turkey. He was alive during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). But they were never seen. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was met in a spiritual way. According to the narration of Ibn Battuta, Wais did not die fighting for Ali ibn Abi Talib in the battle of Siffin. When Wais Korni’s father Abdullah died at a young age, the responsibility of the family fell on him. So he used to earn money by keeping camels. Besides, he was always busy in religious pursuits and taking care of his blind mother. In his time he was considered a follower of Hazrat Ali (ra).

★4.Ibn al-Arabi

1165-1240 [Spain]

Ibn al-Arabi is one of the best Muslim philosophers in history. She was the first postmodern and supporter of feminist thought in intellectual history. Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Muhammad bin Ali Al Arabi Al Tai Al Hatimi His full name!  He was born in 1165 in a rich Muslim family. His family was one of the most influential families in Cordoba. If one does not know the philosophy of Ibn al-Arabi, the knowledge of Islamic philosophy remains incomplete. Ibn al-Arabi is probably the most unique, complex and at the same time outstanding Islamic thinker. He was not a modernist like Al-Farabi or Ibn Rushd. He was spiritual, far-sighted and a master of obscure matters of knowledge. He has written extensively on explaining religion in the light of science, scientific discussion of the Qur’an, philosophical interpretation of hadith, jurisprudence, and mysticism. This great philosopher died in Damascus, Syria in 1240.

★5.Al Ghazali

1058-1111 [Iran]

Al-Ghazali was one of the most important and influential thinkers in the history of Islam. He was also one of the leading philosophers, scholars and theologians in the Muslim world. His real name is Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali. Imam al-Ghazali was born in 1058 in the city of Dush in Khorasan, Iran. He had a keen interest in spiritual knowledge. So at a young age he set out in search of the mystery of creation. He traveled around the world for about 10 years and finally returned to Baghdad. Imam al-Ghazali was the best philosopher in the Muslim world. His thought is considered to be the evolution of Muslim theology. Because many of the Muslim philosophers at that time were influenced by Greek philosophy. At that time philosophy was always seen as a subject outside of religion. He was the first to bring out the underlying philosophy of religion and combine religion and philosophy to create a separate philosophical school, which changed the very definition of philosophy. And at that time some of his philosophical doctrines were established, which was not possible for any other contemporary. Al-Ghazali was able to summarize logic, metaphysics and naturalism analytically in the society of that time. He died in 1111 in the city of Tush in Khorasan.

★6.Ibn Khaldun

1332-1406 [Tunisia]

Ibn Khaldun is a fourteenth-century Muslim historian, sociologist, economist, and, above all, a philosopher. He is said to be one of the fathers of modern historiography, sociology and economics. The full name is Abu Zayed Abdur Rahman bin Muhammad bin Khaldun Al Hadrami. He was born in 1332 into an aristocratic Muslim family in Tunisia. His father was a scholar of Islam. He was educated by his father in his childhood. At a very young age he became proficient in Qur’anic Hadith, law, discourse, grammar, philosophy, literature. He first entered the political arena in 1349. He his political life was cut short by various ups and downs. He was also a prisoner at one time.

Ibn Khaldun was the first to introduce a completely new branch of the social sciences, the cultural sciences. Ibn Khaldun was different in writing history. According to him, history is also a kind of science. According to the autobiography, his work can be divided into two parts.  Historical philosophy and Islamic philosophy. He spent the last days of his life in Egypt. This great philosopher died in Cairo in 1406.

★7.Ibn Rushd

1126-1198 [Spain]

The eighth to twelfth centuries are the eighth period of early Islamic philosophy. This period is called the Islamic Golden Age. It was started by the philosopher Al-Kindi and ended in the hands of Ibn Rushd. The name of Ibn Rushd, one of the best philosophers and scholars among the Muslims, is shining in the pages of history. His popularity in Europe during the Renaissance was skyrocketing. But for this philosophy a curse came down at one time in his life. Ibn Rushd’s full name is Abu Al Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd. This great philosopher of the western world was known as ‘Averos’. Ibn Rushd was born in 1126 in Cordoba, Spain to an aristocratic and pious family.His grandfather was the chief justice of Cordoba during the reign of the Almoravid dynasty. He started his education with Hadith education, Qur’an and jurisprudence, literature and law education. The attraction to philosophy was born mainly in the hands of his tutor and famous Muslim philosopher Ibn Baddah. In addition to philosophy, he was an expert in Islamic Sharia, mathematics, law, and medicine. He became popular in philosophy by translating Aristotle’s writings. Ibn Rushd died in Marrakesh in 1198. He was buried in Cordoba.

★8.Ibn al-Haytham

965-1040 [Iraq]

Ibn al-Haytham is an Arab mathematician, astronomer and physicist of the Islamic golden age. He is also an engineer, mathematician, physician, philosopher and psychologist. His full name is Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Ali Hasan ibn al-Haysam. He is also known as Al Basri because he was born in Basra. In the Western world, he is better known as Al Hygen. Ibn al-Haysam was born in 965 in Iran. Significant contributions are the principles of optics. He was the first to discover the basics of the camera. Today’s modern cameras, satellites, etc. rely on it. He was the first to prove in his interpretation of vision that light is reflected from an object and is visible to the naked eye. He was also able to distinguish the center of vision not in the eyes, but in the brain. An outstanding addition to optics is the discussion of astronomy in chapters 15-16 of ‘Kitabul Manajir’. He was the first to attempt a combination of mathematical astronomy and physics. Al-Haysam was influenced by Aristotle, Galen, Boon Musa. In Cairo, he taught at the court of the Fatimid caliph, edited treaties, and taught in aristocratic families. This great philosopher passed away in 1040 AD.

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