Muslim establishment in Israel

Muslim establishment in Israel

In 1948, there was a radical change in all things of the Palestinians. On 14 May of that year, David Ben Guriyin Guriyin Gurian Guriyin Guriyin announced the establishment of the state of Israel in Palestine. The day Israelis celebrate as Independence Day. On 15th May, Palestinians remember ‘as’ nasa’ or ‘of’ unhappiness. Divided Muslims are deported. And those who remain, are living as Israeli Muslims. Today’s arrangements for Muslim establishments in Israel.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Mosque al-Aqsa

2.Mosque of Haifa Kababi

3.Omar Mosque

4.White mosque

5.Al-Bahar Mosque

6.Mosque not knowing 

7.17 mosques are now hotel-cinema hall

★1.The first kibla of Muslims

Mosque al-Aqsa

One of the most holy mosques in Islam, Baitul Mukaddas or Mosque al-Aqsa. It is Temple of Temple of Israel. This mosque al-Aqsa is located in the city of Jerusalem in the memory of numerous Prophetians. Currently the Jews have occupied this holy mosque.

According to the faith, there are numerous Prophet’s tombs in Al-Aqsa premises. Many are unknown history of establishing aza in the mosque. After 40 years of construction of the Holy Kababhah by the Prophet Abraham Alaihis Salam of Islam, his grandchildren of Israel, Jacob Alaihis Salam, the historic city of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the Mosque Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem According to the faith, Sulaiman (A) rebuild this holy mosque through gene nation.

The mosque came under Muslims in 638 AD. In the early period of Islam, this mosque was used as Kibla Muslims. Khalifa Omar (ra) built a mosque in the present mosque. Later, in the era of Umayyad Khalifa Abdul Malik, the mosque was rebuilt and expanded. This reform was finished in 705 AD after the reign of his son Khalifa first al Walid. In 746, when the mosque was destroyed in the earthquake, Abbasid Khalifa al-Mansur rebuilt it. Later, his successor was rebuilt. In 1033 AD, if the mosque was affected in another earthquake, Fatimid Khalifa Ali today built the mosque, which survived the current till date. Additional parts are added to the mosque during different rulers.

These include domes, courses, pimmers, mihrab, internal structure. In 1099, the Crusaders took a palace in a palace and in the same premises in the same premises used as a church in Kubbat. Sultan Salahuddin resumes its use as a mosque after I win Jerusalem.

★2.17 mosques are now hotel-cinema hall

After the announcement of the Israeli state, the Jews have increased the atrocities to chase the Palestinians. So clearly, Westerners including Britain. At that time, half of Palestinians were forced to leave their homes to save lives and took shelter elsewhere. In this way, the life of Palestinian religious Muslims is coming. But at one time there were many mosques in the place of Israel. The Israeli government has closed it. 17 mosques there they turned into hotels and movies. The Israeli state started in 1948. Then it is radical. All things in the life of the Palestinians. On 14 May of that year, David Ben Guriyin Guriyin Gurian Guriyin Guriyin announced the establishment of the state of Israel in Palestine. The day Israelis celebrate as Independence Day. On May 15, the Palestinians remember as ‘nasa’ or ‘unhappy’. After the announcement of the Israeli state, the Jews have increased the crisis of the Palestinians. So clearly, Westerners including Britain. At that time, half of Palestinians were forced to leave their homes to save lives and took shelter elsewhere. Like the residents of other parts of Palestine, Tiberias residents took shelter in Syria, Lebanon. Committee for Arab Citizen of Israel’s spokesman Kamal Khatib Turkish media told Anadolu that the Jayyana family also went to Nazareth city at that time. Displaced the Palestinians and displaced their homes, their property under the control of the Jewish occupation. In order that includes many traditional mosques. A study found that 40 mosques destroyed Israeli or prohibited access. More than 17 mosques have been flood shops, hotels, museums, movies. Notable in this, the conversion of Al-Ahmar Mosque in the Northern Safed city has been converted.

★3.Mosque of Haifa Kababi

Mahmud Mosque built the people of Ahmadia Muslim community in the late 1970s. Mahmud Mosque is a mosque in Israel’s Haifa Kababi region. The Mahmud Mosque was built in the Mount of Carmel in 1931 or in the 1970s. The promised Christ was named after the second caliph of Mirza Mirza Bashi’s Uddi-Din Mahmoud Ahmad. He was the son of the founder of Ahmadia Muslim community. Many people say him as’ promised reformer.

There are two white monuments in the mosque that dominates the sky line of residential surroundings in the valleys near 35 meters long. All members of the local Ahmadia community funded together to build the mosque. Later, their social structure surrounded by this mosque. In 1928 most residents were included in the Ahmadia community.

★4.Located in Jerusalem

Omar Mosque

Omar Mosque located in Jerusalem was established in 1193 AD. It is located on the south side of Church of the Holi Sermon. The mosque’s minaret is in the courtyard of Church of the Holi’s scholarship. In 637, Abu Ubaidah Ibn al-Jarrah (ra), the Muslim army, led by Jerusalem, was not able to surrender to anyone except Khalifa Omar (ra), without the sanction of Jerusalem.

Omar (ra) then came to Jerusalem and surrender was held. Then he visited the Church of the Holi Machpecus. Safranius expressed his inability to accept it when he invited him to pray in the church. His argument was that this example could be harmful for this church in the future. Instead, he prayed in the open premises outside. Here the Prophet Dawood (AS) is believed to be prayed. The mosque is built here.

★5.Sulaiman Pasha made

White mosque

Sultan Sulaiman Pasha made the mosque, known as White Masjil. This is the oldest mosque in the Nazir Region of Israel. Its fine pencil-shaped tower, cream wall wall, green decoration and green dome is a unique example of Ottoman architecture in the whole city.

The mosque was created in the last half of the eighteenth century. High Commissioner Sheikh Abdullah al-Faum was in charge of supervising the mosque. Sheikh Abdullah named this mosque on the occasion of the completion of the rule of the Ottoman Pasha, the Ottoman Pasha, the Ottoman governor of the Ottoman governor of Jiza’s Pasha. The construction work of the mosque was completed from 1804 to 1808.

Sheikh Abdullah’s tomb is in the courtyard of the mosque. After his death, Sheikh Amin al-Faum was entrusted to the responsibility of managing the mosque. At present, the mosque continues as part of the Al-Fatam family waqf. At present it is being run by Sheikh Abdullah’s descendant Atif al-Faham.

Sheikh Abdullah chose white color as a symbol of holiness, light and peace to make the believers enjoyable among believers in Nazareth.

★6.Spiritual side of the Sea

Al-Bahar Mosque

Al-Bahar Mosque Its position is in Israel’s Japanese region. Naming of Al-Bahar Mosque means The Sea Mosque This name is because it is close to the ocean. Fisheries and sailors were praying with residents of the neighborhood of this region. Muslims were not allowed to enter the Israeli government since the occupation of the Israeli government.

Nobody is allowed to enter for prayer or to keep clean. The 16th century mosque is one of Israel’s viewpoint mosque. From 1994 to 2014, the Palestinians get partial control of the West Bank and Gaza through discussions. But the dream of their freedom remains imperfect.

★7.Mosque not knowing new archaeological discoveries

Archaeologists have discovered a mosque of 1,200 years old in Israel’s desert area. It is believed to be the oldest mosque discovered in the country. Archaeologists announced the invention of the mosque in Negeb Desert of South Israel. The rare discovery was the Bedouin town of Rahat region. John Seligman and Shahar Jur, who is in charge of the mosque, said, “It is a small town. During the construction, it may be seventh or eighth century, it can read in rare discovery in the world. This kind of old establishment has not been discovered before the election of the biggest city of the city of Leg’s desert. The building was built in the fourth shape. Seeing Mehrab to Mecca, the archaeologists identified it as a mosque. They think that the agricultural farms discovered the agricultural farm in the area used to use the mosque. Archaeological Gideon Aboni said that it is one of the oldest mosques in the present Israel area. Arabs won the area in 636. After this, the number of Muslims continued to grow day by day. Many mosques in that time are in history, which is not a name of the old mosque.

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