Epidemics that have stopped because of vaccines

Epidemics that have stopped because of vaccines

As human civilization has progressed, infectious diseases have become more dangerous. Numerous epidemics have hit the world in the last few thousand years. In the course of time, these epidemics have destroyed towns and lives of millions of people. The destruction has finally stopped. However, people have been freed from these epidemics through vaccination. And the history of Tika in the world is only two and a half hundred years.  So far, two diseases have been completely eradicated from the world through the use of vaccines. Today we will know the epidemics that were stopped by the vaccines discovered by the medical scientists.

Today’s topic of discussion…….

1.What is a vaccine?

2.Why is the vaccine given?

3.How was the vaccine discovered?

4.The disease is eradicated

5.When is a disease cradicated?

6.Disease eradication







13.Yellow Fever


15.Serse Virus


★1.What is a vaccine?

A vaccine is a biochemical compound that prepares the human body to fight a specific infection, virus, or disease. Vaccines help build the body’s immune system by stimulating the production of antibodies in the human body.


The vaccine contains an inactive or weakened part of the substance that causes Gui disease, which is called a ‘blue-print’. The part produces a similar response in the body which helps the body’s immune system to later detect the attack of the virus and fight against it.

★2.Why is the vaccine given?

Vaccination is very important to prevent any infectious disease. The vaccine strengthens the immune system by making antibodies in the human body. It helps prevent infections in the human body by inactivating viruses or germs.

The vaccine usually stimulates the immune system to destroy the dead bacterium or its pathogenic pathogen, which identifies the substance as an exogenous substance and to keep it in memory, so that the immune system can easily detect and destroy the bacterium at a later infiltration.

★3.How was the vaccine discovered?

The world was a dangerous place before vaccines were created. Then millions of people would die of the disease. The idea of ​​ticker was created in China. In the tenth century, a treatment called ‘variation’ was introduced. Through which tissues were taken from the body of the sick patient and placed in the body of a healthy person. Eight centuries later, the British physician Edward Jenner noticed that although the cowboys were infected with cow dung, the deadly smallpox infection was rare among them. But smallpox was a terrible contagious disease at that time. Thirty percent of people would die in the spring. Survivors were either blinded or had severe scars on their faces. In 1796. Inject the spring pus of Jenner cow into the human body. After a while, the symptoms of spring appear in the human body. Then in the same process smallpox germs are introduced. But it turned out that there was no spring in the human body. At that time, the germs of cow spring protected people from smallpox. In 1798. Jenner’s successful test results are published. The world is getting vaccinated for the first time.

★4.The disease is eradicated

Only two diseases have been eradicated from the world through vaccines. One is the small lotus, which in Bengali is called gutibasanta. The other is Rinderpest, a disease that mainly affects cattle. Dozens of diseases are being vaccinated around the world. These vaccines have been shown to prevent different diseases but these diseases have not been eradicated.

★5.When is a disease eradicated?

According to the World Health Organization, it is possible to prevent disease through vaccination in a few steps. First eradication, then removal and then control. No disease has been found anywhere in the world for at least a decade, and the World Health Organization has declared it eradicated. According to virologists, the germs of the disease are stored in the laboratory or laboratory only for research.

★6.Disease eradication

The next step is eradication. Corona virus vaccine has been discovered. However, the transmission of the deadly virus has not stopped yet. However, in at least four of the World Health Organization’s six continental regions, if no one has been infected with the disease for a decade, it is assumed that the disease is gone. For example, in most parts of the world, people are no longer infected with measles. According to the World Health Organization, the use of the measles vaccine reduced the mortality rate by 80 percent between 2000 and 2017.


Control means preventing the disease by vaccinating after being infected. According to the World Health Organization, vaccination can reduce mortality. Vaccine use has reduced the number of deaths over the past century. Apart from this, various researches are being done all over the world to prevent the transmission of various diseases. According to experts, many diseases that have almost disappeared in the developed world due to advanced research and vaccines are still prevalent in developing and underdeveloped countries.


The name of a once terrible disease is smallpox. People fled the area when they heard his name. The disease just takes lives. No, it also destroys the beauty of the human body. People with this disease lose their eyesight. The epidemic, caused by a virus called variola, has killed countless people around the world. In our country it is better known as Olaotha, Olabibi and Basantabibi.

The first evidence of the disease was found in mummies in Egypt in the third century BC. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. In 570 AD, the wise archbishop Marius named the disease ‘Variola’ after the contagious virus. In 900 AD, the Persian physician Al-Razi described the symptoms. In 1675, Thomas Sydenham gave a detailed account of the disease. In 1767, William Hebarden distinguished between cocoons and smallpox. Outbreaks appear to have killed an average of 400,000 people a year in Europe in the 18th century. One third of them go blind. In 1796, the English physician Edward Jenner discovered a vaccine for the disease. Dr. Jenner’s vaccine began to eradicate one of the deadliest epidemics in human history. Dr. With the development and continued application of the generic vaccine, smallpox and smallpox were eradicated from the world in 1977.


Plague literally means epidemic. It is the oldest dying disorder of human civilization. According to medical experts, plague was present on the earth about 30,000 years ago. It is written in history as ‘Black Disease’ or ‘Black Plague’.

In 541 the disease spread in the form of an epidemic.  It all started in Egypt. The plague then spread to the Byzantine Empire and from there to the entire Mediterranean region. From Constantinople the disease spread to Europe, Asia, North America and the Arab region. New research says the plague was born in China 2,000 years ago. According to others, the epidemic plague originated in Central Asia. However, the most acceptable study is that in 1331, an unknown epidemic began in the Yuan Empire of China. Abu Saeed, the Mongol ruler of Persia and the Middle East, died of the disease in 1335.  A few more years later, 90 percent of the population in China’s Hubei province died of the plague. A total of 5 million say demographers. The rest escaped and saved their lives. People have fled without getting any treatment for the plague. However, in the early 13th century, the plague spread from one region to another through patients.Archaeological excavations on the shores of Lake Ezek-Kal in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, have revealed that a Christian business community called Nestorians died of an unknown disease between 1338 and 1339, according to American historian Callie Chapaskin. Scientists commented after studying the patterns, there was a certain species of rat living there. They have spread the plague. Modern science says that the main carrier of the plague was rats. It is said that about 50 million people died in this terrible epidemic. Many say it affected more than half of the world’s population at the time. According to Ibn Battuta, the immortal Moroccan tourist of Morocco, an average of about 2,000 people died a day in 1345 in the famous Syrian city of Damascus. The plague struck Makkah in 1349. The plague then spread among the pilgrims in the form of an epidemic. Two years earlier, in 1347, 12 ships of the Black Sea anchored in Sicilian ports. Panicked city dwellers saw that most of the sailors on the ship had died of an unknown disease with pus and black poison. This is how the plague came to Europe. The terrible disease spread in the form of an epidemic and almost destroyed the continent. By the middle of the 14th century, about 30 percent of Persia’s population had died of plague. The plague wiped out one-third of Europe’s population in the 15th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries, many European women were burned to death as witches. This is how people wanted to survive the plague. However, Alexander Irsin, a Swiss-French physician and pathologist, is the father of modern treatment of the plague. In 1894 he discovered the bacteria responsible for the disease. It is named after the deadly disease ‘Ersinia pastis’ bacteria. In 1970, millions of people were infected with the plague in India.

However, the disease comes under control within 5 years. Bacteria are still present in animals around the world. Which spreads in the human body. Until 2007, the World Health Organization identified the disease as one of the three deadliest diseases in the world.


Cholera originates from a special bacterium called Vibrio cholerae. It is a disease of human intestinal inflammation. It is usually spread through the use of unsafe food and water. The feces of the infected person are infected. The patient frequently defecates thinly, leaving plenty of water and salt out of his body. 

Dehydration and electrolytes mean that blood, urine, tissues and body fluids are depleted, creating a physical imbalance. The cholera epidemic has killed thousands of people worldwide in just a few days. In 1883, the German scientist Robert Koch first identified the cholera virus. A year later, the Spanish physician Heime Ferran developed the Marcelin vaccine for patients. Waldemar Huffkincom developed a cholera vaccine that has side effects. In 1902, another scientist named Wilhelm Cole discovered the cholera vaccine. Later, the cholera vaccine brought unimaginable success in medicine. Vaccines have been used around the world since 1990.

According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of cholera in developed countries has been greatly reduced. However, many people are still dying of cholera in Africa and Southeast Asia.


It is a deadly infectious disease. Its enterovirus causes polio in human body. Poliomyelitis is a life-threatening paralytic disease that results in lifelong weakness in the patient’s muscles. Which harms children. The disease once took epidemic proportions.

Austrian biologists Carl Landsteiner and Irwin Popper identified the polio virus in 1909. In 1950, US researcher Jonas Salk invented the first polio vaccine.

Albert Seiben, a Polish-American physician, was the first to feed an improved version five years later. He made the final discovery of the polio vaccine in 1961. His vaccine is being used all over the world. In 2014, the WHO declared Southeast Asia polio-free. Despite its declining prevalence in the world, children in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria are still suffering from polio.


Tuberculosis held tuberculosis epidemics in Europe and North America in 18th and 19th century. In 1882 the German scientist identified the disease of Robert. In 1921, the vaccine of tuberculosis disease was discovered in the Institute of Paris Pasteur.

The organization’s disease prevention scientist Cami Girha discovered tuberculosis vaccinations. Since then, the vaccination of the vaccine named Basilus-Khilamith-Girhah (BCG) around the world is being given to prevent tuberculosis. Tuberculosis has decreased the incidence of epidemic diseases around the world in discovering and discovery of medicines. It is briefly called tuberculosis. It is affected by human lungs.

Any part of the body may be affected by pancreatic, muscle and thyroid glands. Yet people are still infected with TB or tuberculosis. But doctors and scientists are working hard to eradicate the disease. WHO (Hu) hopes that by 2025, tuberculosis will be eliminated from the world.

★13.Yellow Fever

Yolo Fever (Key Fresh) viral disease. The disease spreads from the virus called Yolo Fever. This is the mosquito disease. In 1647 and 1648, Yolo Fever spread in the form of Barbados Island and Guidalup Island. Yellow Fever went to North America in 1668. In Boston, in 1691.

After a few years, spreading in Philadelphia. 10 percent of the total population dies. In 27 countries spread from America. In the 17th century, the disease appeared in the form of epidemic several times in America, Africa and Europe. In the 18th and 19th century, the disease was considered a terrible infectious disorder. In 1927, the first Yolo Fever Virus was separated.

But its vaccine was discovered a lot later. In 1938, medical scientists Max Yolo Fiber succeeded. Currently, effective and safe vaccinations are now available to prevent the disease.


Influenza Virusal Disease. After World War I, the disease in 1918 took the epidemic. About 5 million people died due to the virus of the International Empire in the Family. In history it is known as Spanish Fu. About 10 to 15 lac people died in 1957-1958 when Influenza infection happened in Asia.

This epidemic named Asian Fu is marked. In 1945, the United States approved the application of influenza immunization of the first soldiers. The next year, this vaccine is applied in the public. If one of the 67 US soldiers died in the Spanish fu, the government attempted to die for the discovery of this epidemic.

In 1957, US scientist Morris Hillman made vaccine with his colleagues in the beginning of the form of epidemic from Hong Kong to Hong Kong. The idea of researchers, if this vaccine did not have this vaccination at least 1 million people would die.

★15.Serse Virus

Saru scored a contagious virus named Serse’s name in 2003. The disease spread in 17 countries in the world and 774 people died. Scientists believe that the origin of the Serse Virus is in China.

This virus is highly infectious. According to experts, a special kind of cat lethal this virus carrier. But it is also found in the shiny body. Its outbreaks twice from 2002 to 2004. Horrific respiration occurs when the virus is affected. Serse a virus Mars. This is the same clan virus of Seres. The germs of this disease can easily spread through sneezing cough.

There is no specific treatment for the victims of Seres and Mars viruses, but it is possible to control steroids and antiviral medicines in advice of doctors. In the world, the infectious virus comes under two controls.


In Ebola 2014, an idol in the world was EbolaViras. The viral infectious viral disease spread in several countries of West Africa in the form of epidemic. Earlier in 1976, EbolaViras was first identified.

The virus was named after the river, because the first infection took place on the bank of Ebola River in Central Africa. Ebola virus Disease or IVD have been named in English. It is said that this virus entered the body of the human body from the fruit of the bull. Later it spreads people from people. According to the latest published data of the World Health Organization (WHO), 19,465 people have been attacked in different countries and 7,580 people died.

The work of vaccination or antidote to various countries including the United States and Canada, including the serum of patients who recovered from the body of the disease. Experts hope that it will be possible to bring this Ebola control in the fast period.

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