The scenic airport runway

 The scenic airport runway

Safe and fast travel on the air, the use of aircraft in goods transport is increasing. Considering millions of passengers, airports are being developed in the country in the country. Passenger facilities and security are important as well as cargo services. In addition to the needs of the person’s mind, it is also important. And everywhere every airport wants everyone to present beautiful and exceptions. Today’s arrangement with some of the spectacular airport runways.

Today’s topic of discussion…….

1.Princess Juliana International Airport

2.Bara Airport

3.Hamad Airport

4.Incheon International Airport

5.Central Japan International Airport

6.Zurich Airport

7.Daxing Airport

8.Munich Airport

9.O’hira International AirProart

10.Haneda Airport

Rajkumari Julianra’s runway in Maho Seashore

★1.Princess Juliana International Airport

Princess Juliana International Airport is famous for the world’s most visual runway. This is Juliana Airport located in the Saint Martin Island of 87 square kilometers. To watch this runway. The focus crowd is all the time here. Princes Juliana airport is located at the Dutch edge of the island. In 2015, more than 18 lakh passengers and 60 thousand airports were operated from the airport.


The airport was named after the Queen Julian of the Netherlands. On the one hand of the airport runway, the high mountain and the famous Maho Seats on the other end. Because of this beach, the airport runway is impossible. However, it is very difficult for the people to stand on behalf of the beach for the air from the airport to the airport and the aircraft’s engineer from the airport engineer, and travelers enjoyed this issue. It seems that all the winds of the wind are flown. But all the beautiful things are there. Unfortunately, due to the shocking of the concrete bam, a tragedy of New Zealand died in New Zealand, due to the shocking of this jet blast. Since then, the authorities are very careful, regularly.

Famous Bara Airport for Sandy Runo Scotland

★2.Bara Airport

These are famous for the spectacle runway. Bara Airport is a small runway airport in Scotland. The airport is located on the island of Scotra. There are three sandy runways at this airport. It is the only introduction to the world that uses the oceans as a runway.

The airport from the airport to the airplane flights on different islands. The airport has a direct air connectivity with Glasgow Airport. The airport has transported the passenger on 10 lakh per year and at the same time, 1,000 aircraft operated in the airport. Highlands and Icelands Airport Limited operates the airport.

Water surrounded by four sides of the runway

★3.Hamad Airport Qatar

Hamad International Airport Its runaway is impossible aspect. The beauty of the beauty of the airplane was made in the airplane. Hamd International Airport’s position from Qatar’s Doha city 18 kilometers away from the city. The airport is planned to build in 2003. The work of this airport started since 2006. Its journey started since 2014. About 30 million passengers used this airport in the year. It is one of the best in architecture.It is also considered as one of the luxurious airports in the world. In 2018 it was selected as the best airport in the Middle East. It contains two terminals and two runways. The beauty of its beauty increased due to the water on the four side of the runway.

Golf course is beside Runway

★4.Incheon International Airport

Incheon International Airport is also famous. GolfConsens are beside the runway of this airport. There is also a good system of AUs skating. South Korean’s largest airport is this Inchen International Airport. Every year 41.7 million passengers used this airport. The airport was built on an island in South Korean capital. The airport in 2001 started the airport in the world’s 24th busy airport. Inchen has made the latest entertainment at the airport in the airport in providing passenger service.Here are a separate sleep room for passengers. There can be a minor golf course next to the runway there. The body can massage in the Spa Center, you can take asleep there.

Synthetic runway of artificial island

★5.Central Japan International Airport

Central Japan International Airport is located in the artificial island ‘C bay’. The spectacular runway of Japan has been built here. As a result of being water-around, it seems like the airplane is going up in the middle of the infinite water. On the other hand, there are names in the world’s best airport list. The locals know about Chubu airport. About 9.8 million passengers used in this airport in the year. This is the house of Japan Airlines and ANA.This airport is 1 thousand feet long skydek. Standing here, the passengers can enjoy the beauty of Nagoya Port. There are also Japanese traditional baths here. Many people rush to see the sunset in the sea standing on the high roof.

Zurich’s runway is the crowd of visitors

★6.Zurich Airport

Zurich Airport is one of the best airports in the world. When the airport moves forward to provide special services to VIPs, Zurich airport will be kept forward. But one more reason is that its spectacular airport. General passengers can also push on the first trip. From the matter, it seems that the Monopoly game board. Aspected forest. Its beauty has increased a few more qualities. This is the biggest airport in Switzerland. Each year 24.9 million passengers used this airport. The house of Swiss International Airline, known as the airport, can enjoy almost all the benefits like five star hotels. The whole airport can visit the bike. You can also skate.

Beauty increased in the night

★7.Beijing Daxing Airport

Beijing Daxing International Airport, which is also known as Beijing New Airport. The lighting system of this airport in the night is so fascinating that it seems to be seen from a distance, there is no unrealistic place. By 2021, under this mega project, it is believed that it can be done to bring about 45 million passengers to bringing about 45 million passengers in this airport and it can increase in 100 million in the future.The world’s largest terminal-rich airport will be able to transport around 4 million cargo products a year. On September 26, 2019, 70 years of the People’s Republic of China. On that occasion, President Shi Jin Ping inaugurated the airport in Beijing. Many people came to enjoy this airport.

Unique Germany Munich in Munich Airport architecture

★8.Munich Airport

Unique American Munich Airport in architecture. The runaway of this airport is also very beautiful and visual. The second airport of Germany is second. The airport name will also be in the list of the world’s busiest airports. It is also on the list of Serera in passenger service. Again the world’s luxurious airports are not in trouble to find its name.Europe’s seventh busy airport used every year 38.7 million people. During the airline runway, passengers can enjoy the beauty of the airport. An excellent aspect of Munich Airport is the contact with the airport with the airport.

There are visually runways

★9.O’hira International AirProart

Chicago O’hare International AirProart is also famous for its runway. The runways in the airport are located in the huge area. The real name of the Chicago International Airport in the United States of America Illinois, O’hira International Airport. During World War II, its journey started as a Airfield Airfield.At that time, the US Navy’s first medal of honor was named after Lieutenant Commander Edward Henry and Hareer. Eight runaway airports are currently one of the main airports in the United States. Every year about 8 million to 9 million passengers used the airport.

Runway on the sea chest

★10.Haneda Airport

Unique visually installed structure Tokyo Haneda International Airport It’s the world’s fourth-practiced airport too. The runway is over the entire sea. It is very highly seen in the water. This airport is using 68.9 million passengers per year to traders. Haneda Airport’s role is important for the development of Japan’s business and tourism industry. This airport is the most popular worldwide, due to passengers’ safety and luggage checking at the fastest time. The behavior of employees working at the airport in the airport will imprisoned anyone in passenger service. They are helpful and dedicated. It also has a reputation as clean and nimble airport.

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