Space – Travel

Space travel

People have been dreaming of conquering space for many days. Many astronauts have come from outside the earth. Seven rich people also visited the International Space Station. So far, a total of 580 people have gone to space. In the future, people will always go on vacation in the sky. The competition for space travel has already started among the world’s best millionaires.


Maybe not too far away that day, the boyfriend will go for a walk in space with his girlfriend. It may be that a wedding ceremony will be held there. Gagarin was the first man to travel into space in 1961. Today’s event with space travel.

Today’s topic of discussion…….

1. Man’s first space journey
2. Jeff Bezos’s historic trip
3. Richard Branson in his own spaceship
4. Brushing teeth in space
5. Is tied to sleep
6. The first tourist was Anusheh
7. Shooting movies in space
8. Need physical and Mental skills
9. Each ticket costs two and a half million dollars
10. The rules of eating and drinking in space
11. Clothing should be white and orange

★1.Man’s first space journey

Soviet aviator and astronaut Yuri Alekshevich Gagarin (March 9, 1934 – March 27,1968) was the first person to travel into space. He orbited the Earth on 12 April 1961 in the Vostok spacecraft. As a teenager, Gagarin became interested in space and planets and began dreaming about his space journey. In 1960, through various research and selection processes, 19 more pilots, including Yuri Gagarin, were selected for the Soviet space program. I had to take very difficult training for space missions. Out of the 20 selected, Gagarin was ultimately chosen for his performance and physical features, as there is very little space in the cockpit of the Vostok-1. For this, the rider must be short in shape. Gagarin was 5 feet 2 inches tall, which was convenient for him in the small Vostok cockpit. At the age of 27, Gagarin rose to international prominence for space travel. He became a hero of the Soviet Union and won many awards and medals at home and abroad.

★2.Jeff Bezos’s historic trip

Billionaire Jeff Bezos has returned from a short space flight with his rocket ship New Shepherd. On July 20, at 7 pm Bangladesh time, Bezos boarded the spacecraft The Blue Shepherd made by his company Blue Origin and flew into space with his younger brother and three other companions. They returned to Earth safely after completing their space travel in just 10 and a half minutes. Bezos was accompanied in space by his brother Mark Bezos. In addition, 82-year-old female pilot Wally Funk and a 18-year-old young man. There was no pilot or flight engineer on their journey. The New Shepherd takes them over the Carmen Line, at least 100 kilometers above the earth, where they enjoy the emptiness. He later came down to earth using a parachute from that capsule suitable for six people. In all, the duration of the trip was 10 minutes and 32 seconds. But Bezos, one of the world’s leading tech giants, began his career selling books online in a small garage. From there, Bezos currently owns 15 companies, including Amazon and Blue Origin. According to Forbes Magazine, his total wealth in 2021 is 20 thousands 500 crores US dollars. This is the first time Bezos has conducted a crew flight on its own rocket ship. They traveled in a capsule with large windows to enjoy the stunning view of the world. Expressing his experience, Jeff Bezos shouted for joy, “Great day!” Bezos’ company Bu Origin built the rocket called the New Shepherd. It is designed to meet the needs of space tourism.

★3.Richard Branson in his own spaceship

British businessman Richard Branson successfully completed space travel in his own spaceship. The British billionaire businessman was safely returned to Earth after a spacecraft named Virgin Galactic traveled to the gates of space. He landed in New Mexico, USA. In an hour-long journey, the spacecraft named Unity-22 flies at a speed of more than 3,000 kilometers per hour. During this time, six passengers of the rocket experienced emptiness for a few minutes. Mr. Branson said the experimental flight would usher in a new era of space tourism. This type of tourism is expected to start commercially next year. People have been dreaming of conquering space for many days. Many astronauts have already orbited the Earth. Seven rich people also visited the International Space Station. “Such an experience happens only once in a lifetime,” said businessman Richard Branson after peeking into space. Richard Branson traveled to space with five other passengers from New Mexico, USA.

★4.Brushing teeth in space

Toothbrushes are very important in everyday life. For this, astronauts can use toothpaste of any type and brand of choice. Like other issues, there are no hard and fast rules. However, there are rules, you have to use a very limited amount of toothpaste. This is because excess toothpaste creates foam that accumulates inside the mouth when brushing teeth. This can cause uncomfortable situations. Another reason is that they do not gnash their teeth after brushing. Wipe with wet tissue.

★5.Is tied to sleep

Those who are stationed on the space station tie themselves to their sleeping bags while sleeping in the weightless environment there. It is mandatory for astronauts to sleep for 8 hours daily. There is no such thing as day and night in space, so what is the way for them to sleep. In fact, everyone has a set time to sleep. When you wake up, the automatic alarm goes off. Many people have nightmares due to the excitement of being in space and the rotation of the spacecraft, some are even known to snore.

★6.The first tourist was Anusheh

Anusheh is the first tourist in space. People will travel regularly as tourists in space; That day is not far away. Anusheh Ansari started. Anusheh Ansari became the world’s first female space tourist 15 years ago. Anusheh flew into space in September 2006. Space travel at your own expense. He became a passenger of the spacecraft on September 12 at a cost of about 2 crore dollars. My Dreams of Stars has also published a book about the 17-day spaceflight from September 12 to 29. The book is called My Dreams of Stars. Born in Iran, Anusheh moved to the United States with his family in 1984. He was 18 years old then. Anusheh is an engineer. Anusheh earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering and computer science in the United States.

★7.Shooting movies in space

There is going to be a movie shooting in space. And so the Russian actress and director is being sent on a rocket. US space agency NASA and Hollywood 7 star T Cruz are also planning to shoot a photo on ISS. However, the announcement of their photo was made last year, but it is not yet known when they will be shooting at the International Space Station. It is thought that film director Doug Lyman will be on that space trip with Tom Cruise. NASA says, Elon Musk. The rocket company Space-X will be involved in the work. Discussions have been going on since the Russian space agency announced the shooting of the film, a new competition has started between Russia and America to send the stars into space.

★8.Need physical and Mental skills

Space travel requires physical and mental skills. That means you can’t go into space if you want to. To be an astronaut, a person has to be 100% physically fit. In other words, people with weak physical constitution are not suitable for space missions. So besides having money you have to be physically fit. An astronaut has to be at least 147 centimeters tall. However, the issue of physical constitution may be different in the case of different state-based space agencies. However, the process of verifying competency in some general matters is almost the same. You can’t go into space if you want to. To be an astronaut, a person has to be 100% physically fit. In other words, people with weak physical constitution are not suitable for space missions. So besides having money you have to be physically fit. An astronaut has to be at least 147 centimeters tall. However, the issue of physical constitution may be different in the case of different state-based space agencies. However, the process of verifying competency in some general matters is almost the same. For example, while training, a person has to go through tests like physical and mental endurance, his eyesight, whether his blood pressure is normal or not. Training is also given to maintain friendship with the members.

★9.Each ticket costs two and a half million dollars

Each ticket will cost two and a half million dollars in space travel. So those who want to travel in space have to be quite meaningful. For a few minutes of experience in space, each ticket will cost two and a half million dollars. Like Richard Branson, another billionaire entrepreneur, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, has become more and more interested in traveling after a space trip. Richard Branson has been trying to launch space commercial travel since 2004. It was said that this tour will be launched in 2007. But the initiative came to a halt after a deadly rocket exploded.  Mr. BBC. “I’ve had the hobby of space travel since I was a child, and I hope millions of people will be able to travel in space in the next 100 years,” Branson said. But now the dream is becoming a reality. Many people are interested in space travel. Experts say that in the near future, many people will continue to travel in space.

★10.The rules of eating and drinking in space

But the rules of eating and drinking in space are also different. Astronauts like us eat three meals a day. However, in their case, the food is arranged by calculating the calories. Because food is very limited. So an astronaut calculates the daily calorie requirement for an astronaut and consumes exactly the same number of calories. For example, an obese person needs about 3,200 calories of food and a thin person needs 1,800 calories. Astronauts can choose to eat as much as they want. Such as fruits, chicken or beef, chocolate, almond butter etc. No refrigerators are provided in spacecraft or stations. So the food has to be stored dry. They can eat hot or boiled food if they want. In the microwave of the spacecraft, astronauts can heat food and eat it. And salt and pepper are in liquid form.

★11.Clothing should be white and orange

White and orange clothes have to be worn in space. Astronauts always wear white and orange clothes. The color of their clothes could be blue or green instead of orange. But why are astronauts choosing orange? NASA researchers didn’t just color the astronauts’ clothing orange. There is an argument behind this. That is, the brightest color in space is the brightest orange. There are many types of disasters in space, which often endanger astronauts. In that case, they need to be monitored to save lives. So most of the time the color of the astronauts’ clothing is bright orange. The brightest color after orange in space is white. Although the white color is not as bright as orange, it can be seen quite well. And so astronauts usually go to space after wearing these two colors.

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