Mysterious island – Strange island

Baltra of diversity

Baltra Island

There are no people on Baltra Island. It is a special island in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. The Galapagos Islands consist of 13 islands near Ecuador in South America. And one of these 13 islands is Baltra. Baltra is quite different from the other 12 islands here, strange and mysterious. Being a tropical island, there is a lot of rain in this island. But the surprising thing is that there is so much rain around but not a single drop of rain falls on Baltra Island. For some mysterious reason, the rain went over Baltra and fell on the other side. The surrounding islands are home to seals, guanas, giant tortoises, chameleons and rare species of birds. But none of these exist only on Baltra Island. Baltra Island has no animals, plants or insects.

On that island there are only snakes and snakes

Snake Island or

‘Ilha de Queimada Grande’

In the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean there is an island called ‘Ilha de Queimada Grande’. No one dares to set foot on this island, about 150 kilometers from Brazil’s largest city, Sao Paulo. The government has also banned the entry of people to the island. It is said that if you go to that island, no one comes back alive! A family lived on the island for several years to maintain the lighthouse. They were there till 1909-20. It is heard that a group of snakes entered the house and killed the whole family. There is a story about this too. It is said that the pirates used to hide the looted gold in this island.  It was they who released some poisonous snakes on the island so that no one could touch them. People have gone there again and again because of the greed of that gold. But it is heard that none of them returned. Then the snake starts breeding. From a few snakes to thousands of snakes, the whole island is filled with snakes. Scientists said that the snake was found to be golden lancehead. It is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. According to a study, the number of snakes has increased so much that one snake is found in every square meter. This island, the paradise of snakes, is therefore called ‘Snake Island’. They released some poisonous snakes on the island so that no one could touch them. People have gone there again and again because of the greed of that gold. But it is heard that none of them returned. Then the snake starts breeding. From a few snakes to thousands of snakes, the whole island is filled with snakes. Scientists said that the snake was found to be golden lancehead. It is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. According to a study, the number of snakes has increased so much that one snake is found in every square meter. This island is called ‘Snake Island’ because it is the kingdom of snakes.

Island of Strange Dolls

Island of dollswere

Dolls are usually made to be very sweet and charming. Dolls have been used as playthings for children since the earliest times. But these puppets can also turn out to be scary at times. The island is known to all as the Island of the Scary Dolls. The mysterious progress of this island started from a simple incident. And this incident is more than 85 years ago. Three Mexican children were marrying dolls while playing on a cold, dark island. And while playing puppet wedding, one of the three children goes missing. After much searching, the child’s body was found in a canal near the island. That is the beginning. From then on, no one would tread that path in fear. This eerie island of dolls is located 17 miles south of the Mexican capital, Mexico City, in the Joquimilco district. If you enter this island, the chest of even the bravest people will tremble. All over the island are puppets and puppets. Over the years, many stories have been circulating around this terrifying island. Because of all these mysteries, in 1990, the Mexican government declared this island in Joquimilco district a National Heritage. The island has never been visited by many tourists in each season.

Strange cave on the island

Fingal’s Cave

Fingal’s Cave is located in the Staffa Islands in the rough seas off Scotland. No one lives on that island. Sailors have known about this island for over a thousand years. The Vikings, once known as sea wolves, named this island ‘Fingal’s Cave’. Due to the amazing features of nature, numerous arches have been created inside ‘Fingal’s Cave’. In this regard, geologists believe that this cave was created from lava about 60 million years ago.

Fingal's Cave

The cave gets its special shape as its molten rock passes over the clay. On the other hand, it has a striking similarity with another place called ‘Giant’s Causeway’ in Ireland. However, according to geologists, the similarities between them are not the same. However, they believe there is a link between these two natural wonders. These two caves are formed from the same lava flow. There is even a legend that the two caves were connected. Later that bridge was destroyed.

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