Repeated military rule in Pakistan

No Pakistani prime minister can complete a five-year term

★1.Chowdhury Mohammad Ali

One year. He came under pressure on 12 September 1956 due to his conflict with party members and his outspokenness about Ayub Khan’s dictatorship. He then resigned.

★2.Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardy

One year. He became the Prime Minister on 12 September 1956. But he resigned on 17 October 1957 due to differences of opinion with Iskander Mirza.

★3.Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar

Two months. October 17, 1957. Appointed as Prime Minister. He was in power for only two months. Feroz Khan Noon: Less than a year later, on 7 October 1958, General Ayub Khan dismissed Noon from his post when martial law was imposed.

★4.Nurul Amin

13 days. Yahya Khan removed Amin on 20 December 1971 after 13 days in office.

★5.Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Four and a quarter years. General Muhammad Ziaul Haq imprisoned him. Bhutto was hanged in 1979.

★6.Muhammad Khan Junejo

Three years. On May 29, 1988, the government of Junejo was dismissed.

★7.Benazir Bhutto

Two years. On August 6, 1990, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan removed him.

★8.Nawaz Sharif

Less than three years. The then army chief Wahid Kakar forced Nawaz Sharif and President Ghulam Ishaq Khan to resign on July 18, 1993.

★9.Benazir Bhutto

Three years. President Farooq Leghari dismissed the Benazir Bhutto government in November 1996.

★10.Nawaz Sharif

Two years. On October 12, 1999, General Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency and removed Nawaz Sharif from power.

★11.Mir Jafrullah Khan Jamali

19 months. He served just 19 months before being fired by General Pervez Musharraf.

★12.Chowdhury Sujat

Two months. Chowdhury Sujat became the Prime Minister on 30 June 2004 through parliamentary elections. Sujat served until Shawkat Aziz was elected Prime Minister.

★13.Shawkat Aziz

Three years. Shawkat Aziz was appointed Prime Minister on August 28, 2004. He resigned on 15 November 2007, ending his term in parliament.

★14.Yusuf Raja Gilani

Four years. Gilani was ousted from power in 2012 after being convicted in a contempt of court case.

★15.Raja Parvez Ashraf

Raja Pervez Ashraf took over as Prime Minister from Gilani to complete the remaining term of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) government in less than a year.

★16.Nawaz Sharif

More than four years. He was in power for four years and 53 days before being indicted by the Supreme Court on July 28, 2017.

★17.Shahid Khakan Abbasi

Less than a year. After the removal of Nawaz Sharif, Shahid Khakan Abbasi was appointed as the 21st Prime Minister. His term ended on May 31, 2018. Because the parliament was dissolved for new elections.


★18.Imran Khan

Has been a cricket legend for over 3 years, is the Prime Minister (August 18, 2018, April 10, 2022). After losing the no-confidence vote of the opposition in the National Assembly, the Prime Minister resigned.

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