Surprising – information about computers

That abacus of inspiration

Abacus was the inspiration for the creation of the computer that solves all problems today. The abacus was an ancient instrument for performing arithmetic calculations. The cocoons are placed on a wire in the frame. The wires have a horizontal bar perpendicular to them which divides the cocoons in two. Each indicates a cell in its decimal system. The far right wire is the single cell. To his left is the house of the decade, and so on. Many ancient civilizations used abacus. The Roman abacus was a bronze inscription. The inscription was grooved. The round cocoons could roll. Roman abacus was later used in the Middle East and the Far East. A simplified form of abacus was used in medieval England. The use of abacus is mentioned in Chinese literature in the second century. But abacus was not widely used in China before the thirteenth century.


There was some difference between Roman abacus and Chinese abacus. The use of abacus began in Japan in the fifteenth century. An improved version was introduced in the nineteenth century. Abacus is still widely used in some parts of China and Japan.

★Surprise information

★1.The first electronic computer made in 1945 weighed 27 tons. It covers an area of ​​1800 square feet.

★2.The first computer mouse, Doug Engelbert, was made of wood in 1964.

★3.Over 5 thousand viruses are created every month.

★4.The first hard disk was made in 1979, with a capacity of only 5 MB.

★5.Made in 1980, a hard disk with a capacity of 1 GB was valued at 40,000 dollars and weighed 550 pounds.

★6.The name of the world’s first website was

★7.The first popular browser name is Mosaic.

★8.Only 8% of the world’s currency is physical, the rest is virtual.

★9.In 1936, Russia made the first computer to run on water.

★10.If there is a computer as powerful as the human brain, it will be able to perform 38,000 trillion operations per second and will be able to hold more than 3,580 terabytes of memory.

★11.For eight years in a row, 00000000 was the password of the US nuclear missile controller computer.

★12.Until September 1995, domain registration was free.

★13.The Creeper virus was the first virus to be created by Bob Thomas in 1971.

★First in history

The first computer ENIAC is an electronic numerical integrator and a short form of computer. Since then, the computer generation has been taken forward by changing the shape. During World War II, the United States Army planned to build a fully electronic computer. To this end, computer masters such as Von Neumann, Presper Junior and Herman Goldstein, the father of modern computers, joined the Moore School of Electrical Engineering and the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC made it at a cost of 5 lakh dollars. It was initially designed to calculate the artillery firing table of the US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory. The first study was on thermal power weapons. Construction took time from 1943 to 1945. He started using it on December 10 of that year. Forty scientists then operated the three-walled computer in this 50-foot-by-30-foot underground chamber. Dedicated to the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. ENIAC became a thousand times faster than other mechanical machines. ENIAC could do 20 hours of work for one person in 1 hour. And that is why contemporary scientists and industrialists were much more interested in adding more innovations to Enia. He passed away on November 6, 1986.

★Still startled by the surprise

The inspiration for the invention of the computer comes from a long time ago. However, the history of structural computers is not very old. Not even 100 years. In the meantime, a radical change has taken place. But the beginning is still a surprise to everyone. Interestingly, today’s smartphone is 3 to 4 thousand times more powerful than the computer used in NASA’s Apollo 11 mission to the moon. And the memory capacity has increased 4 million times! Large tubes were used as memory. And the data was stored on all the huge tape drives. Computers at that time were huge. Now the question is, after 100 years, where will this computer technology take machine-based human civilization? During World War II, the use of computers for various military purposes continued to grow exponentially. As a result, after 1945, the countries became focused on computer research. The first person to understand information is a force.

★Evolution …

Computers are one of the top technologies of excellence. Whether it is possible with today’s superfast model computer, the solution of all the complex-difficult and subtle issues is very easy and in a short time. In fact, the lion’s share of daily life depends on the computer. Computers have not become so reliable in a single day. The journey to this stage began in the prehistoric era. At that time, various efforts invented as a computing device were considered as the history of computer. In ancient times, people used oysters, pebbles, rope git, etc. to denote numbers. Although later used in various computational techniques and instruments, Abacus is considered to be the first instrument in the history of computers. It was discovered in Babylon in 2400 BC. In the early stages, the abacus was just a calculator. Abacus was invented in Egypt or China in 450 or 500 BC.

In 1642, Blaise Pascal, a 19-year-old French scientist, invented the first mechanical calculator. The calculator used to add and subtract with the help of toothed wheel or gear.

The German mathematician Gottfried von Leibniz of 1671 developed a more sophisticated mechanical calculator called the multiplication and division power using wheels and rods based on Pascal’s instrument.

Later, in 1820, Thomas de Komer refined the Reconning instrument and popularised the Leibniz instrument.

Then in 1945 came the world’s first computer ENIAC. This is the first digital computer to insert a program. However, the idea of ​​ENIAC comes from the Difference Engine invented by Charles Babbage in 1833.

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