Some unknown information about the prison

Different prisons in different countries

If convicted, the offender is sent to jail. Attempts were made to correct the prisoners in the jail. Prison means where the criminals are kept in a punitive manner. This is what is meant by prisons in the world. However, there are prisons in different countries of the world where everything is going on as per normal life outside. There are some prisons around the world that are completely out of the ordinary. Where there is maximum comfort for the prisoners. Some of them even beat the luxurious life of the rich. There are also prisons where there is no guard. Today’s discussion is about some different prisons around the world.

★1.Where there is no guard,

Prisoners can spend close time

There is a surprising prison in Brazil. There is no guard in that prison. No one is standing with arms to block the way. A 26-year-old woman named Tatiana Correa de Lima had to stay in that prison. She has two children. He is serving a 12-year sentence. An organization called the Association for the Protection and Assistance to Convictions (APAC) manages the prison in Ituana, where Lima was taken from the main prison. This prison is very different from other prisons in Brazil. There is no prison guard here. According to a BBC report, the news of this prison caused a stir all over the world.


Most of the prisoners brought here come from the main prison system. They have to prove that they are sorry for their crime. The rules and regulations of this prison regarding regular labor and education are strictly followed. The prison has a “conjugal suite” with a double bed. Prisoners can spend close time with visiting husbands. The first APAC prison was established in 1972. It was created by a group of Catholic Christians. It is now funded by the AVSI Foundation, an Italian NGO and an organization of former Brazilian inmates. APAC emphasizes the rehabilitation of prisoners. Prisoners have to work and study all day. Sometimes you have to work with local people. When a prisoner tries to escape, he is returned to the original prison system. Tensions are low as there are no guards in the jail. There are some women here who are serving life sentences.

★2.Disney cartoons on the walls

The prison is located in Spain. Here a criminal can stay with his whole family for the whole time in jail. The specialty of this prison is that when both husband and wife have to be punished as criminals, they come here with their children to be punished. That’s why different characters from Disney cartoons are being painted on the walls for children here. There are playgrounds and nurseries. This arrangement is to give the children the opportunity to grow up with their detained parents. Located 40 kilometers south of Madrid, the prison can accommodate 36 families at a time. However, the most surprising thing is that the released convicts do not want to leave the jail. The simple life here, all the fun food and chess, recreational activities are at its core. The prison has been established with the children of criminal parents in mind.

The system is like a family prison to allow children to grow up with their detained parents…

★3.Private prison for prisoners

Sweden’s Salentuna prison is often referred to as a private prison for prisoners. Because nothing else. This prison is like living in a separate apartment. Inside the houses are beautiful bathrooms, beds, reading tables, TVs. If someone enters these houses in a hurry, it will seem that he has entered his friend’s house by mistake. It is no less than your living room. So it is easy to avoid the word ‘prison’. The picture shows a prisoner’s room in Salentuna prison. It is not surprising to see a guitar on the wall of a house decorated with computers and books. The prisoner in this room liked to sing, so he found a guitar in his room. You can find pictures of others on the Internet. If you look at the house of a prisoner who likes to draw pictures, it will look as if he has appeared in an exhibition. Apart from living quarters in these prisons or apartments, there are separate drawing rooms. Large kitchen. Separate hall for watching TV movies. The house also has a TV and comfortable chairs. It is not allowed to open the window and eat outside light and air. Inmates at the gym are busy exercising. There are also opportunities for those who like to work in the garden. All in all, a prisoner in Slentuna never feels like a prisoner. On the contrary, it would seem that you have come to visit for a few days and are at rest.

★4.Everyone is busy selling

Bolivia’s San Pedro prison is like a fairy tale. Anyone’s eyes are bound to rise to the forehead. As soon as you enter the main gate, you will see children playing, all the shops, restaurants, hotels are busy in the market. There is no guard in this jail, no specific clothes, not even iron bars on the windows in this jail. The cells have private bathrooms, kitchens, and even the opportunity to watch various domestic and foreign channels on TV. However, a certain amount of money has to be paid for this. For this, all of them have to earn money by working in different shops inside the jail.

★5.There are private wooden cottages

This is not a luxury resort of any millionaire. Not even a park, it’s the best prison in Norway. The criminals are living a captive life here. There have been various small and big social crimes, cases have been filed, verdicts have been passed, there are only prisoners who have to stay in jail. But in this captive life they have got a luxurious life. Surprisingly, the prisoners are given separate wooden cottages to spend their lives as prisoners. The cottage has a separate sound system with a viewing system on Dish TV channel. The prison was set up near the island. Prisoners can listen to music on their laptops in the warm sunshine of the winter morning next to the beautiful calm lake. If you want you can go fishing in the lake. There is a chance to run a little with a horse. You can go skiing on ice. Who will say no?

★6.Prisons are like training centers

It is better to call it a state-of-the-art training center than a prison. New Zealand’s Otago Correction Facility only releases prisoners if they are truly “corrected.” Many of the prisoners who came here later became successful and rich in their respective lives. In this prison, various kinds of training are given to the prisoners. Their goal is to train those convicted of various social crimes to show a new life. Safe or cooking work, cattle and sheep, poultry rearing, electrical engineering and various other types of training are available here. In terms of facilities, this seems to be the reason for bringing this prison under discussion. This prison has three meals a day with three meals a day. Chocolate and pizza are on the list of these delicious foods. What’s not! The living quarters are also clean. Many people would not want to believe when they see a bathroom, it is a prisoner’s bathroom – so expensive fittings. There are separate play areas for recreation. Those who are good at sports are also given sports training. Prison guards never abuse prisoners. If there is a problem or a prisoner is harassed, he is sent instead of any kind of punishment or punishment. To a psychiatrist.

★7.Holden Prison in Multidimensional Norway

The journey to the Holden prison began in 2010 in Norway. Time Magazine calls this prison Ayeshi Correctional Center. The houses of the prisoners are painted in different colors. Extensive ceramic tiles have been installed in the attached bathrooms along with the living rooms. Decorate their rooms with big screen TVs, fridges, expensive furniture. The people in jail should not understand. They are in jail. So there are no grills or iron bars on the windows of their houses. Prison guards are given separate courses so that the mistreatment of prisoners does not have a bad effect on the prisoners. Half of the inmates at Holden Prison are women. There is provision of delicious food for the prisoners who come to the jail for various crimes. Many will be surprised to see a modern hospital for them. There is a cinema hall. Separate coats for sports, including basketball, field. Most of the prison guards do not have any weapon in their hands. Living here is very normal. When the prisoners’ imprisonment was over, almost all of them said on their way out, “I was here in comfort!”

★8.Guests of the prisoners also get tea and refreshments

Expensive dining at the dining room, bathing in the swimming pool, cinema hall, shopping arrangements, huge LED TVs in the house, sound system, luxurious bed and tidy bathroom are all touches at the Pandok Bamboo Prison in Indonesia. The so-called “Five Star Prison” is not to be taken lightly. The prison has a single cell, used as a family cell for luxurious events, where inmates can spend normal, normal family time or family time. Tea, biscuits, snacks, drinks and wine are available for them. You can sit with them and hang out in the drawing room. If you want to spend time alone with your friends, you don’t mind. There is a ‘karaoke system’ in the house. Most of the prisoners are top arms dealers or drug dealers. Many come here even after taking bribe. Eat to see their luxurious life.Many will not believe, they are actually imprisoned here!

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