10 countries without their own armed forces

10 countries without their own armed forces

★1. Vatican City

The Vatican is an independent territory, though inside the Italian capital, Rome. The Vatican is one of the smallest countries in the world, measuring 0.4 square kilometers. According to the latest census in 2019, the population of the Vatican is only 825. Therefore, the Vatican is the smallest country in the world in terms of population. When the Vatican City clashed with the Italian government in 1929, they declared the Vatican an independent state.


The smallest country in the world has no army of its own. But in the past the country had small security guards. In 1970, under the leadership of Pope Paul 6, the city was guarded by the National Nobel Guard and the Palestine Guard.

#Security measures

The Vatican is part of the Italian capital, Rome. The Vatican is guarded by the Pontifical Swiss Guard and the Swiss Guard under the supervision of the Italian government. Who provide overall security to the pope and the people of the Vatican. The country has no defense agreement with Italy, yet the country’s armed forces rely on it.

★2. Costa Rica

Costa Rica, a Central American country, was plunged into civil war in 1948. The 51,000-square-kilometer country saw 2,000 people killed in the civil war. During this time of crisis, the government and the army could no longer afford to spend. The outbreak of civil war centered on the national election. Elections were rigged that year, and rebels seized power by force. The rebels then declared the army extinct. This has been the case in Costa Rica ever since. Although it does not have its own armed forces, the United Nations Peace University is located in Costa Rica. With a population of over 5 million, the country relies heavily on land security, border checkpoints and even its own police force in times of crisis.

#Security measures

In 1947, the Central American country signed an inter-American agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, the United States would provide security to 21 Costa Rica countries if there was a threat of an external attack on the country. Among them are superpowers like the United States, Chile and Cuba.

★3. Andorra

Andorra is a small country in Europe. The country emerged as an independent territory in 1278 AD. It is a country bordering Spain and France. The total area of ​​Andorra is only 478 sq km, which is much less than any big city like Jakarta. This country does not have its own army. However, they have their own defense team. In 1931, the Andorra government formed the Andorran police force through training. The police force was trained to maintain peace in the country and rescue hostages. Anyone with a firearm had to join the compulsory police force. The Andorra government made this decision in the interests of the country and the world. However, Spain and France have promised to step in if Andorra’s security is compromised. The country did not form an army because of the assurances of a friendly country.

#Security measures

Andorra, a European country, has three guardians. Those who have the highest security in the country. Countries include France, Spain and the United States. As Andorra is an archipelago in terms of location, the government implemented the treaty in 1933.

★4. Samoa

The Pacific island nation gained independence from New Zealand in 1962. The island nation was recognized by the United Nations in 1976. The country has not formed its own armed forces since its inception. Strange but true, there is no police force in Samoa.  However, the country has a small police force and a maritime surveillance unit for internal security. Those armed with small arms. This maritime unit is patrolling the Pacific Ocean in addition to the country’s security. Monitors

#Security measures

New Zealand’s friendly relations with Samoa. Under the 1962 agreement, New Zealand was responsible for the defense of Samoa. New Zealand said at the time that it would stand by any danger. In that hope, the country no longer built its own armed forces. Even the New Zealand Defense Forces will provide all kinds of assistance in the event of a Samoa disaster.

★5. Granada

Granada is the only island in the Caribbean region of the Atlantic Ocean. Its area is 344 square kilometers. The population is about 2 lakh 32 thousand. The island nation is a member of the Commonwealth. But the country does not have its own military. But at one time the country had a military force. Suddenly, the country’s military coup changed the whole picture. Anarchy continues in the country. The United States later invaded the country in 1983. The country’s army has since been permanently removed. The security of this country is the sole responsibility of the police. Originally the Royal Granada Police Force maintained a paramilitary special services unit for internal security. Granada’s constitution declares only the police to be legal. Handora

#Security measures

While Granada does not have its own armed forces, the Royal Granada Police Force provides internal security. In addition, it has agreements with other countries to protect it from foreign attacks. The country’s regional security system and internal security system are quite difficult. Neighboring states Antigua and Bermuda, Barbados, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent Atlantic protect the country for any war or border security.

★6. Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands is another island in the Pacific Ocean. The country is located next to Papua New Guinea. The archipelago consists of thousands of small islands. Solomon gained 11,000 square miles of sovereignty in 1893. From 1998 to 2006, Solomon’s kingdom was plagued by ethnic strife and anarchy. Because the security system of the country was not good. The country then established a paramilitary force to avoid ethnic conflict. At the time, Australia and New Zealand intervened to restore law and order in the country. No military force has been formed since then. But in internal security they have a large police force and a maritime surveillance unit. The Maritime Surveillance Unit is equipped with weapons. This maritime unit patrols the Pacific.

#Security measures

Although there is an internal security police force in the Solomon Islands, there is no military force. The country has an agreement with Australia for regional security. When another state declares war on the country, the Australian military provides security for the country.

★7. Marshall Islands

From 1946 to 1958, the United States conducted six nuclear tests on the island. The government of the Marshall Islands was formed in 1979. However, it emerged as an independent state under the Compact Free Association in 1983. Although the country has an internal security system, it does not have a military force or an army in the constitution. They have to look to foreign countries for security. In the interest of security, the country’s government signed a trilateral security agreement. Including the federated states of Micronesia and Palau. Although it does not have its own armed forces, the legal force in the Marshall Islands is the police, which includes a maritime unit for internal security.

#Security measures

The Marshall Islands does not have a regular military presence or wartime defense system. Their security measures are backed by a superpower like the United States. Under the Compact of the Free Association, the United States has a responsibility to ensure the overall security of the Marshall Islands and to protect it from external enemies.

★8. Nauru

Nauru is a small country floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Covering an area of ​​just 21 square kilometers, the country is the third smallest state in the world after Vatican City and Monaco. Its population is also quite limited. This country is running with only 11 thousand indigenous people. It is a part of Micronesia. The country has no military. However, there is a relatively large armed police force and an auxiliary police force for internal security.

#Security measures

Due to geographical reasons, the country does not need an army. Australia, however, is responsible for defending Nauru under an informal agreement between the two countries.

★9. Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein, a Central European country, has not had an army from 1868 AD. The country declared its own army abolished in 1868 AD. They have made such a decision mainly due to financial reasons. According to the constitution, the country will never have an armed force again. The army is very difficult and the cost is very expensive. History has shown that Liechtenstein once had a small army. But in 1968, after the Liechtenstein Austro-Prussian War, their own army came to an end. However, their constitution says that the army will be formed during the war in the country, but it was never needed. For the security of the country, there is a special police force called National Police Principality.

#Security measures

Lichtenstein sends letters to Switzerland whenever he needs to defend the country. Switzerland indirectly provides security to Liechtenstein, although they have always denied it. Switzerland is Liechtenstein’s main defense tool which has been proven several times.

★10. Monaco

Monaco is an independent country. Gained independence from the Republic of Genoa in 1297. The country became a member of the United Nations in 1993. It is an economically prosperous country in Western Europe. The constitutional name is the Principality of Monaco. With a population of only 38,000, the country has no military. The country’s government declared the abolition of its military in the 17th century. But the country’s internal security has its own police force and a special maritime unit; Those who are armed all the time.

#Security measures

Although the country does not have an armed force constitutionally, it has its own two forces for internal security. However, the country has a treaty with France to protect it from external enemy attacks.

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