Traveller Najmun Nahar Sohagi

Nazmun Nahar has traveled to 150 countries

Nazmun Nahar, daughter of Laxmipur. The first Bangladeshi woman to carry the flag in the world. She has gained fame as a traveling girl. The red-green flag has been hoisted in the fields and ghats of the world. He has responded by traveling to 150 countries of the world, overcoming various obstacles. Today, after twenty-one years of hard work, he is happy to receive this. He has recently reached this historic milestone by visiting the 150th country Saotame and Princip. In addition, she became the first Muslim woman in the world to travel to 150 countries with the message of world peace. Nazmun is introducing Bangladesh to the world with pride while keeping the country’s reputation intact in the world court.


Expressing the feeling of traveling to 150 countries, Nazmun Nahar said, “In the last 50 years of independence, I have been able to fly the flag of 17 crore people in 150 countries in the last 21 years. Achieve this after much hardship. It’s not just me, this achievement belongs to all Bangladeshi people. I remember with respect all the martyred freedom fighters who brought us a Bangladesh.

He is also a unique messenger of world peace, working as a masterpiece throughout the world. So far, he has introduced the red-green flag of Bangladesh to millions of children across the world. He also conveyed the message of world peace to people in schools, colleges and remote areas. Raises awareness about environmental protection through her world travels, and also raises awareness about the goal of ending child marriage. Encourages children and young people through his world travel adventures.

Nazmun Nahar was born in an aristocratic family in Gangapur of Laxmipur Sadar upazila. His father Mohammad Amin was a businessman. Dad was inspired to hear the story of his grandfather’s travel life. Dad always encouraged him.

Nazmun Nahar has become the head of many honors and many media at home and abroad for carrying the red and green flag of Bangladesh.

★1. He recently received the Peace Runner’s Award from Fobana in Washington, DC

★2. On his return to the country, Nazrul Academy received the Rebel Award.

★3. In the United States, he has won one of the world’s most prestigious awards, the Peace Torch Bearer Award, for his rare work on world travel.

Other awards include

★4. Miss Earth Queen Award.

★5. Ananya top ten honors.

★6. Game Changer of Bangladesh Award.

★7. Most Influential Women of Bangladesh.

★8. Globe Award.

★9. Atish Dipankar Gold Medal Award.

★10.  Janta International Award.

★11. Three Bengali honors.

★12 Red Crescent Motivational Award.

★13.  Nickname “Flag Girl” from Zambian Governor Harriet Kayona.

★14.  Successful women have received a total of 50 honors at home and abroad.

He went to study in Sweden in 2006. In addition to his studies, he worked part-time. In the summer he worked 17-18 hours to save money just to travel. He used to stay in different travelers hostels of the world at low cost. Sometimes by tent, sometimes by coach surfing. Nazmun used to travel by road to see the world at low cost, he used to travel continuously by dividing zones in different continents of the world. Before traveling to any country, he would study the map of the continent and its sights. He would look at the surrounding routes to see how to get there at a lower cost.

“The most beautiful places I’ve seen on this trip are the primitive deserts of Namibia, the seas and deserts that meet at Swakpumund, Sandwich Harbor, Walvis Bay,” he said. Bujumbura in Burundi, Uvira Lake in Congo, Nile River in South Sudan, Mussolo Island in Angola.

The biggest inspiration in his life was father, grandfather, books and world map. In the meantime, Nazmun has mapped the next trip. The countries of the Silk Route will travel to Iran and Syria via Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. He will then travel to the African islands of Madagascar, Sicily, Mauritius, Comoros and Cape Verde. His next journey through Uzbekistan will start this month. His first world tour began in 2000 with his participation in the India International Adventure Program at Panchmari in Bhopal, India.

Nazmun Nahar said, “My only dream was to see this world.” Then slowly I broke down the barriers with the power of dreams and thoughts. I am learning to think big about my dream. I can think of myself as the world now. These thoughts give me the best happiness. “We are all people of the same world, living under the same sky, regardless of religion or caste,” he added. The world is our home.

‘I have traveled most of the country by road, crossed difficult and impassable roads, and died many times. I did not stop even after facing many adverse environments. My world tour was full of struggles. Nevertheless, my achievement of traveling to 150 countries in the 50 years of independence with the red and green flag should be a message of encouragement for the next generation.

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