Terrible fire in the boat

Terrible fire in the boat

About 3 million ships have been involved in accidents at sea at various times. These ships lost their way in a severe storm at sea or were burned by fire or hit by a submerged mountain. At various times, including the passengers sank in the chest of the sea. Films have been made at different times about the story of these ships. Everyone knows about the Titanic. But apart from the Titanic, many ships have been involved in accidents. Apart from this, there are many incidents of fire in boats. Tragic incidents have occurred in various parts of the world as a result of ship fires. Today’s discussion is about some of the incidents that were discussed due to the fire.


3 thousand 486 naval accidents in Bangladesh in five years

The number of boat accidents and casualties in Bangladesh is increasing. Recently, the countrymen saw a terrible naval accident. The fire broke out in Barguna-bound launch MD Abhiyan-10, which left Dhaka on Thursday night. When the launch reached near Jhalokati terminal at around 3 pm, the fire in the engine room immediately spread to the entire launch. Later, the launch went to Diabul area of ​​Sadar upazila and anchored on the river bank. Upon receiving the news, Jhalokati fire service personnel went to the spot and tried for two hours to bring the fire under control. At least 40 people have been killed so far in the blaze. Launch passengers have witnessed many such accidents in the past. A case has been filed in these incidents and Saira has also been arrested. An investigation committee has been formed. But most shipping accidents are limited to investigation and reporting. The recommendations made in the investigation reports to avoid future accidents no longer materialize. According to the annual statistics of the Fire Service and Civil Defense, 3,486 naval accidents occurred on the river in the five years from 2016 to 2020. 3,117 people were killed in these accidents. At a press conference on Thursday, Save the Road, a voluntary organization, said 188 people had been killed and 466 injured in 712 ships between January and December 2021. With this, 40 people have already been killed in the fire of MD Abhiyan-10 launch last night. As a result, 3,345 people have died in boat accidents in six years. However, this number may be more. Because, the statistics of fire service and civil defense for 2021 have not been released yet. The statistics of this organization will give the correct information of six years. According to the annual statistics of the Fire Service and Civil Defense, 1,203 naval accidents occurred in the country in 2020. 953 people died in these accidents. Of these, 724 are males and 229 are females. 256 men and 68 women were injured. In 2019, a total of 685 people were killed in 820 boat accidents and 668 people were rescued. In 2018, the fire service reported a total of 508 naval accidents. 426 people died in these accidents and 455 people were rescued. In 2018, the fire service reported a total of 508 naval accidents. 426 people died in these accidents and 455 people were rescued. In 2017, the fire service reported a total of 530 naval accidents. 643 people died in these accidents and 571 people were rescued. In 2016, a total of 425 naval accidents occurred. It killed 410 people and rescued 321 others.

Successive warship fires in America

In July 2020, a series of fires broke out on American warships. Two ships were damaged. Another fire broke out on another US warship after the first one caught fire. On July 18 of that year, the US news site DefenseNews confirmed the information. The U.S. Navy says a cargo ship, the Corsage, caught fire in the U.S. port of Norfolk. Then it was quickly brought under control. Authorities at the General Dynamics NASCO Shipyard were instructed to suspend work shortly after the fire broke out. The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a U.S. military base. However, the firefighters showed skill in this incident. They were able to put out the fire quickly. Work was then suspended for several days until the safety of the shipyard was fully ensured. One week ago, the USS Bonhoeme Richard, a US aircraft carrier, caught fire at the San Diego Shipyard in the United States.  After a long four-day effort, firefighters were able to put out the blaze. At least 63 people were injured in the blaze. The warship suffered irreparable damage. An explosion triggered a fire.

Note: U.S. officials say a fire broke out after a spark ignited a plastic object. The warship has been burning for four days …

Two Crimean ships caught fire

In January 2019, 10 sailors were killed when two ships caught fire in the Crimean Peninsula. Moreover, he jumped into the sea to survive. 14 injured people were rescued. Russian transport has been conducting rescue operations there for several days. Crew members jumped into the sea to save their lives after the fire broke out. The fire is believed to have occurred during the transfer of fuel from one ship to another. According to Russian authorities, the Tanzanian flag was seen on both ships. A total of 31 crew members were on board the two ships. 16 of them are Turkish nationals and the remaining 15 are Indians. Another source told Reuters that the storm was raging at sea when the accident happened. This may have been the beginning of the accident.

Fire in the powder room in San Jose

The Spanish warship San Jose has become history. This San Jose is one of the events of the shipwreck. The ship was one of the most advanced warships of the time. But the surprising information is that the ship was missing for about 307 years. At the time of the disappearance, the ship was full of hidden treasures, which were used against the British as weapons in the eighteenth century. The ship was sailing from Spain to America in 1708. On the way, four English ships attacked. About 600 sailors lost their lives in that battle. Despite all the great weapons and skilled sailors, San Jose is lost at sea. Could not survive. No one could decide what really happened to San Jose. Some say the ship’s powder room probably caught fire. From which the fire started. Many again think that the Spaniards could not stand in front of the English ammunition. Whatever it is, the ship was rescued in December 2015. However, there is a dispute over the ownership of the ship. The Colombian government announced a public-private partnership to rescue the ship. On the other hand, the Spanish government is also reluctant to give up. The ship is also claimed by a private company. As a result, San Jose gave rise to many discussions.

Twenty-five people were killed in California

A terrible fire broke out in a ship in California, USA. The fire broke out in 2019 on a boat off the coast of an island in southern California. The incident of this fire which took place at night is very tragic. A fire in a boat at night means many people are asleep. The result is more damage. Deaths are also more common. At least 25 people died when it caught fire. Nine more people went missing in the incident. Rescuers found 25 bodies at the bottom of the sea in the vicinity of the sinking ship. It was a ship called ‘Conception’ near Santa Cruz Island. Coast Guard chief Aaron Bemis said the boat had 34 passengers and five crew members. The crew was able to survive by being on deck. They were able to get out of the boat. The crew was sleeping on the deck. Others are trapped under the fire as they are under the deck. Four bodies were found at the scene. Rescuers found four more bodies at the bottom of the sea near the sinking boat. Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said the boat capsized 18 meters deep (60 feet). With 39 passengers, Concepcion went to the Channel Islands in California (the largest island in the archipelago at Santa Cruz). It was initially feared that the fire would cause more damage.

Note: Five of them survived and 25 died. The other 26 are missing.

Chemical ships have been burning in Sri Lanka for eight days

Soybean beach in shipwreck and wreckage in a fire. Everyone was shocked to see such news. The incident took place in May this year. The Singapore flag-carrying ship, the Express Pearl, had been burning for weeks. The cargo ship caught fire off the coast of Sri Lanka, leaving oil and debris on the beach. The wreckage of the ship is scattered on the shores of Negombo, a popular tourist destination on the country’s west coast, the BBC and the Indian Express reported.  Then the fight started with the picture of the beach. The ship, which had been on fire for eight days, was carrying various chemicals and cosmetics. The Sri Lankan Navy is working with rescue experts and the Indian Navy to put out the fire to prevent possible environmental catastrophe due to the accident. However, due to cyclone Yas, rescue operations in the rough seas could not be carried out properly. As a result, the amount of damage was also increasing. Sri Lanka Port Authority chief Daya Ratnayake said the fire was under control as it had been burning for a long time, but rescuers could not reach the ship as it was too hot. At that moment, fishing was banned in the area. The country’s marine environmental protection authority said any oil spills would spill over to sensitive islands. These lakes are the main tourist attractions. Authorities had earlier barred locals from approaching the ship.

In Alabama, 35 boats caught fire simultaneously

Eight people were killed in a devastating fire in Alabama in January 2020. A series of catastrophic fires broke out on several boats in the US state of Alabama.

At least eight people were killed. While people were asleep in Jackson County Park in Scottsboro, the fire quickly spread. The aluminum roof on the wooden deck of the ferry collapsed. Several boats sank.

At that time, seven people who jumped into the river were rescued and taken to hospital. The cause of the fire was not immediately known. The incident took place around 12:40 pm local time. The amount of damage also increases as it happens at night. The blaze spread to 35 boats on the Tennessee River, as well as to the Pontoon Dock. The fire department had to get a lot of speed to put out the fire. This is because the fire spreads quickly.  “The situation was devastating,” said Jane Necklas, chief of the Scotsborough Fire Department. It’s a devastating event in my life. Pictures spread on social media show flames engulfing rows of boats. One boat after another started burning. The fire spread to 35 boats.

Iranian ship sinks

After the fire, the Iranian ship sank in the sea. This is what happened in June this year. One of the largest ships of the Iranian navy sank after a fire near the Strait of Hormuz. The accident happened in the morning. After the ship caught fire, firefighters tried to bring the fire under control. The ship sank near the Iranian port of Jask in the Gulf of Oman, near the Strait of Hormuz. The ship took part in a naval training program there. The ship was named Kharg after an island. The army said it had tried for more than 20 hours but failed. Earlier last year, 19 sailors were killed when a missile fired from an Iranian warship accidentally hit another Iranian ship during a training exercise in the Gulf of Oman. Another 15 people were injured in the accident.

The ship took part in a naval training program. Despite all efforts, the ship could not be rescued

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