The world’s oldest car manufacturer

The world’s oldest car manufacturer

Companies that are making their debut in the world as car manufacturers. Today’s discussion about those car manufacturers.


Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Peugeot from the coffee grinding mill
2.Today’s Tatra from horse-drawn carriages
3.The world’s first automobile Mercedes-Benz
4.The world famous Land Rover
5.Italian car Fiat
6.Henry Ford’s Cadillac
7.Luxury Rolls Royce
8.Ford Motor Company
9.The world’s first automobile record

★1.Peugeot from the coffee grinding mill

Date of establishment: 1810

Peugeot made its debut in the world as a car manufacturer. The company is named after its founder Peugeot. It is the oldest car manufacturer ever in operation. Founded in 1810, Peugeot started their business as a coffee grinding mill. Later they started making and marketing bicycles. Bicycles made by them were appreciated at that time. In addition to making bicycles, the company began building salt, pepper and coffee powder machines.

Founder Peugeot once focused on building automobiles. After much hard work, the first Peugeot car came on the market in 1889 with the help of Leon Sarpolette. Within a year, advanced models of cars were brought to the market. Later Peugeot also started making motorbikes.

★2.Today’s Tatra from horse-drawn carriages

Date of establishment: 1850

Tata is the second oldest car manufacturer in the world. The company was started in 1950 by building horse-drawn carriages. In 1891, they started building cars for railways. Seven years later, Tatra started building automobiles. Hugo Fisher, Tatra’s chief engineer, contributed to this.

He bought a car in 1898. Tatra started building automobiles in the style of that car. The car they made was named ‘President’. But Tatra later focused on building trucks and freight cars. He also started building tank engines for the army. During World War II, Tatra supplied a large number of tank engines and trucks to the German army. In 1999, they changed their business strategy and stopped making passenger cars.

★3.The world’s first automobile Mercedes-Benz

Date of establishment: 1883

The hugely popular automobile manufacturer Mercedes Benz was officially established in 1926. However, the world’s first motor car was built in 1983 by Carl Benz, the founder of Mercedes Benz. Many believe that Henry Ford invented the automobile. This is because Henry Ford succeeded in marketing the first car. Although Carl Benz built the first automobile, it did not institutionalize the car market. The first car he made was a three-wheeler. Its engine runs on steam gas.

Later, on the initiative of Carl Benz, two different automobile manufacturers merged to form today’s Mercedes Benz. Although Carl Benz initially focused on other businesses, at one point he concentrated on the automobile industry and found success. Once upon a time racing someone started making Mercedes Benz. Mercedes Benz cars are very popular all over the world.

★4.The world famous Land Rover

Date of establishment: 1896

Jaguar Land Rover is building the world famous Land Rover car. They first started their journey in 1896 under the name ‘Lancashire Steam Motor Company’. Since then, the name of the car manufacturer has been changed many times. Interestingly, in the beginning the company only made steam mowers. At one point they started building steam trucks and gained a reputation. The company was renamed Leyland Motors in 1907. Leyland Motors began construction of the company’s most popular model, the Rover, in 1948.

The company was then known as Leyland Motors. The company was renamed ‘Land Rover’ in 1978 after many more steps. The production of this model, which is a symbol of nobility, is still going on. The company is currently managed by Tata Motors.

★5.Italian car Fiat

Date of establishment: 1899

Fiat, Italy’s largest automobile manufacturer. Founded in 1899, (FIAT) stands for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino. It means ‘Italian Automobile Factory Turin’. Fiat built their first car in 1899. By then, Henry Ford’s ‘T’ cars had become very popular.

The cars produced by the Henry Ford Company were then in the homes of middle-class Americans. So the Fiat organization in Italy was influenced by Henry Ford. In 1910, Giovanni Annelly, Managing Director of Fiat, visited Henry Ford’s car factory. He was fascinated by the production management of Ford’s factory and later introduced the same method in his own factory. Fiat’s most popular cars are the ‘City Car’ and ‘Supermini’ series.

★6.Henry Ford’s Cadillac

Date of establishment: 1901

Cadillac has built its strong position in the world of automobiles from the very beginning. Many people do not know that Cadillac was born but it is in the hands of Henry Ford, owner of Ford, one of the most popular car manufacturers in the world. In 1901, Henry Ford founded the Henry Ford Company. At the time, many wanted to join Henry Ford in his car business.

But Henry Ford did not agree with everyone. That is why Henry Ford repeatedly got into trouble with the car manufacturing company. Henry Ford withdrew from Cadillac after a disagreement with Cadillac investors Limeuel Bowen and William Murphy. Murphy and Brown later changed their name to Cadillac to continue the automobile business. They won the prestigious Dewar Trophy in 1908 and 1912.

★7.Luxury Rolls Royce

Date of establishment: 1904

In the automobile industry, the name Rolls-Royce has now become the epitome of nobility, taste and excellence. Rolls-Royce is one of the favorite names of many billionaires and celebrities.

So Rolls Royce cars are considered to be the ultimate example of success. Founded in 1914, the company started operations in 1904. The Rolls-Royce company was started by engineer Henry Royce and Charles Rolls, the owner of the UK’s first automotive dealership. In 1971, Rolls Royce Limited became a government entity through nationalization. In 1987, it again became a private company. Rolls-Royce’s first car, the Silver Ghost, was the start of their company’s success.  This car was recognized as the ‘best car in the world’ at that time.

★8.Ford Motor Company

Establishment date: 1903

Henry Ford is the founder of the Ford Motor Company. The Ford Company began with an interest in working with machinery from an early age. Henry Ford worked night shifts as an engineer for Thomas Alva Edison’s company and practiced automobile engineering during the day. He was the first to build a car in 1892. Then in 1896 he built the Ford Quadricycle.

Ford Motor Company was later formed with the help of Detroit Automobile Stockholders. Disagreements with them led to the reopening of the Ford Motor Company in 1903. He started marketing automobiles in 1908. Ford Motor Company is the first influential company in the automobile world.

★9.The world’s first automobile record

Bertha Benz

The incident took place in 1888

Bertha Benz made history by driving the world’s first car. The incident took place on August 5, 1888. From her husband’s house to her father’s house, Bertha Benz drove the world’s first motor vehicle. When the brakes on the car were damaged on the way to the accident, Barkha took it to a local shoemaker’s shop and fixed it. Bertha Benz also tightened the leather belt. As such, it was the world’s first car repair shop. After marriage, the girls want to run away to the patriarchy. Where he was born and raised. There is no obstacle for this in the end. And to go to this father’s house, Bertha Benz chose the first car made by her husband Carl Benz. Interestingly, he went out on the road in a three-wheeler without informing Carl Benz. That’s why Bertha Benz’s journey is said to be the first time she drove to her father’s house without her husband’s permission. At that time there was no suitable road for vehicles. Bertha Benz reached her father’s house after traveling 100 kilometers on a steep dirt road that could only be used by horse-drawn carriages. And through this adventurous expedition he made his name in the pages of history as the first driver on the open road in the world. Through this event, the history of the world’s first car show, the first car breakdown, the first car repair and the first filling station was written. Bertha Benz is the co-founder of Mercedes Benz, one of the world’s best automobile manufacturers.

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