The first thing in space

The first thing in space

One name for infinite emptiness is space. So its other name is space. Is it actually a huge zero or something else. Humans live in the bosom of this wonderful infinity. There are also planets, stars, nebulae. From the beginning of creation, people have wanted to go to the moon, called unknown galaxies with their hands. In the long run of space missions, the space research companies have taken up one adventurous plan after another. Despite the success, the space mission has repeatedly had to face complex situations. Scientists do not stop. Overcoming all obstacles, they are slowly moving towards the conquest of space. So far, 534 astronauts have stepped into space due to the irresistible attraction of knowing the unknown. So far, 534 astronauts have stepped into space due to the irresistible attraction of knowing. Today’s discussion is about the first things that happened while flying in space.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.The first woman Valentina Tereshkova 

2.The first astronaut was Yuri Gagarin

3.Go to the moon twice John Watts Young

4.Representative Leica

5.Failed campaign

6.The first myth came true

7.Apollo’s lunar mission

8.The first explorer of Mars

9.Record in space Sunita Williams

10.The world’s first satellite

11.The first Indian Rakesh

12.The first tourist was Anusheh

★1. The first woman

Valentina Tereshkova 

On June 16, 1963, Valentina Tereskova became the first woman to conquer the world. Tereskova was born on March 6, 1937, in Maslennikoda, a small village in Russia. Yuri Gagarin, a 27-year-old man, has conquered space. He floated in outer space for one hour and 48 minutes.

Upon hearing the news, a mother from the village of Maslennikora in Russia told her daughter that the boys had brought the experience of space, this time the girls would definitely go. The girl’s words came to her ears. Not exactly in the ear, as if it came to the chest. Then go to the mixed dream. It was as if he had the knowledge of meditation to go to that space.

If one day a girl wins the sky, then that girl will be me, such a dream has taken root in her mind. Meanwhile, Russia’s space agency has announced that one of the world’s first women will be sent on a space trip. An application was called for this. Out of more than four hundred applicants, he was selected as a space traveler on the basis of merit and merit. Valentina and got the opportunity to be the first woman and the first civilian to travel in space. Is the first successful female astronaut in space missions.

★2. The first astronaut was Yuri Gagarin

Soviet aviator and astronaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first person to travel into space. He orbited the Earth on 12 April 1961 in the Vostok spacecraft. As a teenager, Gagarin became interested in space and planets and began to dream about his space journey. Gagarin was 5 feet 2 inches tall, which was convenient for him in the small Vostok cockpit.

Gagarin’s 108-minute orbit in space alone was extremely miserable. His third-generation ‘Vostok-1’ rocket did not even have navigational control. He faced that situation with extreme courage. At the age of 27, Gagarin rose to international prominence for space travel. He became a hero of the Soviet Union and won many awards and medals at home and abroad. Yuri Alexidich Gagarin flew from an unfamiliar air force to the heroic forest in just 108 minutes. This expedition opened the door to space conquest.

After that, mankind did not have to look back. America conducted a mission to the moon. Not too long ago, China also sent people into space. 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the first manned spaceflight. Gagarin made history by stepping on Vostok-1, Gagarin was the first man to see our impeccably beautiful world from space. Gagarin was killed in a 1968 MiG-15 training flight.

Not: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became a hero from an unknown air force in just 108 minutes.

★3. Go to the moon twice

John Watts Young

So far in the history of the earth, only 12 people have landed on the moon. Only three of them went to the moon twice. John Watts Young was one of those three. John Watts Young was born on September 24, 1930, in San Francisco, California, USA. This man, who has always been impossibly humble, did not feel any pride in his unique success.

He never magnified his role. In an interview with the Orlando Sentinel, he said, ‘I’m lucky that I was in the right place at the right time and had the opportunity to do it. It’s not a great thing, I’m sure, anyone could do it. He just has to try. Aeronautical engineer John Young joined NASA in 1962. John Young went to the moon twice in total, but landed on the moon once. In 1965, he first traveled in space in the spacecraft ‘Gemini-3’. Moon-winning US astronaut John Watts Young died at the age of 87.

★4. Representative Laika

The first orbital female dog in Russia was the first to orbit the Earth. Her name was Laika. Leica was very calm. Everyone was very impressed with his sweet looks as well as his intelligence.


Her eye color was black. On November 3, 1957, Laika was sent into space. The dog circled the earth four times. At this time a lot of heat is generated in the spacecraft Sputnik-2. After 10 hours, Laika fell ill from the heat and died inside the spacecraft.

★5. Failed campaign

The crash of the Space Shuttle Challenger is thought to be one of the most failed missions in space. The spacecraft crashed on January 28, 1986. Just 73 seconds after takeoff that day, the space shuttle Challenger broke apart due to a mechanical problem. Sadly, seven astronauts on board died. The wreckage of the spacecraft crashed off the coast of Florida in the United States in the Atlantic Ocean. The accident happened at 11:39 am local time.

★6. The first myth came true

There are very few people in the world who do not know the time-honored fiction writer Jules Verne. Another short story book written by him also came true later. The name of the science fiction story is ‘From the Earth to the Moon’. The story is about the first manned lunar mission. Almost a century later, in 1969, the future envisioned by Jules Verne became a reality. For the first time, human feet reach somewhere outside the earth. The number of adventurers in Jules Verne’s story is exactly the same as the number of adventurers in Apollo. Both rockets left Earth from Florida. Even more bizarre and surprising is the fact that the astronauts on Jules Verne’s imaginary rocket go through space without feeling weightless. Which is really wonderful to scientists.

★7. Apollo’s lunar mission

Apollo 13 was the seventh manned spacecraft to orbit the moon. Efforts to conquer the Earth’s only satellite, Chandrasekhar, have long been underway under the American Space Program. Following this, Apollo 13 started its journey towards the moon on April 11, 1970. A total of three people were aboard the Kennedy Space Center.

But the whole operation failed when an oxygen tank on Apollo 13 exploded in the middle. Surprisingly, those involved survived. After that, Apollo 11 landed on the moon for the first time in the history of human civilization. And Neil Armstrong was the first man on earth to set foot on the moon.

★8. The first explorer of Mars

Alyssa is going to be the first person on the mission to Mars. In 2015, Alyssa officially received an invitation from NASA to become a small astronaut. This inquisitive woman will be the first human to set foot on our neighboring Mars. SpaceX and Marswen have been scrambling for years to send people to Mars. They are also interested in making Alyssa the first small astronaut in the two or three space missions ahead of them, which is a prelude to many Mars missions. Scientists are skeptical about whether Alyssa will be able to return to Earth. They are working day and night to ensure that Alyssa returns to Earth safely after a successful landing on Mars. Alyssa Carson was born on March 10, 2001, in Hammond, Louisiana. Alyssa loved to watch animated cartoons since childhood. In one episode of one of her favorite cartoon series, Alyssa is inspired by the story of five friends traveling to Mars through imagination. Ever since then, little Alyssa has dreamed of conquering the Red Planet, and Alyssa’s father, Bert Carson, has inspired her to venture out to fulfill her daughter’s dream. When Alyssa was 7, her father took her to a space camp in Huntsville, Alabama. At the age of 12, Alyssa visited NASA’s 14 Visitor Centers in nine US states. He has had the opportunity to visit the spacecamp about 18 times since 2008. Alyssa first received a call for Mission Mars in January 2013 on NASA TV’s MER 10 panel in Washington DC. She was later selected as the pioneer of a Danish company. In January 2013, Alyssa received her first call for Mission Mars on NASA TV’s MER10 panel in Washington DC. He was later selected as a pioneer of a Danish company.

★9. Record in space

Sunita Williams

Sunita Williams of Indian descent holds the record for the longest stay in space. NASA scientist Sunita Williams boarded the spacecraft Discovery on December 9, 2006 and stayed in space for 167 days.  No other female astronaut has ever been in space before. He returned to Earth on June 22, 2007. Various reports have surfaced that he converted to Islam after his return.

Although no truth has been found yet. If you search for Sunita Williams on Google website, you will see many such news. In 1987, Sunita was commissioned in the US Navy. He joined NASA in 1998 as a Naval Officer. After returning from space in June 2007, Sunita visited India and was given a heroic reception there. During this time he met popular leaders including the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi.

★10. The world’s first satellite

The world’s first satellite is called Sputnik-1 satellite. It was launched from the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. Weighing 183 pounds, the satellite took 98 minutes to orbit the earth once. This was the first step in the development of the world’s military, political and scientific and information technology. The chief designer of this satellite was Sergei Karlev. The construction of artificial satellites began in 1952, several years before that. When the International Council of the Scientific Union declared July 1, December 31, 1957 and 1958 as the International Year of Geophysics. The second artificial satellite was called Sputnik-2. It was also launched on November 2 of the same year. The first satellite launched by the United States was called Explorer-1.

★11. The first Indian Rakesh

The contribution of Indians in space conquest is not less. The space journey of Indians started in the hands of Rakesh Sharma. Rakesh Sharma, a former student of the 35th National Defense Academy, made history by becoming the first Indian citizen to travel in space. Rakesh Sharma is called the Hero of the Soviet Union. He was born on 13 January 1949. An Indian Air Force pilot who has traveled the skies around the world.

The Soyuz T-11 was launched on April 2, 1984 as part of the Intercosmos program. He studied at St. George’s Grammar School in Hyderabad. He graduated from Nizam College.  At the age of 18, he joined the Air Force as a cadet. He was later admitted to the National Defense Academy in July 1966 as an Air Force personnel. In 1970, he became a pilot in the Indian Air Force. Starting in 1971, he traveled in space in various types of aircraft.

★12. The first tourist was Anusheh

Regular people will travel in space as tourists – that day is not far away. Anusheh Ansari started. Anusheh Ansari became the world’s first female space tourist 15 years ago. Anusheh flew into space in September 2006. Space travel at your own expense.

He became a passenger of the spacecraft on September 12 at a cost of about 20 million dollars. ‘My Dreams of Stars’ September 12 to 29 – a book about the 16-day space journey has also been published. The title of the book is My Dreams of Stars. Born in Iran, Anusheh moved to the United States with his family in 1984. He was 18 years old then. Anusheh is an engineer. Anusheh earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering and computer science in the United States.

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