Socrates unjustly executed

Socrates unjustly executed

Socrates, the world’s greatest philosopher, was accused of apostasy. It was said that he had admitted Dhader. He was tried in a court of law in 399 BC. He was convicted before a 501-member jury. The death penalty is given. Hemlock was executed by poisoning. Earlier, it was suggested that he plead guilty. But Socrates did not compromise with injustice. After two and a half thousand years, Socrates has been acquitted in court. Now he is considered the best philosopher in the world. Today’s discussion is about him.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Birth and early life

2.Marriage, family and controversy

3.Warrior life

4.Religion was thought to be the enemy of democracy

5.A special one in ancient Greece

6.Hemlock poisoning is an effective death sentence

7.Socratic problem

8.The rate accepted the fear of death

9.Innocent evidence after two and a half thousand years

10.True knowledge

11.Spiritual development

12.The state is like a huge horse

13.Virtue in knowledge is sin in ignorance

★1. Birth and early life

Socrates was born in 469 BC in the city of Sirka in Athens in 470 BC. His father was Saffroniskas. Who was a mason and sculptor. And Socrates’ mother Fainarat was a midwife. Socrates grew up in a political region called Allopes. So he became acquainted with politics from his childhood. The rule in Athens was that all young men under the age of 18 had to perform political duties. The main responsibility of the youth was to join the military. On the other hand, he had to attend the assembly which was to determine the various aspects of military affairs and to run the judiciary. Socrates had no objection to these actions. Athens at that time practiced the beauty of men more than the beauty of women. Socrates was extremely ugly! But he was not at all sorry for his appearance. The role of parents is the most important in the life of any human being. Socrates was no exception.

His father wanted to educate young Socrates in the right way. He, like all the young men of Athens, arranged for the general compulsory education as well as the higher education of Socrates. As a result, Socrates became particularly adept at various subjects. He was particularly interested in literature, music and athletics. Socrates was an expert in poetry. At the same time he became proficient in music and physical education. Socrates also mastered the trade.

★2. Marriage, family and controversy

Socrates’ three sons were born to his wife, Xanthippe. There is a great deal of controversy among historians about his married life. Many historians claim that Socrates’ first child, Lamprocles, was born in the house of Xanthippe. Socrates later married a woman named Mirto. Socrates’ other two sons, Safroniskas and Menexenas, were born in the womb of Mirto. However, another group thinks that Socrates actually got married and had a family together. Their argument was that in Athens there were fewer men than women.

Socrates did not have a happy family life. Every day his wife used to quarrel with Socrates. One day Janthip was screaming in a rage. Socrates, on the other hand, was as silent as ever. At one point, Xanthip poured out a bucket of water on Socrates’ head. Just then Socrates made his famous quote – ‘After Thunder Comes the Rain.’ Another of his famous sayings about marriage is, “Whether you get married or not, you will regret both.”

★3. Warrior life

It would be wrong to think of Socrates only as a vagabond. He was a brave warrior. Socrates faithfully performed his military duties. He showed his heroism in the battle of Patida. His tactics were really admirable. He saved the life of General Alcibiades of Athens. Socrates also took part in the battles of Dilliam and Amphipolis.

★4. Religion was thought to be the enemy of democracy

Socrates became particularly adept at various subjects. He was particularly interested in literature, music and athletics.

At one point, Democrats began to view Socrates as an enemy of democracy. Some statues of the goddess Hermes were smashed in Athens around 415 BC, seven years after the battle of Amphipolis. The goddess Hermes is said to be the goddess of safety while traveling. In the aftermath of this incident, without the priest, the ‘Illusionian scriptural rites’ were performed in their own homes, which was unconventional. The one whose name was most pronounced in these works was Alcibiades. As a result, it was withdrawn from the Navy.

Many are punished for these anti-religious activities. Apparently, many of those who were punished were close to Socrates. Socrates later became suspicious. In the midst of all this, in 411 BC, a group of people rejected democracy and sat in a queue. Needless to say, was a supporter of Alcibiades. In some other cases, Alcibiades became the main enemy of the Democrats in Athens. As a result, the Athenians thought that Socrates was behind all the activities of Alcibiades.

★5. A special one in ancient Greece

Socrates was a philosopher of ancient Greece. He was a citizen of the city-state of Athens. Although he did not compose anything himself, we can learn his philosophy and life story from the writings of his famous disciple Plato. Socrates is the protagonist of all Plato’s books. Socrates used to discuss theories everywhere along the way. The most notable aspect of his character is that he did not accept conventional meditative ideas, beliefs, anything without question. He always kept himself busy in search of knowledge. According to him, knowledge is actually asking and seeking.

He used to say, we all say all the time in peace, we know everything. How much do we actually know? At that time everyone called Socrates the wisest. On the contrary, he jokingly said, “Why do people call me wise? How much do I know? How many people have I asked to solve this mystery?” I asked them questions about various issues. The person I asked has solved the problem. With the tired body at the end of the day’s navigation I made the decision. If there is any difference I have with so many wise men, it is that I know that I know nothing; But they do not know that they do not know anything. The love of simplicity and knowledge made him a favorite figure among the youth of Athens. Policymakers in Athens at the time were alarmed by his popularity, traditional religion, and state policy. The Athens government accused Socrates of misleading young people. Socrates apologized and promised not to raise any more questions about state restrictions, only to be released on condition that he be released. Otherwise you have to drink hemlock and die. Socrates’ disciples secretly arranged for him to escape from prison. But the righteous Socrates refused to apologize or flee in secret. On the contrary, he complained to the judges that they had no right to judge him. But he accepted their verdict as the state court. Hemlock drank the poison and died unscathed. This story of his sacrifice has immortalized him in the history of the world. Socrates made his famous statement that no one does evil voluntarily. According to Socrates, it is impossible for anyone to sin knowingly. According to him, if one really knows the good, he will do the good. And if you had a better mind than what you are doing, you would do it.

★6. Hemlock poisoning is an effective death sentence

Socrates is accused of heresy. He is said to have directly and indirectly harmed religion. He did not believe in the conventional notion of God. Because it could be seen that the gods are not always benefiting the people. Rather has ever become violent. Socrates believed that the gods could not be like that. Never. The gods must always be truthful, helpful and wise. Socrates believed that divinity was another name for rationality. As a result, Socrates was accused of not believing in God and of making the youth apostate. The unfortunate thing for Socrates is that his contemporary society was conservative and narrow-minded. He was put on trial. In 399 BC, a jury of 501 jurors was formed to judge Socrates.


Socrates was convicted by 280 people against the acquittal of 221 people. Even then Socrates was adamant in his argument. He did not move a single point from the truth. According to the rules, when Socrates is asked if he is admitting his guilt. But Socrates claims to be innocent and justifies his actions. He taunted the judges. As a result, Hemlock was sentenced to death by drinking poison. History witnessed the tragic death of the great sage. Such incidents have happened in the case of many other scholars in history.

★7. Socratic problem

Although Socrates has been studied by various universities for a long time, the term ‘Socratic problem’ first appeared in the 19th century. Discussions started everywhere about this. The problem that historians encounter when discussing Socrates ‘life, his philosophy, and other subjects is called the Socrates’ problem. The main problem is that there is no written document about the philosophy of Socrates. Some of Socrates’ followers wrote down conversations with him. The text is known as ‘Logo Socratico’ or ‘Socratic Accounts’. Of these, only the writings of Plato and Xenophone are found. Until the nineteenth century, xenophones were the mainstay of Socrates’ knowledge in all universities. However, in his research, Friedrich Schleiermasser showed that it is not possible to explain Socrates and his philosophy by relying on xenophones alone. From this Plato’s writings help to get a clearer idea about Socrates. Apart from this, he also highlighted the importance of one more person. He is Aristophanes. Moreover, Aristotle, a disciple of Plato, also gave important information about Socrates.

★8. The rate accepted the fear of death

Everyone must taste death. No one can avoid this death. So the fear of death always works in people’s minds. But Socrates was the exception. Socrates defeated the fear of death with his own reasoning. He used to say that it is true that it is not possible for us to know the nature of death but we can limit what happens after death to two possibilities. According to Socrates, none of this is scary. He said that either death is a dreamless eternal sleep, or the beginning of another new life. What else can happen without these two! And another new life seemed good to Socrates.  Because of course people who have been there before can be seen there. Socrates imagined a fantasy called Hades. Where people will go to the afterlife. That world is a lot like Athens. But just as in Athens people lived in their physical form, here people will live only as minds. Because if death is another life without sleep, then that life is over. It is not possible to have a body. The body is already dead, lying on the ground. Irrefutable argument. Thus Socrates spent his whole life in reasoning. Many people have said many things about death. The most mysterious thing in the world is death. Socrates realized that even if it was enough to have a mind to practice his philosophy, those who liked to do physical work would certainly not like the afterlife. That is why he said, we should give time to the mind in the life of the world and not to the body. Because the mind is immortal. And if we can do that, physical death will no longer seem terrible to us, but the thought of death will make us happy. It was because of this mentality that Socrates did not fear death. If you think about it, anyone will understand that the philosophy of Socrates is still discussed and modernized for thousands of years. And this is why Socrates has become the best philosopher in the world.

Note:Death is a dreamless eternal sleep, not the beginning of another new life …

★9. Innocent evidence after two and a half thousand years

About two and a half thousand years have passed since the death of Socrates. Even after so many years, a new trial is being held in a modern court at the initiative of the Onassis Foundation in Athens, the capital of Greece. That is why Socrates is said to be completely innocent. Just think! Two fences of the same case, just a long interval of time in the middle. Standing on the first fence, Socrates tried to defend himself. At the time, veteran lawyers from around the world, including Greece, fought in his favor.

The philosophy of Socrates

★10. True knowledge

According to Athenians, the temple of the god Apollo was prophesied in Delphi that Socrates was the wisest man among the living. Socrates believed that the only way to truly become wise is to know that you know nothing. So Socrates said to the jury, I wanted to prove that the prophecy of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi was wrong. So I first went to the heads of state and saw that those who are considered to be the wisest are the most foolish.

Then I realized I was wiser than they were, because I knew at least that I knew nothing. Then I went to the poets and saw that they compose poetry not with the help of knowledge but with the inspiration of diviners. They say a lot of nice things but don’t understand anything they say. But poets think they are the greatest sages. Then I went to the artisans and saw that they knew a lot, which I did not know. Such as making ships or shoes.  But like poets, they believe that what they know is the most important thing. Such as making shoes. This belief prevents them from being wise. In view of all this, I have come to the conclusion that no one is really wise, not the governors, not the poets, not the artisans, not even me, about whom the prophecy was heard in Delphi. But I know at least that much, I know nothing. Socrates actually wanted to say that it is never possible to acquire knowledge if you hold on to your faith. When he asked questions, everyone answered according to his own ideas and that belief remained intact.

★11. Spiritual development

Socrates gave special importance to the development or care of the soul through knowledge and truthfulness. “I tell everyone in Athens, big or small, not to run after your body or your money,” he said. Your first duty should be to develop the soul through the acquisition of knowledge. Don’t think about money, fame and prestige until you find the truth and knowledge. Honesty does not come from money but honesty pulls money and other good things. This is my teaching. If this doctrine misleads the youth of Athens, I am guilty. If anyone says I have taught anything other than this, he is a liar. Socrates clearly states that the development of the soul is achieved through the acquisition of knowledge. And in order to get real knowledge, he advised to refrain from worldly alluring delusions.

★12. The state is like a huge horse

When Socrates was being tried in the court of apostasy, he said to the Athenians, “If you convict me, you will sin against the gods who sent me to you.”  I’m just a bitch. (A type of fly that drinks the blood of cows, horses, etc.) which the gods sent to this state. Because the state is like a giant horse, for the giant Bopur it becomes lazy and fast-paced. My responsibility is to pierce it. That is why I always try to enlighten you everywhere. You will never find someone like me so easily. So I advise you to leave me. Here Socrates, the sage, has shown his usefulness. The narrow-minded people of the then conservative society were not fit to hold him. They could not accept the modern thinking. As a result, they unjustly convict Socrates, in which case Socrates compares the state to a giant horse and tries to explain how to strengthen the state. He showed the way out of superstition and bigotry.

★13. Virtue in knowledge is sin in ignorance

The most important philosophy of Socrates is virtue in knowledge. According to this principle, to know good means to do good. Socrates used to say that people do bad things just because of their ignorance. The only good thing in the world is ‘knowledge’.

There is only one evil, and that is ignorance. If virtue is gained through knowledge and knowledge means doing good deeds, then a person will never involve himself in bad deeds. If he is involved, then he must understand that he has failed to know the good.

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