Dangerous tourism around the world

Dangerous tourism around the world

What do you like to travel – mountains, sea or jungle. Or all three are good. Whenever there is a rush in the busy life, whenever there is an opportunity, the travelers rush to get a glimpse of the natural nature. Who wants to miss the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature. But how many know what will happen next?  We may not think so. But there are some tourist destinations around the world where people are more likely to be endangered than to wander around happily. Today’s event with some such tourist centers.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Cliff of Mohar, Ireland

2.Caminito del Rey, Spain

3.Half Dome, United States

4.Valley of Death, Russia

5.Madidi Park, Bolivia

6.All Nayok Garden, England

7.Hawaii Volcano, United States

8.Praia de Voyage Vizinho, Brasil

9.Colorado River, United States

10.Acapulco Beach, Mexico

11.Scaling Missile, Ireland

12.Kokoda Trail, Papua New Guinea

★1. Kokoda Trail

Papua New Guinea

The area up to 100 km (60 m) along the Kokoda Trail is a hot, humid environment. This cocoon around the south coast of Papua New Guinea is full of terrible dangers. Surrounded by greenery, this Kokoda is full of all kinds of medicinal plants. The Kokoda Rainforest is home to exotic animals, wildlife, clean water and the local people who have been living there for generations. It was a popular site during World War II where troops from Australia and Japan were stationed. Every year more than a thousand tourists visit here. There are some dangerous trenches in which death is possible only by setting foot. The forest includes walking, mountaineering, and even river swimming. Many people do not notice that there may be holes while walking. Tourists bring everything they need to come here. The mountains look a few miles long. Many tourists come here eagerly to see the war equipment lying around. Many times tourists come to visit and get malaria due to mosquito bites. Tourists have to follow the tourist guide.


In many places you will find many abandoned tools of war. The biggest danger here is that many people break their bones in the ditch, many people break their legs and many become permanently crippled. In September 2013, a group of tourists came here to visit and was attacked by local bandits.

The Kokora Rainforest is home to exotic animals, wildlife, clean water and the local people who have been living for generations….

★2. Caminito del Rey


Caminito del Rey was known as a beautiful tourist and walking spot during the reign of Spanish King Alfonso 13. But now that aesthetic place is a terrible place of death. Gentanis George later set up two power plants here.

This man set the path in the mountains which is only 1 meter (3 feet) long. The extraordinary path is still in the same condition. The path is 100 meters (300 feet) long like a mere cliff. It is technically closed to the public. From 1999 to 2000, there were five deaths. But it couldn’t stop for many adventurers interested every year.

Every year, while crossing the mountain path, a fall is made here. In other words, someone’s hand is broken, someone’s leg, and someone has to be paralyzed for life. Interested climbers don’t want to understand that. Many climbers go across this terrifying three-foot road for adventure.

The narrow path has tarnished the Caminito del Rey. Although very dangerous, the hilly path looks beautiful, like a pool made of clean wood. Many people support this mirage path to climb. Climbers have no other choice but to climb carefully. No one can walk together on the path. There are many holes in the hill as the path is close to the hill. There is also the fear of heights. When you look down while climbing the path, you see nothing but death.

★3. Half Dome

United States

Half Dome, a terrific tourist destination in the history of the world. A total of 60 people have been killed so far. It is basically a mountain valley.

Tourists enjoy climbing the mountains the most here. The height of the Half Dome hill is so high that everyone who comes here spends the whole day climbing the hill. 1500 m. (About 5,000 feet) This half-dome is steep hillside. Climb the hill but there are also benefits.

The body loses 4000-9800 calories (fat). The last 120 m of the mountain. (About 400 feet) There are metal cables for tourists to climb. The disaster started from here. Due to the high altitude and cloudy environment, many climbers become discouraged. Because the cable then becomes slippery. Many people can not control themselves.

He was involved in a fatal accident. Death Vernal Falls under the Metal Cable. It is so horrible that once someone falls, he dies. In 2012, a man had an accident while climbing on the cable of Half Dome. Despite hundreds of attempts, he could not hold on to the hill. His body was later recovered. In 2011, three riders fell into a waterfall while crossing a safety fence. Two of them floated in the waterfall and the other 180 m. (About 600 feet) fell from above and died.

Not only is the waterfall terrifying, there have been a record number of accidents. There are also places in the mountains where there is no lighting. For this we have to arrange lighting. Eighty percent of the rescue workers here are constantly busy rescuing endangered riders. Rescue operations are carried out by helicopter, with all the arrangements for first aid. But what else does the rescue team have to do when misfortune does not leave?

★4. Valley of Death


Name is Valley of Death. But who will say seeing the form, he is waiting with the death warrant! Kehinnaik volcano is located in the eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia.

This valley of death is right at his feet. For those who like secluded places, this place is absolutely picture perfect. But that happiness will not last long, because after a while you will start to feel dizzy, irritated eyes, shortness of breath. Gradually you will fall into the lap of death.

Because of the poisonous air here! In fact, the air here is full of poisonous gas from the Kehinnaik volcano. No animal can live here because of this gas. According to a study, toxic gases also cause the death of animals here. Gases such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide are mainly present in the air.

★5. Madidi Park


The South American country of Bolivia is located at a very high altitude in the Andes Mountains. Bolivia is called the roof of the world.

Snow-capped mountains, plateaus and lush forests – what not. Nature seems to have poured all the silver here. And Madidi National Park is a mysterious place in that country. It is said that this forest is one of the most beautiful biodivers in the world. I have to go by boat.

You can cross the Renebak along the Beni River and set foot on the muddy ground of the forest. And then you will enter the world of animals and plants. Must be fascinated. And last but not least, the Madidi National Park in the depths of the Amazon, 7,000 square miles from the Andes, contains all the poisonous trees. If you come in contact with them, you will get seriously ill.

It can even lead to death. There is no protection even if there is a small wound on the hand in something like thorns. Various diseases and infections can occur.

★6. All Nayok Garden


“There are places around us that are green, but there is almost certainly a lack of risk-free gardens for adventurers,” said Jane Percy, a Dutch wife from Nottingham, England. He himself confirmed that the garden of Alnwick Palace was poisonous. Percy at first trivialized the garden inherited from the Dutch king.

The fact that some parts of the garden were literally poisonous was beyond his comprehension. Some parts of the garden land were known to be the property of private physicians or healers. From there, mainly medicinal plants were collected. Percy understands that this garden is not for leisure, because it is a garden full of poison. Part of the garden of Alnwick Palace is known as a poisonous garden. Therefore, the entrance of the garden is closed after giving full warning to the visitors. It then became even more mysterious to visitors visiting the garden. Visitors observed the garden from a safe distance but did not want to get too close to the shore.

A kind of poisonous gas comes out of the garden which enters the body as soon as one enters the body with one’s breath. Many of the visitors who come to visit this cursed place are weakened by the poison of living creatures spread in the air. There are some strange places in history which are said to be the trump cards of Bidhata. 

Oddly enough, there were many trees lined up here before this garden was poisoned. Coconut and cannabis trees are planted here as this land is included among other lands of the Dutch-Queen. To enhance its beauty, game equipment and educational objects are placed here. School children used to come here to play. But many would get upset and sick.

★7. Hawaii Volcano

United States

If you are thinking of returning from somewhere on this vacation, you will not find a tourist destination like Vulcano. The Vulcano tourist spot in Hawaii is a beautiful place to travel and enjoy. Originally Hawaii Volcano is a volcanic park.

Although there are shadows of death on the track record of Vulcano. In addition, Vulcano National Park is a temporary bicycle trip. Since its inauguration in 2007, there have been three deaths and a record number of injuries. Tourists come here to ride bicycles. The roads are very steep and steep in nature. Death strikes only when the bicycle rides down a low road. Many then lost control. This is not the only obstacle!  From 1992 to 2002, in those 10 years, the park recorded a record 40 deaths and more than 50 serious injuries.

Vulcano is originally connected to the island of Kilauea. It was invented in late 1938. This is the main attraction for many travel thirsty. This is called geotourism. It is a volcano. The lava of this volcano has a high probability of an accident. Many people go to see it up close and this is the end of life. This lava gas also spreads in the air and pollutes the environment. Volcanic smoke is harmful to the human body. In a word, going around it means meeting the messenger.

Lava smoke contains harmful vapor clouds. It is a harmful gas with a combination of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and hydrochloric acid. This gas damages the bones and heart of the human body. Many people who come here to travel have been the victims of accidents because they could not come fully prepared. Besides, there is a lack of pure water here. So the possibility of death is always here.

★8. Praia de Voyage Vizinho


The gentle breeze, the beautiful beaches, the heartwarming sunsets, the proximity to the city, the warmth of the beach, the clear water waves, and the chirping of the birds all around you might think so.

Who doesn’t love such a beautiful beach trip. If there are no sharks. The Praia de Voyage Vizim is known around the world as the longest beach in Brazil, built in 1992 but later declared endangered by shark attacks. From 1992 to 2012, tourists were attacked by sharks 56 times.

Maybe thinking, ‘A lot less than Australia. But that’s not it, there’s nothing more than the opportunity for people to walk on the Praia de Voya Vizim beach. One-third of all Australian shark attacks occur. Now the question is, why the shark attack? The reason is that the depth of the sea is less. And sharks are more located on the shores of the sea. It was attacked. Tourists bathing and swimming on the beach. When the beach opened in 1984, it was a safe haven for female sharks from various estuaries. But tiger sharks come here and cause problems i.e. increase breeding. They attack for various reasons.

The main choice of sharks is the coastal area. But they can’t stay in those areas because of the large number of ships. When they enter the sea area of ​​tourists, they often come to the coast for a good meal. Despite the beach’s security measures, security personnel cannot take immediate action when danger strikes. The damage is always done.

★9. Colorado River

United States

Fun for any tourist on a raft. But many people think that it can be a danger many times. The flow of the Colorado River is different. It is very dangerous. In 2014, the big problem of the river was caught.

The nature of the water flowing from the mountainous range is greatly increased for global change on the Colorado Himalayas. Excessive rainfall is thought to be the biggest cause. In fact, experts say it is due to climate change. According to the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife, this is a huge problem, and the increase in water from the Colorado Himalayas is beyond the concern of environmentalists. 

In 2007, 12 tourists were killed and 176 seriously injured.  The City of Colorado Divisional Department reported. The main problem is that those who come here often do not bring complete security equipment. For which this accident is increasing. But many have more problems because of the attitude of going alone and not considering the state of the atmosphere.

Many tourists come to the river drunk. For which accidents also occur. These waterfalls flow much faster than normal and even very high amounts of water waves flow. In 2014, the number of accidents almost increased, and the speed of the river increased even more. In the first six months of 2014, 15 people were killed and about 50 were seriously injured.

★10. Acapulco Beach


The name Acapulco may be synonymous with peace. For Americans, this beach is a place of luxury. Great beach, beautiful weather, this beach next to many big cities is a very comfortable and luxurious holiday destination for tourists. But unfortunately, tourists are not safe here at all. According to the American Criminal Tribunal, more than 30 major crimes have been committed on this beach. The victims are the tourists who come here.

According to the latest 2013 census, there were 142 murders per lakh here. Even the citizens here and a few identified criminals are addicted to drugs in large quantities. Due to which the amount of crime also increased rapidly. According to the 2013 track record, there were about 200 murders in January and February. According to private accounts, these crimes are committed here despite the existence of complete security measures. The veracity of these incidents is confirmed. Even the events of this dark world caused a great stir in newspapers and TV news.

Even more unfortunate is that most of the incidents took place right in front of the scenic beach. Added to this is the incident of rape of tourists. If anyone recommends a trip to Acapulco Beach, arrange for them to stay in a specially secured area. The government allowed him to travel even after providing maximum security to the tourists.

★11. Scaling Missile


Scaling missiles have not been known for a long time. The tourist center was born through the Hollywood movie Star Wars. The beauty of scaling is hidden with Irish civilization. It is thought to have been a colony of monks. The place was preferred by the monks as it was a rare and safe terrain. This scaling, made in about the sixth and eighth centuries, is still unchanged. Although it is currently a World Heritage Site. Some videos can be found by visiting the Greater Scaling website. Which is a warning to visitors. There are instructions on what to do or how to travel unscathed. The videos contain instructions for climbing the Scaling Missile Mountains, the oldest steps of 600 or more.

This is definitely the place of accident if tourists are not careful. It goes without saying that there is no water and food system. There is no shelter or toilet. The mountainous terrain of Scaling Island and the sea beside it, the boring boat journey of more than an hour often bothers the tourists. Landing on the island is no exception but jumping from high mountains is almost impossible. The main feature of the area is that many rocks fall here. But this is not the only problem, the thousand-year-old rough, uneven and crooked hill stairs are also one of the biggest problems here. In 2009, two separate deaths occurred on the island.

★12. Cliff of Mohar


The Cliff of Mohar is one of the most aesthetic and heartwarming tourist destinations in the world. It is located in Ireland.  Its location is roughly next to the Atlantic Ocean. The tourist parking lot is not far from the Cliff of Mohar.

There are paved sidewalks, daily stone steps and even stone walls equal to the waist. However, it is not right for tourists to stay on the wall for long. But the walking path has gone to the last height of the cliff. Where accidents often occur. In a word, the path of death starts from here. Excessive altitude, unbearable amount of wind, ever more warmth and extra rain make Cliff’s path horrible. This walkway is not like a normal path with a rocky outcrop. This is the way of the park. In 2006, a woman was walking alone. He lost control while climbing the hill. The woman died instantly. The other accidents were almost the same. In 2007, a 26-year-old mother and her four-year-old child jumped off a cliff 180 meters (about 600 feet).

Tourists have been warned to travel there since the incident. Since then this beautiful cliff seal has been declared a dangerous area. Like many people, a kind of mystery smoke is created. With this cliff seal. It is believed that most of the people who go here go for the purpose of jumping from the hill. In 2010, The Cliff of Mohar was brought to the attention of the world as a natural hazardous area.

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