The oldest library in the Muslim world

The oldest library in the Muslim world

Book collection and knowledge are an important part of the Muslim tradition.  Libraries are part of the Muslim tradition. Where literary, scientific and research works are covered in books or documents.  Books have played a role in the development of civilization and culture for ages.


The library has been built with those books. The ancient libraries that were started a few centuries ago are spread all over the world. Today’s event is about the library established by the best Muslims in Qatar for the development and growth of human civilization in the pursuit of knowledge and research.

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.The House of Wisdom

2.Library of Alexandria

3.Baitul Hikma

4.Medina Library

5.Mecca Library

6.Maktabatu Karawin

7.Tehran Book Garden

8.Makataba Darul Ulum Deoband

9.Raja Library Rampur

★1.The House of Wisdom


The largest book collection of Islamic civilization in the Middle Ages was in Baghdad. Name Baitul Hikmah or House of Wisdom. The library, built in the eighth century, was a great meeting place for the study of knowledge at that time. Which is referred to as the House of Wisdom. Caliph Harun-ur-Rashid founded it in the Abbasid capital, Baghdad. At that time it was called ‘Khazanatul Hikmah’. Then his son Khalifa Al Mamun completed the ancient library in 830 AD. According to historians, the era of Caliph Al Mamun is the golden age of Baitul Hikmah. The observatory was established during the reign of Al Mamun. During this time the institute became an unrivaled place for the study of knowledge in various subjects including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, alchemy, zoology, geography and cartography. Numerous scholars were involved in this research and educational institution. The Baitul Hikmah opens up new horizons in the science and intellectual practice of the Muslim world and through it the modern concept of research in the field of knowledge emerged.

★2.Library of Alexandria


The Alexandria Library is one of the oldest, largest and most important libraries in the world. The famous library was established in 26 BC by Ptolemy I under the supervision of Dimitrius of Felleron. It is modeled after Aristotle’s lecture hall in Athens. There is no need to look back, this library was the witness of all the discoveries and documents of all branches of science for about 600 years before it was destroyed. It is estimated that there were about 6 lakh ancient texts wrapped in leather or paper. More than 1 lakh printed books were kept on wooden shelves. Although the library was later destroyed. In 1974, the University of Alexandria authorities again took the initiative to build the library. Construction began in 1995 with the help of UNESCO. The library was built under a huge 220 million Dollars project. The main reading room covers an area of ​​about 70,000 square meters with shelves and 11 tubs for holding 8 million books. There is a huge conference center, four museums, four galleries. There are seven specialized research centers.

★3.Baitul Hikma


Baitul Hikma is one of the centers of learning in the Muslim world. It is an ancient library located in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. It was founded in 988 by Fatimid Caliph Al Aziz. Many scholars and scholars used to come to this huge collection. This library had about 1 lakh books. The historian Ibn Abi Shama Rawjatain fi Akhbarid Dawlatain writes about the enormity of the Fatimid library, it was one of the ‘Seven Wonders’ of that time. It is said that the Cairo palace (the Fatimid state building) had such a large library that there was no precedent for it at that time. The unique feature of this library was the abundance of original copies. There were also hundreds of copies of each book. It is said that in one commentary, Tabari had 1,200 copies (original). The number of original texts was also as high as the number of prescriptions.

★4.Medina Library

Saudi Arabia

In modern times, the rich library in Arabic is called ‘Khazanatul Qutub’ (Book Collection). To the locals, it is best known as the ‘Medina Munawwara Library’. According to the author of the book ‘Khazainul Qutubil Arabiyah’, the library was established before the fire of 13 Ramadan of 886 Hijri. As such, the age of this library is more than 500 years. In 1352 AH, on the advice of Obaid Madani, the head of the Ministry of Religion and Waqf in Saudi Arabia, the library was renamed ‘Maktabatu Masjidin Nawabi’. Its position has also changed a lot at different times. The entire library is arranged in a state-of-the-art technical arrangement. The library is divided into several parts. There are study rooms on the roof of the mosque. It has 358 shelves, one lakh books and 300 chairs for researchers. It has the facility to study on computer with the help of world network. Huge collection of innumerable books including manuscripts. There are special study rooms, periodical department, rare books department, women’s study room and special collection department. From here one can bind projects, repair and preserve books and manuscripts, write books by hand and machine. There is a huge collection of 25,000 rare books as well as 6,000 MPhil and PhD research books from different universities. Monthly, quarterly and annual periodicals of more than 10 thousand different organizations.

★5.Mecca Library

Saudi Arabia

The Mecca Library is one of the most renowned libraries in the world. The library was established on the east side of Safa-Marwa Sayyar in 160 Hijri during the reign of the Abbasid Caliph Mahdi. According to historians, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born here. In 1357 AH, King Abdul Aziz named it Maktabatul Haram Al-Makki. At first it was part of a dome of the Haram Sharif, but later the library was moved out of the Haram Sharif. This huge library has a collection of more than five lakh books. It contains more than 8,000 printed and unprinted manuscripts. There are about 5,000 rare manuscripts. This is the only complete manuscript of Ibn Nadim’s (died 438 AH) ‘Al-Fihrist’ and Allama Hayshami’s ‘Majmaul Bahrain’ which is here. The Mecca Library has several sections. Its service section is open to the general reader. The huge hall room of the library has more than 1 lakh collections. Any interested reader can come and study in a pleasant environment. The manuscript section of the library is dedicated to researchers and analysts. There are about 6,847 original manuscripts for research. There are also 358 non-Arabic and 2,314 photo manuscripts. Apart from this, there are many more facilities including training department, electronic library department, microfilm department, photo microfilm department, Haramain stall, women’s department.

★6.Maktabatu Karawin

Saudi Arabia

The oldest library in the world is Al-Qarawin in Morocco, Africa. This library, which is more than a thousand years old, is still spreading the light of knowledge. There is a collection of numerous valuable manuscripts here. Since the construction of the library, innumerable scholars, tourists and students and teachers from different countries used to come here. In 859, a mosque called Qarawin was established in the city of Fez on the personal initiative of Fatima al-Fihri, a wealthy Arab woman. In the same year, he established Al-Qarawin University and Library in the courtyard of the mosque as a modern educational institution. The library was in continuous operation from its establishment till 1359. Al-Qarawin, however, was largely unharmed, although the city of Fez was hit by a series of wars in which the colonialists ousted it. Sometimes the vast store of knowledge is closed. Libraries have kept these valuable data locked for generations. But the infrastructural problems of the library have been created naturally. During the colonial period from 1913-56, France once again destroyed the world’s oldest university. The university stopped distributing exams and certificates. At the same time deprives students of all state facilities. After Morocco gained independence in 1956, King Muhammad took the initiative to modernize Carawin University. He established various science departments and modern language institutes in the university including mathematics, physics and chemistry. The female student department was opened in 1957. In 1963, Carawin University was declared the National University of Morocco. Recently, the Moroccan Ministry of Culture took new steps to save the Al-Qarawin library. They hired Aziza Chauni and his architectural team to oversee the reopening of the library. Engineers have re-laid the foundation of the building. There has been a new drainage system and every tile on the green roof of the building has been made as visually pleasing as before.

★7.Tehran Book Garden


Tehran Book Garden has been built in Tehran’s capital Tehran with a large place of 1 lakh 10 thousand square meters behind the world’s named Library. It is considered as the world’s largest library. It is believed that the library built in Tehran, Iran’s capital Tehran is the world’s largest library. It is located in Tehran’s northeastern Abbasabad Hill. Here are the scheduled sections for children. Only for them there is a huge collection of 4 lakh books. Other parts of this library include movie theaters, science hall, classrooms, a restaurant and a prayer house. And in the roof of the library to read in a pleasant environment, green park The library inaugurated in July 2017, a large cultural organized for the country. The concept of the country’s scholars will be developed by taking advantage of this cultural and educational opportunities. The first proposal of Tehran Book Garden came in 2004. Earlier, according to Guinness Book Record, the world’s largest library in the world has earned the Burnnes and Nobel of Fifth Avenue of New York City. The area was 1 lakh 54 thousand sq ft. There are 12 miles of books in 12 miles.

★8.Makataba Darul Ulum Deoband


Makataba Darul Ulum Library located in Deoband of Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh in India. The famous library was formed in the center of Deoband Madrasa. Originally, Makataba Darul Uloom Deoband Madrasa authorities set this own library for the benefit of studying students of Madrasa. The position of the old Darul Hadith of Madrasa is the position of the second floor in the second floor. Although the library is in smaller still in small, it is now the combination of a large amount of scriptures. There is no such thing excluded, which is not a book or manuscript here. There are estimated lakhs in the text. King Alamgir also has a book written in hand. There are various types of designs of designs.

★9.Raja Library Rampur


India is one of the elder libraries in the subcontinent in Uttar Pradesh of India. Then there was Muslim Nawab Saeed Muhammad Saeed Khan’s regime (1840-55). During his reign, the name of the proud royal library was ‘Qutbhana Riyasat-e-Rampur.’ At that time, books were bought by 1,400 gold coins for this Qutubthana. In 1879, there were 9 thousand 347 books in this library and 24,117 books were available in 1927. Currently, the number of books here is near Lakh. There are 15 thousand rare manuscripts reserved. The most important collection of the archives – Hazrat Ali (ra) is a copy of the Holy Qur’an in the hands of Hazrat Ali and the first translation of the Holy Qur’an in Urdu. Apart from this, there are many books in Sanskrit, Urdu, Pashto, Tamil languages. After independence, there was a library in the hands of a trust in 1975. From July 1975, the Indian government took the responsibility of the oldest library.

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