The best discovery of Muslims

 The best discovery of Muslims

Muslim contributions to modern science are outstanding. Although Muslims have lagged behind in contemporary science due to colonial rule and political instability in the Muslim world, they are not empty-handed; Rather, many of the most widely used contemporary discoveries by Muslim scientists. Chemistry, physics, biology, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, philosophy, history were their pioneering journeys everywhere. Those discoveries and research have been modernized, and today’s world is reaping the benefits.

Today’s topic of discussion…….

1.The First Parachute

2.The First University was Karuin

3.Surgical Instruments

4.Algebra and the Human Eye

5.The Camera

6.Coffee, Toothbrush and Soap

7.Direction Instruments and Maps

8.The First Hospital

★1.The First Parachute

Parachute, an instrument used in many important purposes. Leonardo da Vinci is said to have invented the parachute. He was the first to design a complex parachute. The parachute of his design was able to carry the mass of the bearer perfectly. But if the question is asked, who was the first person on earth to fly in the air and who was the first to invent parachutes, then the name of a Muslim scientist must come first. His name is Abbas Ibn Firnas. Leonardo da Vinci’s Muslim scientist also flew in the sky in ‘875 about 800 years ago.

He is thought to have been the first to invent the aircraft.  Firnas flew 10 minutes. Gathering bird feathers and making a fan out of it, he flew from Jabal al-Arus, a high mountain in Cordoba, Spain. He was 70 years old at the time of the flight. When he got down, he saw that he could not control the speed. He thought of the bird’s tail. But he did not make the tail. He fell to the ground. Injured. He still lived for 12 years, but could not afford to fly again.

★2.The First University was Karuin

The highest level of the school is the university. From where the certificate of eligible student is given. But as many know, the founder of the world’s first university is a Muslim woman. Fatima Al-Fihri is the head of the world’s first university. In 859, as the pioneer of higher education, he established the first university in the Moroccan city of Fez. According to historians, it is the world’s oldest certified higher education institution or university.

Queen Fatima herself supervised the construction work and gave direction in the construction process. Fatima’s sister Maryam later established a mosque next to the university. Fatima’s family moved from Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, to Fez, Morocco. In the early ninth century, many families wanted to immigrate to this busy western city. Fez was one of the most promising cities in the Muslim-West, or Al-Maghreb, which promised people the idea of ​​good fortune and absolute happiness. This influential Islamic city brought together both traditional and universal religions and cultures.

★3.Surgical Instruments

Just think, there is no equipment in the operation theater. So will you just rely on medicine or will you see your loved one die in front of your eyes? Of course we can’t think like that, of course we don’t need to think. Essential inventions such as surgical instruments have been invented in the tenth century to save lives. Muslim surgeons have made this important invention to advance medical science.

In the Golden Age, surgeon Abul Qasim Al-Zahrawi (938-1013) presented the world with his best book ‘At-Tasrif’. The book is a perfect example of how Al-Zahradi was skilled and experienced in surgery. He wrote a volume of his 30-volume encyclopedia ‘Al-Tadrif’ called ‘Surgery’. He is considered one of the greatest surgeons of the medieval Muslim world and the father of modern surgery. His contribution has also influenced modern medicine. Abul Qasim al-Zahradi studied physics, chemistry, astronomy and medicine at the famous University of Cordoba. After completing his education, Zahra started medical services.

★4.Algebra and the Human Eye

Science stands on mathematics. Mathematics stands on algebra. The concept of linear algebra was first introduced by a Muslim scientist. The name Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, he was an integral part of the concept of geometry in Greek mathematics, moved away from it and added a new revolutionary trend.

The concept of algebra is found in his Kitab al-Jabr wal Mugabala. The journey of modern mathematics began on the basis of algebra written by Al-Khwarizm. This branch of modern science was started by a Muslim. Stunning to think of course. Meanwhile. The Arab world at the time did not just revolutionize mathematics, science others. The same is true of the ability to bring about change. They also revolutionized magnifying glass. Alhazen, a famous Muslim scholar from the city of Basra, was the first to describe the structure of the eye and how the eye works. He was the first to prove by examination that there is no perceptual sensation with the eye ray. In addition, he said with the idea of ​​the first spectacles, the surface of the curved glass can be used for augmentation as a visual aid to the eyes.

★5.The Camera

Muslims have also contributed to the invention of the camera. Cameras are widely used and popular among modern inventions. Everyone understands the importance of a camera in our daily life. The inventor of this essential instrument camera is also a Muslim scientist. The name is Ibn al-Haysa. In 1021, this Muslim came up with the idea of ​​inventing the first camera. This idea is recorded in the book Al-Manaji by the Iraqi scientist. However, it took many more years to discover the full camera. Then the scientists added innovation to the camera in a few steps. Finally, in 1975, Kodak’s Steven Sasson brought the first digital camera to human civilization.


Ibn al-Haytham, a Muslim scientist, was born in 965 in the city of Basra, Iraq. Ibn al-Haytham’s Kitab al-Manazir, or Book of Optics, is considered to be the equivalent of Newton’s Principia mathematics in terms of its influence on physics. He examines and proves that light travels in a straight line. Scientists such as the famous Roger Bacon and Johann Kepler were greatly influenced by Haytham’s Book of Optics.

★6.Coffee, Toothbrush and Soap

Yemenis first cultivated coffee in the world in the ninth century. Many say that Sufi saints used to stay up at night drinking coffee. Then a group of students arrived in the Egyptian capital Cairo and the coffee arrived. From then on coffee cultivation started there too. Later, the cultivation of this coffee spread to different countries of the world including Muslim countries. Meswak was first used as a toothpaste in the history of Islam.

And from that came the idea of ​​the first toothbrush. It is because of Islam that the need to clean teeth is gained. It is generally agreed that the ancient Egyptians were the first to use tree branches to clean their teeth. The first evidence of the use of soap was found in ancient Babylon 2,800 BC. But scented soaps originated in the Muslim-dominated Middle East. Soap making and use was widespread in ancient Mesopotamian civilization. In that continuity, the inhabitants of the ancient Syrian city of Aleppo had the ability to make excellent soap.  Soap production is an important industry in many Muslim countries, including Syria. Colorful perfume soaps, medical soaps were made and exported from various cities in Syria. Nablus, Damascus, Aleppo and Sarmin were famous for making soap.

★7.Direction Instruments and Maps

Like other fields of science, they contributed to the invention of directional instruments and to the mapping of rivers and oceans. The name of Al Idris is the first thing to be mentioned when mentioning the contribution of Muslims in the world of maps.

Born in Spain in the seventh century, this philosopher acquired a vast knowledge of the contemporary world. Al-Razari’s illustrations became so popular that the whole of Europe, Asia, and Africa used his maps as wallpapers. It was used for navigation, and no other nation’s warships could enter the Mediterranean without the permission of the Muslims.

★8.The First Hospital

When it comes to treatment, the names of doctors and hospitals come up. Human civilization without hospitals is unthinkable in today’s world. And this excellent place of human service was first introduced by the Muslims. Ahmad Ibn Tulun felt the need for this hospital in the interest of medical treatment and well-being of the people. He was a ruler of the Tulunid Empire.

The first hospital system in the history of the world was introduced in Egypt in the ninth century. Ahmed Ibn Tulun established the “Ahmed Ibn Tulun Hospital” in 872 Cairo, the capital of Egypt. A hospital was established in Tunisia in the ninth century. The most elaborate and eco-friendly hospital built by Muslims during this medieval period was built in 982 by the ruler Wadud al-Walid in Baghdad. Later the idea of ​​hospital system spread all over the world. In other words, in the modern world, Muslims are the first to bring this hospital system for treatment. Gradually hospital systems were introduced all over the world.

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