History of destruction in Afghanistan

History of destruction in Afghanistan

The history of the Afghan war with the world’s superpowers is thousands of years old.  Afghanistan’s prehistoric and nineteenth-century history speaks volumes about the country’s adventures and adventures.  The Afghans have always fought with the British colonial powers, the Soviet Union and later the United States.  The Middle East is on the brink of collapse as the Taliban fight all the world’s superpowers.  For the reader, there is a history of the destruction of Afghanistan.

 Today’s topic of discussion…..

1.  The fall of the occupiers repeatedly in Afghanistan

2.  The long war between Russia and Afghanistan

3.  The rise of the Taliban, the destruction

4.  Two decades of U.S. troops on Afghan soil

5.  Who are the Taliban?

6 .  Destruction in the name of the Islamic State

7.  How powerful the Taliban is still

8.  Historic installations destroyed in the war

9.  The influx of Afghan refugees around the world

10.  Afghans in millennial crisis

★1.The fall of the occupiers repeatedly in Afghanistan

The history of Afghanistan shows the history of the country, the common people and the traditions. The Middle Eastern country has been repeatedly attacked by foreign superpowers. From BC, today’s Afghanistan is plagued by attacks by emperors and kings of other countries.  Afghans have seen the rise and fall of many empires. These attacks have been described since ancient times by historians and archaeologists. The First Anglo-Afghan War (1838-1842) is considered a tearful chapter in Afghanistan’s long history.


In 1838, British Governor General George Eden (Lord Auckland) declared war on Afghanistan by declaring the Shimla Manifesto. The attack was prompted by the need to protect Indian territory from Afghanistan and its allies. But the British wanted to remove Dost Mohammad Khan and his associates, the ruler of Kabul. To put it bluntly, the British wanted to hand over control of Kabul to the grandson of former Afghan King Shah Shuja Durrani and the country’s founder, Ahmad Shah Durrani. Later, however, as a means of defending sovereignty, the Afghans banned the entry of the British and Russians. Then in 1979 the former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. It is said that the war in Afghanistan was one of the regulators of the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1989, the Soviet Union withdrew all troops from Afghanistan. The international community then called on the Taliban government to hand over responsibility for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States.  But Seba also turned down the offer. To respond, US-led forces launched an operation in Afghanistan. In the following months, anti-Taliban forces in Afghanistan, the Northern Alliance, with the help of US and British forces, attacked Kabul and overthrew the Taliban government. Although the war did not stop, it lasted for 20 long years. Although the Taliban and Al Qaeda were the main targets in the war, millions of ordinary Afghans lost their lives in the long war. The puppet government of the British was used as the identity of the nominated ruler of all foreign governments after Shah Shuja. In the 1980 Decade, Soviet nominee Babrak Karmal was known to Afghans as Shah Shuja the Second. The next time, at the turn of the century, in 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan. Their nominee gives power to Hamid Karzai. Hamid Karzai was known as ‘Shah Shuja the Third’.

★2.The long war between Russia and Afghanistan

It is called Mujahideen. The Soviet Union entered Afghanistan in December 1979 with 30,000 troops amid a conflict between the government and the People’s Party. People’s leader Hafizullah Amin was ousted in a short time. Banner leader Babrak Karmal came to power. But he could not be popular. With the support of the United States, the Mujahideen rose to prominence in different parts of the country.

At that time, Pakistan, the United States and Muslim countries were sympathetic to the Mujahideen. In 1988, the Soviet Union signed peace agreements with the United States, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and agreed to withdraw troops from those countries. In February 1989, the Soviet Union withdrew its troops from Afghanistan.

★3.The rise of the Taliban, the destruction

Late December 1979. The Soviet army entered Afghanistan to protect the communist government.

Moscow then said the Soviet troops would stay for six months. But in the end, Soviet troops were in that country for 10 long years, and Afghanistan became the Soviet Union’s Vietnam. He kept women at home in the name of US Islamic rule in the middle of the war, and stopped them from going to school.

Apadmastak is forced to wear a burqa and even stops recreational activities. Anyone involved in such activities is severely punished. Then they created anarchy all over Afghanistan. Destruction is carried out from one end of the country to the other. Dust is humanity.

★4.Two decades of U.S. troops on Afghan soil

Following the destruction of the Twin Towers, the United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Although the Taliban were initially wiped out by US troops, the Taliban reorganized in 2004/5. The militant group has been fighting US and Afghan forces. Countless ordinary people have been the victims of this war. Throughout the two-decade-long war, US troops have had to deal with the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Last April, US President Joe Biden announced that he would withdraw troops by August 31, the day before Nine-Eleven Day. According to the announcement, the United States and NATO have already withdrawn their troops. According to analysts, the United States has spent more than 2 trillion on the Afghan war. The country lost thousands of troops in the Afghan war. Under such circumstances, the country withdrew its troops from Afghanistan. However, this view of US President Biden did not satisfy analysts. If Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden are the targets of the Americans, then two goals were achieved 10 years ago. So why did the army withdraw after so long? Analysts believe that the United States literally wanted to establish a regime in Afghanistan close to the Western superpowers. Which is a lot like the colonial period.  But the United States has withdrawn its troops from Afghanistan out of frustration that it has failed to achieve that goal and that it has little chance of achieving that goal at the moment.

★5.Who are the Taliban?

The rise of the Taliban was in 1989, when the Soviet Union (now Russia) withdrew its troops from Afghanistan. They ruled the southwestern part of the country and on the border with Pakistan. The group (Taliban) has vowed to fight corruption and restore security in Afghanistan. However, the group also introduced Islamic rule in Afghanistan. By 1998, they had taken control of almost all of Afghanistan. They introduced Islamic Sharia rule as well as the introduction of cruel punishment. Men are forced to wear beards and girls are forced to wear burqas.

TV, music and movies have been banned since then. After being ousted from power in Afghanistan, they reorganized in the border areas of Pakistan. They are believed to have about 85,000 armed fighters. They are now in their strongest position since 2001.

★6.Destruction in the name of the Islamic State

The United States has pulled out of Afghanistan, ending its longest war. The country has lost thousands of their troops.  It has also monitored the deaths of millions of Afghan soldiers and civilians.  The United States has spent more than 2 trillion on the Afghan war. However, this did not end the war in Afghanistan. On the contrary, the situation is getting worse.  The Taliban has become a symbol of terror in the country. In the name of religion, they are destroying ancient structures and followers of other religions and their places of worship.

The lives of ordinary Afghans today are much more insecure than they were in 2001. Civilian casualties last year were about 30 percent higher than when US troops began deploying to the country in 2001. However, violence has increased in recent times. The Taliban are waging a massive propaganda campaign against the military to break the morale of the Afghan security forces. According to international analysts and Afghan officials, there is only barbarism in the history of the Taliban. In the name of establishing Islamic rule, armed militant groups of the country are carrying out various criminal activities including killing people, attacking government and non-government institutions, demolishing ancient structures. Afghan officials have told the international media that if the Taliban came to power, they would push Afghanistan back a few decades by imposing brutal bigotry, just like under their previous regime. The Taliban will keep women at home in the name of Islamic rule, stop them from going to school, and punish them severely for sins such as wearing the wrong clothes or listening to the wrong music. The oldest country will lose humanity.

★7.How strong is the Taliban still?

According to international analysts and Afghan officials, the way the Taliban are occupying Afghan cities poses a serious threat to the future of the world. And the source of the Taliban’s power is unknown to people around the world. According to UN observers, the source of the Taliban’s funding is unclear. According to UN observers, the Taliban’s annual income could be between 30 million and  150 billion. The bulk of their income comes from the drug business. In addition, they collect money from traders through extortion, various terrorist activities and taxes from the occupied areas.

Again, nothing is clear about the strength of the Taliban. But last year, UN Security Council observers said the militant group had between 55,000 and 85,000 fighters.  According to UN Security Council observers, it is clear from the information available so far that the Taliban do not have to rush to gather manpower, money and weapons. There are allegations that Pakistan, Iran and Russia are providing supplies and advice to the Taliban.  However, the three countries have been denying the allegations.

★8.Historic installations destroyed in the war

Just a few days ago, the United States withdrew its and NATO forces from Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the Taliban have taken control of 116 districts in 29 provinces of Afghanistan. A government official in the country has claimed that the Taliban destroyed various government installations while occupying 116 districts.  The market value stands at 500 million.  The militant group has completely destroyed 260 government buildings in Taliban-controlled areas. The Taliban remained helpless after the 2001 US-led invasion. At that time, they also attacked one installation after another and destroyed the tradition and culture of the country. Silent witnesses to Afghanistan’s glorious past and uncertain future are like two Buddha statues in the Northeast. This vomiting became one of the centers of Buddhism in the sixth century. Thousands of Buddhist monks lived in the valley at that time. This Buddhist temple in Afghanistan has been recognized by UNESCO as an important archeological site. It was almost destroyed by the Taliban in an attack in 2001.

The Taliban are in the game of destroying many Islamic and pre-Islamic installations in war-torn Afghanistan. Many of the country’s ancient installations were damaged in the First Anglo-Afghan, Second Soviet Afghan, and Third United States Afghan Wars. Clashes between the Afghan government and the Taliban have intensified since the recent withdrawal of US troops. The Taliban claim they have already occupied more than 85 percent of Afghanistan. Although there is widespread debate about it. However, it is clear that the Afghan army is struggling to stop the advance of Taliban forces in the country.  In this context, the country’s archaeologists say that Afghanistan’s ancient heritage is on the verge of destruction. If the Taliban take control of the whole country, the Taliban will destroy all the ancient historical sites in this country. Will be lost from the map of the world.

★9.The influx of Afghan refugees around the world

According to a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in 2018, an average of more than 35,000 people were forced to flee their homes every day in the world. One person has been displaced every two seconds. In all, the number of displaced people is 7 crore 10 lakh, which is a record so far. The United Nations says more Afghans are among the refugees.

In that big battle between the Soviets and the Afghans in 1979, 2.8 million Afghans fled to Pakistan and 1.5 million to Iran.  After 10 years of war, the Soviets left in 1989. Then another 10 years passed. The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 in response to the Twin Towers attack.  More than 2.5 million people have returned to Afghanistan since the US-led invasion overthrew the Taliban government.  However, statistics show that more than two million Afghans are still living in refugee camps in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.  Due to the current violence, many of them are not very interested in returning to the country.

★10.Afghans in millennial crisis

The history and tradition of Afghanistan is ancient. Archaeological excavations have revealed that the northern part of the country, the northern part of Afghanistan, was inhabited by humans about 50,000 years ago. The farm in Afghanistan is thought to be one of the oldest farms in the world. Many empires were established in the history of Afghanistan. Notable among them are Greco-Bartrian, Kushan, Hephthalitis, Kabul Shahi, Safari, Samani, Ghaznabi, Ghuri, Khilji, Karti, Mughal and finally Hutak and Durrani empires.

The country’s history shows that people started coming here from Central Asia after 2000 BC, before the pre-Islamic rule.  Most of them were Aryans, who also settled in Iran and India. At that time the name of the area was Ariana. Ancient Ariana was occupied by the Persian Empire in the middle of the sixth century BC. In 330 BC, Alexander the Great defeated the Persian emperor and was able to occupy the eastern frontier of the region. After Alexander’s death in 323 BC, many kings sought to conquer his Asian empire. Notable among these are the Selujit Empire, the Bactrian Empire and the Indian Maurya Empire. The Central Asian Kushan nation was able to control Ariana in the first century AD. Christianity was the main religion here from the 3rd to the 8th century AD. Then came the Central Asian Turkic nation of Han in the 4th century, which brought down the Kushans. In the seventh century AD, Arab armies brought Islam, a new religion, to Afghanistan. The western provinces of Herat and Sistan came under Arab control, but as soon as the Arab troops left, the people returned to their old religion. In the 10th century, a Muslim dynasty called Samanid from Bukhara in present-day Uzbekistan began to gain influence in Afghan territory. From then on the Ganjanabi dynasty was established in Ghazni. From 198 to 1030, King Mahmud of Ghazni ruled Afghanistan. After the death of King Mahmud Ghazni, the influence of Ghazni began to wane. The Ghuri kingdom was established in the 12th century in the town of Ghur in western-central Afghanistan.  They were again defeated in 1215 by the Khwarizmi Shahs of Central Asia. In 1219, Genghis Khan inflicted heavy losses on the towns of Hetat and Balkh and Bamiyan. At the end of the 14th century, the Central Asian general Taimur Long conquered Afghanistan and advanced on India.  However, Timur’s children and grandchildren could not hold the whole of his empire. Zahiruddin Muhammad Babar, a descendant of Taimur Long, captured Kabul from the Armun dynasty in 1504 at the beginning of the 16th century. Then in 1526 he went to India and attacked the Delhi Sultana and defeated the Lodi dynasty. Established the Mughal Empire.  Throughout the 16th to 18th centuries, the Mughal Empire in India, the Uzbek Bukhara Khanate, and the Safavid dynasty of Persia fought for control of Afghanistan. Mirwais died in 1715 and his brother Abdul Aziz ascended the throne at his school.  Mahmud Hatak, son of Mirwais, killed him for treason. Mahmud invaded the Persian capital Isfahan in 1722 and captured the city after the battle of Gulnabad, declaring himself king of Persia. In 1747, Ahmad Shah Durrani made the city of Kandahar his capital and established the Durrani Empire here. Durrani died in 1772. His son Taimur Shah Durrani succeeded him.  From this time on, Afghanistan began to lose many territories to neighboring countries. After the death of Timur in 1793, his son Zaman Shah Durrani came to power. Then Mahmud Shah Durrani, Shuja Shah and others ascended the throne successively.

Afghanistan became the real battleground of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Jihadi forces such as the Taliban and al-Qaeda were born out of the fight against Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Since then, armed groups in Afghanistan have been trying to establish an Islamic state. At that time, they pushed Afghanistan into a backward era by imposing brutal bigotry. At that time, Afghanistan became the real battleground of the Cold War between the Mujahideen and the Taliban fighters between the United States and the Soviet Union. Jihadi forces such as the Taliban and al-Qaeda were born out of the fight against Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Since then, armed groups in Afghanistan have been trying to establish an Islamic state. At that time, they pushed Afghanistan into a backward era by imposing brutal bigotry. Then those Mujahideen or Taliban fighters.

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