Cities of the Ancient Muslims


Cities of the Ancient Muslims

History shows that before the advent of Islam, the Arabs lived in tents made of camel and sheep’s wool. The advent of Islam marked the beginning of a new era in Arab architecture. The Prophet Muhammad (sm) was a holy and classical civilization. He has lit the torch of light in every step of the way for the welfare of the people. Draw a map of a new world. Today’s event is about some of the ancient Muslim heritage cities around the world.… ..

Today’s topic of discussion……

1.Mecca is the holiest city for Muslims
2.The last Muslim empire in Spain was Granada
3.The historic city of Sabta
4.Suzhou was the city of mosques in China
5.The city of Kufa in Iraq
6.Istanbul was the capital of many powerful empires

★1.Mecca is the holiest city for Muslims

The city of Mecca is said to be the holiest city of the followers of Islam. The name of this city is involved as an integral part of the beginning of the history of Islam. Muhammad (pbuh) was born in this city and it was here that he received the first revelation of the Qur’an. (Specifically, in Hera Cave which is 3 km away from the city).


This is where the holy Kaaba Sharif is located. Muslims come here every year to perform Hajj and Umrah. The city is built around the Kaaba, the heart of Mecca. According to Islam, the Kaaba is the Kaaba of the Muslims. Muslims turn their faces towards the Kaaba during the five daily prayers. It guides the prayers of Muslims. The city has been ruled by Muslims since the founding of Islam. In 1925, King Ibn Saud established the state of Saudi Arabia. Since then, the Saud dynasty has been in charge of Mecca. In the modern era, the city has expanded manifold. Change has come.Infrastructure, roads, civic amenities etc.The Royal Clock Tower, the fourth tallest building in the world, is located in this city. The floor area of ​​the building has lost many historical structures and archeological monuments, such as the Aziad Fort, due to the expansion of the third largest city in the world.

Every year 15 million Muslims travel to Mecca. As a result, the city has become one of the world’s leading cosmopolitan cities. Devout Muslims from all over the world come here all year round.

★2.The last Muslim empire in Spain was Granada

The last Muslim empire in Spain was Granada. At the beginning of the 1100 Centuries, the triumph of the Muslims in Spain began to wane. Granada survived as the last Muslim empire. During the Reconquista, one Muslim kingdom after another fell to the invading Christian kingdoms from the north of Al-Andalusia. In big cities like Cordoba, Sevilla and Toledo the fall occurred between the 1100 Centuries and 1300 Centuries.

Granada, the only Muslim state, was able to defend itself from Christians in the 1300 Centuries. After the fall of Cordoba in 1236, the rulers of the Emirate of Granada signed a special treaty with the powerful Christian Castile Empire. In other words, they were allowed to remain independent as the ‘Emirate of Granada’, but they had to pay taxes to the Castile Empire on the condition that they would not face an attack from the Castile Empire.

This tax had to be paid every year as a gold coin. One of the reasons behind the independence of the Emirate of Granada is its geographical location. Granada is located at a very high altitude in the Sierra Nevada mountains of southern Spain, which was very difficult for the invading external force. This natural obstacle served as strength for Granada.

This tax had to be paid every year as a gold coin. One of the reasons behind the independence of the Emirate of Granada is its geographical location. Granada is located at a very high altitude in the Sierra Nevada mountains of southern Spain, which was very difficult for the invading external force. This natural obstacle served as strength for Granada.

For this reason, despite the fact that Christian Castile was weaker militarily than the empire, the natural impediment gave Granada a huge advantage in self-defense. Granada survived for more than 250 years as the last Muslim king of Spain.

★3.The historic city of Sabta

Sabta is a historic city in Morocco. The current name is Ceuta 6 The subcontinent has been a Spanish colony for six centuries. The Spaniards renamed it Ceuta. Moroccan native media promoted the colony as a Spanish enclave. The history of Sabta, an integral part of Morocco, is in no way different from the history of Muslim Adulus and Morocco. Sabta was very prosperous during the Muslim rule.

It had thousands of mosques, many world-famous colleges of knowledge and science. And a large number of rich libraries. Now though there are only five mosques in the whole city. Islamic architecture includes the Mawla Al-Mahdi Mosque, the royal city wall, and some dilapidated forts and baths from eight decades ago.

These too are now on the verge of destruction due to negligence. Murabit, Muwahhid and Almarini have ruled it for hundreds of years. Once Muslim rule in Andalusia was weakened, the city was captured by the Portuguese in 1495.

★4.Suzhou was the city of mosques in China

The history of Islam in China is very old. Islam entered China during the reign of the Tang Dynasty. However, there are two views on the exact time of the arrival of Islam in China. Some say that Islam entered China in the year 620 AD of Muhammad (pbuh). Suzhou is said to be the city of lost mosques in China. The famous commercial city of Suzhou in China was founded in the 5th century BC. The longest river in Asia is located in the neighboring Jiangsu Province in the eastern part of the country.

As a result, the city of Suzhou has developed. This city is full of impossibly beautiful natural rivers and springs. Tourists from different countries of the world come to visit fascinated by its aesthetic scenery. The ancient city is now home to more than 12 million people. It is only 20 minutes by high speed train from Shanghai. The city of Suzhou, once known as the city of Muslims, now has only one mosque. But at one time this city was full of mosques.

From the various stone tablets, documents of the emperors and written documents, it is understood that the Muslims of that time saw the reign of the emperors of the Chinese dynasty. Especially the Tang Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty had great respect for the representatives of Islam. Under the influence of the moral teachings of Islam, the emperors respected the Muslims. Moreover, the peaceful coexistence of people of diverse cultures in the empire was their preference.

★5.The city of Kufa in Iraq

Kufangari was founded during the caliphate of Hazrat Umar (ra). Kufa is a city in present-day Iraq. The city is located 180 kilometers south of Baghdad and 10 kilometers northeast of Najaf on the banks of the Euphrates River. In 2003, the estimated population of the city was 1 lakh 10 thousand. Samarra, Karbala, Khanimia, Najaf are these four Along with the Iraqi city, the city of Kufa is also significant for Shia Muslims.

The city was built during the caliphate of Umar. This city was the capital of Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam. The city has a mosque built in the early period of Islam in the seventh century. Which is known as Masjid Al-Kufa.

★6.Istanbul was the capital of many powerful empires

Istanbul is the only city in the world that stands on two continents at the same time. It is the largest city and main seaport in northwestern Turkey. Although Ankara is the administrative capital of Turkey, Istanbul is still the center of the country’s history, economy and culture. It is ancient Byzantine and Was known as Constantinople.

This historic city is a narrow Bosphorus that separates Europe and Asia and connects the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea.

Located across the eastern and western parts of the system. Istanbul has been the capital of many empires for almost 17 centuries. The Ottoman Empire (1452-1922) was one of them. At this time it became a city of Muslims.

There are many Islamic monuments in this city. Istanbul currently has a population of over 15 million, about one-fifth of the total population of Turkey. Two-thirds of the city’s inhabitants, including the city’s historic and commercial centers, are located in the European part.

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