Buckingham Palace

 Buckingham Palace [England]

 London’s aristocracy manifests itself in Buckingham Palace.  It is known to the world as the royal palace of the British royal family.  It was built as a London residence, entertainment and tourist attraction for the British Royal Family.  The front part of this palace leaves tourists in awe.  He established this part of the palace in 1850

 Edward Bloor.  And the west tower of the palace was redesigned in 1913 by Sir Eston Ware.  Buckingham Palace is now the residence of the Duke and Queen of Edinburgh.  Buckingham Palace was built a long time ago in 1702.  This palace was the residence of Queen Charlotte.  But now the palace does not look like it did in the beginning.  The palace has been renovated several times, though the design has not undergone major changes. 

Buckingham Palace

Some architects have opined that although this renovation has been done due to the need of time, much of the nobility that was evident in the original design has been reduced.  But the royal appeal was not wasted.  This palace is the administrative headquarters of the British monarchy.  The Queen entertains and meets her guests at this place.  The Changing Guard takes place at Buckingham Palace every 45 minutes.  Every year many locals and thousands of tourists flock to London to watch this parade.  In terms of art and paintings, Buckingham Palace in London has one of the richest art collections in the world.

 These are displayed at state events.  To the west of the palace is a large dining hall.  This is the national canteen.  The royal arrangement here dazzles the eyes.  It is here that the queen dines with the world’s foremost powerful and virtuous personalities.  There are musicians in the palace.  In the past, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh used to entertain guests here.

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