Subdural Hematoma – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

What is subdural hematoma?

In medical terms, the scalp is called the scalp. The bone beneath the scalp is the skull. To the common people it is known as skull. And just below the scalp is a special screen of the brain — Dura Matter. It covers the brain. Protects from external injuries. Bleeding between the dura mater and the brain for any reason is called subdural hematoma.

Causes and types

Subdural hematoma is caused by an external head or brain injury. This can create additional pressure inside the skull. Excessive pressure can cause the brain tissue to shrink or be damaged. Patients with subdural hematoma may die. However, it is possible to get rid of this problem with quick and proper treatment. It is mainly of two types

★1. Acute subdural hematoma

★2. Chronic subarachnoid hematoma

Note: Acute subdural hematoma is more lethal.

Urgent surgery is urgent

If the thickness of the subdural hematoma is more than 1 cm, the patient has to undergo surgery on the brain as soon as possible. According to doctors, if surgery can be performed within four hours of detection of acute subdoral hematoma, it is possible to save 70 out of every 100 patients. And more than four hours after surgery, only 10 percent of patients’ lives could be saved.


Acute subarachnoid hematoma is a major cause of death in humans due to head injuries, according to a study. In this case 50 to 90 percent of the patients eventually died. In contrast, only 20 to 30 percent of patients regain brain function. People who are victims of motorcycle accidents suffer more. So motorcyclists and riders must wear helmets.

The elderly are at higher risk

Chronic subdural hematoma is more common in adults. In old age the brain is more damaged. At this time the blood vessels of the brain are fragile. As a result, blood vessels can rupture with very little injury. May cause bleeding. Patients with chronic subdoral hematoma come to the doctor with symptoms like headache, amnesia, difficulty speaking, numbness of limbs, paralysis, convulsions etc. The disease is diagnosed by CT scan. Surgery is required within four hours of detection.

Can’t be ignored

Head injuries cannot be ignored. Go to the hospital quickly. In addition to severe headaches and convulsions, you need to go to the hospital immediately. The number of patients with subarachnoid hematoma is increasing in Bangladesh. One of the reasons for this is the high number of road accidents in the country. So it is important to be careful while walking on the road.

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