Hazrat Imam Ghazali (Rah.)

Hazrat Imam Ghazali (Rah.) Used to be called ‘Hujjatul Islam’ or the authentic form of Islam. His profound knowledge and influential philosophy had a profound effect on nine contemporary neighboring states. This great man died in 505 AH, 1111. He was only 55 years old then. He was buried near the tomb of the immortal Iranian poet Ferdousi. On the morning of the day of his death, he performed the Fajr prayers and went to bed wearing a shroud with his own hands. Imam Ghazali appeared in the middle of the fifth century, when Western and Greek philosophy spread.

He distinguished between religion and philosophy and gave precedence to religion over philosophy. Ghazzali’s only belief and position was that revelation or prophetic thought was above all human intellect. According to him, no philosophical doctrine can be proved by a far-sighted argument.


He publicly condemned the tendency of the people to turn religious beliefs into logical formulas. Hujjatul Islam Abu Hamed Mohammad Al-Ghazali (Rah.) Was born in the year 450 AH, in the city of Tus, in the province of Khorasan, Iran. His father’s name was Mohammed al-Ghazali. Ghazal means thread, this consistency of naming has therefore made his dynasty known as Ghazali. According to some, Imam Ghazali’s descendants probably traded in yarn. Hence their lineage is known as Ghazali.

Like many experts and philosophers, Gazallio viewed the world as both temporary and eternal. This world or transient existence is controlled by the Creator – it is not governed by any law or government. According to him, he not only created the world but also the creator and controller of every small and big, past-present-future of the world. Ghazali published about 400 books on Islamic law and Sufism aimed at his opponents. His two major books are-

★1.  Ehyahiul Uloom

★2.  Alchemy

Ayahiul Uloom is his best work. He has become immortal in history by searching for the right path of spiritual knowledge and thought.

> On the morning of the day of death, he performed the Fajr prayers and lay down wearing a shroud with his own hands. Imam Ghazali appeared in the middle of the fifth century, when Western and Greek philosophy spread.

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