Melinda Gates – American

★★★ Melinda Gates ★★★

★★ American ★★

Every day when we wake up, we both dream of spending our resources to build a world where everyone can live well and use their talents and abilities to create new things.” With such hopes, Bill Gates and his ex-wife, Melinda French Gates, the world’s first wealthy Qatari, American and world trade mogul, successful software developer, investor, writer and donor.


In 2000, Melinda started a variety of charitable activities around the world by establishing her own charity called the Bill & Melinda Foundation. He was born on August 15, 1964 in Dallas, Texas, USA. After earning a BBA and an MBA from Deuteronomy University in the United States, Melinda joined Bill Gates, a world-renowned technologist, as a marketing manager at the prestigious Microsoft company. Through his hands, the world’s best technology of Microsoft Multimedia such as: Microsoft Word, Publisher Money Expedia, etc. spread worldwide.

In the early 1990’s, Melinda took over as General Manager of Microsoft. In early 1994, she married Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. Three children were born in their house. Melinda quits her job at Microsoft to take care of her children, but gets involved in various charitable activities. Both Bill Gates and Melinda are co-founders of the foundation they founded. This foundation helps in various fields including gender equality, global development, creation of opportunities for improvement in their respective fields, development of health management policy. The Foundation has its head office in Washington and has regional offices in India, China, Britain, Germany, Ethiopia, Abuja, Nigeria and South Africa. About 1,800 employees work in this foundation. 

In the two decades since its inception, it has distributed more than 60 thousands crore dollars in grants through the Bill & Melinda Foundation. At present, the assets of this foundation are worth about 50 thousands crore dollars. Bill and Melinda are providing global services from the income of these resources.

In 2020, backward people in 49 US states and 134 countries around the world will move forward on the path to a better life with the help of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Sad but true, in the first week of August 2021, they ended their 27-year marriage through a court. According to various sources, each of them had assets of 7600 crore dollars at that time.

Even after the divorce, the two continue to work for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as co-chairs. Recently, however, Melinda Gates announced that she would donate most of her income and assets to various charities around the world instead of the foundation. According to this great giant, it is unrealistic or cruel for one to have so much wealth. I believe that those who have got this privilege should donate it in the best possible way.’

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